Chapter 5 "Is this even allowed?"

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In the last chapter we got in a heavy alcholic state ,during a party, to answer some questions from the site director and the O5 Council. And unfortunately, we told them about our knowledge, but before getting detailed answers, we fell asleep. 



I woke up to someone embracing me. I looked to see Elizabeth clinging onto me like a child hugging their teddy bear. I wiggled myself out of her grasp and stood up with a massive headache. 'Wha-... What happened? The last thing I remember is doing a drinking contest, and that's it. Wait, why am I in a bed with Elizabeth?'. I looked over the clock and it read 8:00 a.m.. I shook Elizabeth awake.

Y/N: "You need to get up!" I said to her with while having a massive headache.

With her arms she held herself up. She stared at me before closing her eyes and let herself fall face-first on her pillow. 

Y/N: "Don't you remember what happened last time when you did that?" I asked her, tired of her childish behaviour.

She only mumbled with her face still on the pillow. I instantly threw her out of the bed and she ended up with a loud thud on the floor with a hiss of pain escaping her mouth. Like last time, she stared at me with hatred in her eyes. 

Y/N: "I thought you learned from your last time." I said to her, before stretching my arm out to help her, which she accepted. I helped her up before leaving the office for a coffee in the cafeteria.

Arriving there I sat on a lone table, when I saw Dr.Bright approaching me. She took a seat before me and began to speak.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "Where's Elizabeth?" she asked curiously about my partner whereabouts. (A/n: I forgot to add the first name for her, sorry.)

Y/N: "She should be coming right now, why do you ask?" I asked her.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "Well, we have something special today!" she said excitingly.

After a while, Elizabeth finally arrived at our table.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "Good, everybody is now here. You, both, have an interview with an SCP today, yay!" she said with a cheerful smile.

Y/N: "Uhm, which SCP?" I asked, curious about the SCP.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "You will see soon enough." she replied me.

'What SCP could it be?'. When we finished our breakfast, she gestured us to follow her. We followed her to the Heavy Containment Zone, where dangerous SCP's reside. We entered the containment zone, where we entered an observation room. An individual was being restraint on a chair with handcuffs. I noticed the SCP has a very curvy figure. On closer look I saw what SCP it was. 'What the fuck! What happened to SCP-049!'. 

Dr.Jackie Bright: "This is SCP-049. She's a Euclid class, she's mostly cooperative towards us, but when she has an angry outburst I advise you to keep distance and let the guards do the job. Here is the document about her, your training with me will now be put into action. Quickly read over the document and go in there, but you need to enter both at the same time." she explained to us.

'Wait, when the some of the SCP's changed, did the documents of them also?'. I looked over them to find nothing changed, except she is now considered as a female. 'Strange'. I looked over to my workmate to find her with the reading done.

Dr. Jackie Bright: "Good, you may enter." she said to us.

We entered the room and sat on the chairs provided to us and activated an audio recorder

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