Chapter 9 "Disappearance and 'Explanation'"

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-Chief Security Agent Alan Sedna POV-

A sudden alarm whirred through the facility, waking me up from my sleep. Thinking this is a containment breach, I immediately went to put on my gear.

Speaker: "Control to all active agents and guards inside the facility; multiple euclid and keter anomalies have breached, multiple unauthorized hostile humanoids inside the facility, heavy weaponry advised." a voice boomed through the site, ending with a loud beep sound.

'Fuck, who's here now?'. I hurried putting on my gear and after that, I took my rifle and pistol and left my personal sleeping chamber. Taking out my radio, I try to contact the other personnel inside the facility. 

Agent Alan Sedna: "This is security chief of Site-19, I want reports from all agents!" I ordered through the radio channel, recieving not a single tone from it as a responce.

Sighing, I packed my radio back in my vest and continued my walk through the facility, seemingly unbothered throughout of it. Glancing around a corner, I spotted a facility guard, limping their towards my direction. Before I could do anything, the guard was shot in the back, prompting me to go back behind the corner. 'Who was that?!'. I readied my rifle and peeked yet again. This time, a group of dark green clothed men stood around the motionless body of the guard. They poked the guard, probably to see if the guard is still alive. After doing so, they nodded at one another, before one of the green clothed man pointed their rifle against the guard's visor, firing two quick shots. 'Maybe it's a group of interest?'. I quickly aimed my rifle down the hallway and fired a spray of bullets at them, piercing their body armor with ease. 'They sure have bad armor on them.'. Looking around the area, I determined they were alone as a group. Approaching their bodies,  I noticed a familiar badge on one of them with the caption; Should Intermittent Vengeance Arm Again His Red Right Hand To Plague Us?. 'Fuck, not again.'. A sudden sound emitted from one of the bodies. 

??? 1: "Delta Team, do you have the lieutenant with the target?" a radio-like voice emitted from one of the bodies. 

I approach one of the bodies where the sound came from. Taking a closer look at it, I noticed a radio peeking out of the vest. I took it from it's vest and held it close to me.

??? 2: "This is Delta Team, the two are not at the agreed position, I repeat, the two are not at the agreed position." someone answered the person on the same frequency.

???: 1: "Search the facility, I don't care! The information the target hold is very important to us, do whatever to achieve this goal. You have 78 minutes before the evacuation arrives, the channel will be now terminated, you are now on your own. Don't disappoint me!" a sudden silence overtook me, with only the quiet static in the background overcoming it.

A moment of silence overtook me, being interrupted by a voice from my radio.

Agent Ulgrin: "Agent Ulgrin here! Researchers were safely evacuated to the shelters, a handful of guards and me are barricading the entrance to the evacuation shelters because of an engagement of the Chaos Insurgency. To anyone alive out there, be safe. I will look around the facility for survivors. If a light shines on you, whistle, so I know you are someone from the Foundation." he said.

'Atleast they are safe. Where the fuck are the MTF, they should be here by now.'. Cursing, I sneak from hallway to hallway, hoping to find anyone out there. 'Checking outside the evacuation shelter shouldn't be a good idea.'. Some time passed, and I wondered, where the SCP's are. I didn't even seen one of them, in my entire walk. 'If the SCP's aren't here, then someone must have took them... . Better wait for reinforcements to arrive or wait until they are gone... .'. A sudden light shined upon me, and I quickly whistled.

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