Chapter 2 "Assigned site"

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In the last chapter we got teleported into the SCP universe. During our stay we had a interview, or rather a lie detection test, which didn't go out very well with the first question answered. Now all O5 members deem us as a threat. We are home in our bed asleep, expecting in the morning the travel to our assigned site.



Waking up from my slumber, I remember about my day yesterday, 'Did that really just happen to me?' was the only thought that went through my head. Sighing, I stand from my bed, up. Maybe I can prove it  somehow? 'Wait, didn't I had a bike in my dream?' I thought. Looking out from the window at my bedroom, I saw my bike parked on the driveway. 'Maybe it did happen?' I believed myself.  Making my way to the kitchen I noticed some luggage infront of my door. 'So it really happened' I thought. After getting to the kitchen I made myself some breakfast. 

Y/N: "Nothing better to start the day by eating some breakfast." I declared. 

Finishing my breakfast I put my dirty dish in the sink. When will they pick me up again? 9 a.m. if I remember correctly. 'Welp, I don't know how long the ride is gonnabe, so I am going to the toilet right now.' I reasoned in my head. On the toilet I checked the SCP wikidot articles for more informations. 'Can it be that I am also in the SCP CB universe, nah, but it would be interesting.' I thought. After I finished my time on the toilet I checked the time on my phone.

Y/N: "Huh, it's 8:58 already, i should probably be ready for the departu-." I  said to myself before being interrupted by the doorbell ringing. "I guess it's time." I said to myself once more.

Going to the entry door of my house, I opened it.

???: "Hello! Are you by chance Mr. L/N?" the person asked me, to which I responded with a simple nod. "Well then, grab your belongings and accompany me please, the foundation field agent is awaiting us." she said, to which I complied.

Grabbing my belongings, I followed her through a dark alley on the other side of the street. Going through the tiny path, we saw a van on the other site of it. The windows were dark painted and so was the vehicle in general. She took my belongings and gestured me to enter the van. Not even after taking my first step, a ,presumably, field agent opened the slide door for me to enter. Obeying the order from earlier I entered the van and sat on an available seat. The sound of luggage being packed was heard behind me in the trunk. Moments later the female field agent from earlier entered the van and sat on the opposite of me. After minutes of silence I started a conversation.

Y/N: "Am I the first one to be collected?" I asked the two field agents.

Male field agent: "No, we collect junior researchers individually and take them to their assigned site." he answered me, to which I responded with a uhuh

Y/N: "To which site was I assigned to?" I asked with curiosity to the field agent.

Male field agent: "You are assigned to Site-19, because a prior breach killed some of the researchers, so you'll be probably a replacement for them." he answered me.

I wipe my phone screen with a napkin to clear of the filth on the screen and put it in my pocket.

After a minute the male field agent said to the female field agent.

Male field agent: "We are now out of the city, could you please sedate him?" He asked his colleague.

Female field agent: "Don't worry, it's only that you don't know the location of the site." she reassured me, to which I relaxed a little.

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