Chapter 1 "First problem"

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In the last chapter, our wish got somehow heard by an anomalous entity. Wishing to have a much cooler life, than our already normal life. Maybe wishing to be in a dangerous universe with entities that kill humans on a daily basis was a good wish, would be an overstatement. What could possibly happen here? We just need to play safe...



I stand up groggily with a headache from my bed. 'Jeez, I feel like I had a ride with a rollercoaster. Did I take anything, that it made feel that way, but I didn't take anything yesterday evening, maybe it is just a bad headache?'. 

???: 'Ah, you're finally awake. I have been wondering when you will wake up.' said an unknown voice, startling me.

Quickly looking around my room, I see no one in my room. Maybe it was my imagination that was fooling with me...

???: 'I can asure you, that you do not imagine things right now.' The voice said emotionless.

Y/N: "Who's there! Show yourself!" I shouted while preparing a fighting stance. But the voice only chuckles.

???: 'Trust me, you don't even have the prowess to defeat me. Besides, I am not here to harm you, but to say that your wish is granted.' said the voice.

'My wish? I don't even know about wishing something, perchance a wish where I was young.' I thought, but the voice only chuckles again at my attempt. 

???:'This one is recent, try to remember one of your last sentences before falling asleep yesterday.' it said.

I don't remember wishing something yesterday, wait. My wish to be in the SCP universe, but this is impossible, you need to be a high entity to accomplish something like this, maybe the voice that is talking to me is that kind of entity. 'This could only be a dream, maybe pinching myself would give me an answer.' I thought before pinching myself on my arm. I felt a minor pain on my pinched arm. 'Am I on drugs or something?' I questioned myself.

???: "I ,personally, think your attempts for your confusion, humourous, but this is getting annoying." the voice said, but this time I heard the voice more clearer and heard it to from my wardrobe.

Quickly I ran infront of my wardrobe and opened it to find nothing inside of it. Confused I closed the wardrobe and sat on my bed while holding my hand on my forehead.

???: "This is getting old, even for me. Y/N, you wished to be in the SCP universe yesterday, and by miracle, I heard it." the voice said, now clearly annoyed now. "But, I didn't fullfill your wish so you could have a much cooler life, it's because I could amuse myself watching you." said the mysterious voice.

Y/N: "So, I am in the SCP universe now?" I said confusingly.

???: "Ding ding ding, the retard got it. And yes, you are. Don't worry about things that will happen, I got that covered for continous amusement for myself and maybe for you too. And don't try to see me, your to weak see my body, your soul will just vanish from existence." the voice said now with a hint of amusement at the part insulting me.

Y/N: "But how will I join the Foundation?" I said, again, with confusion.

???: "Don't worry about it, after a breach on a site by an unidentified force, the Foundation needs more researchers and high level personnel. I originally thought of just writing a letter, but it would have brought even more confusion. With that aside, I sent the SCP Foundation an application, in your name, to them. In the envelope on your desk is the adress of the meeting with the applicants. There, they would test and question you. And after a short time, you will be transfered to the breached site, or an already existing site. There might be surprising changes in this universe." explained the voice.

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