Chapter 4 "The cat is out of the bag"

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In the last chapter a Chaos Insugency agent survived in the storage area 6. She now goes under an alias as Elizabeth L/N, as a new junior researcher. Because we and the agent are now suspicous, we live in an office together, monitored by the site director and his staff members. 


-Elizabeth L/N POV-

I woke up with the sounds of my alarm clock. I looked at the time to see it is 3:00 a.m.. Shutting off the alarm clock, I stood up from my bed and noticed my partner still sleeping in his chair. I quietly exited the room and went to find a communication method. 'I need a map to find a warehouse'. With that idea I sneaked past other offices, along the hallway, where I can still hear noises of papers being sorted. 'In the room of the site director must be a map'. I peaked my head around the corridor to find a camera on the top of the corner. 'I must wait for the death angle of the camera, before I cross to the other site'. When the camera turned away, I sprinted quietly for the door. 'Hopefully the cameras don't have audio recording, it will be my demise if they did. I am sure I made myself suspicous already, with how the Foundation works'. The door I just entered led me to a hallway, where I could see the room of the site director. 'Fuck, the door is closed, guess I need to go back'. Somehow by miracle, the door opened revealing the site director. Before he could go out of his office, I immediately hid in the shadow in the hallway. The director poke his head out before leaving his office opened, again. 'He must be really careless'. After he went out of the hallway and shut the door behind him, I entered his office. Looking around I found lots of drawers. 'It must be here somehwere'.  I sneaked my way to them and opened them one by one. And finally after looking at the last one, I found the plan of the facility. 'This will come in handy'. I grabbed the map and closed the drawer. I suddenly heard a door open in the hallway. 'Ah fuck, please don't be him'. I rushed to the side of the door and heard footsteps approaching. 'I just need to be fast'. With my reassuring thought, I calmed myself a little. Someone entered the office, as none other than the site director. He continued to walk before stopping in his tracks. But before he could turn around to lock the door, I was already out of his office. He closed the door and I sneaked away with the plan of the facility. I take a quick look at it, to find that a small warehouse is not far from here. With the known location, I went to off. Finding it, I swiped the keycard at the door panel and entered it. 'Looks like a storage room'. I looked at the shelfs to find a walkie-talkie and quickly take it. I try to turn on the walkie-talkie, to find that it's not working. I took of the back panel of the radio, to find no batteries in it. 'Ah geez'. I searched for batteries and found some and put them in. I put in the radio frequency to make contact with HQ.

Elizabeth L/N: "Hello, can anyone hear me?" trying to contact my fellow members.

???: "Identify yourself!" someone ordered through the walkie-talkie.

Elizabeth L/N: "Lieutenant Garcia, member of the group; blood hounds, I quickly need to speak to my superior!" I ordered the man on the other

After a moment of silence, the person on the other line answered.

???: "Very well, I will put her through." the person answered me.

After a moment of silence, I was greeted by my superior.

???: "Ah hello, lieutenant, I thought you were KIA?" she said, somehow surprised by my call.

Elizabeth L/N: "Hello, and no, but I was almost." I said to the other line.

???: "Ah yes, so, did you escape the facility?" she asked me curiously.

Elizabeth: "No, I am still here." I answered her, to which she was surprised.

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