Chapter 6 "It's official"

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In the last chapter SCP-049 confused us to look out for our workmate identity, whatever that means. SCP-682 proposed to be our girlfriend and with a quick call with the site director, we accepted. But in response the O5 Council activated a Mobile Task Force for our protection and safety.


-Captain Lily POV, transport aircraft-

I stared towards the table infront of me, in thought. 'I didn't know I would see 682 again. And why does a person need protection from an SCP, if it's already in containment? I need to speak to the site director about this.'. I was snapped out of my thoughts when one of my teammates shook me from my trance. I looked at her nametag to realize it's Private Pavlov.

Private Pavlov: "Everyone is ready for departure, they are waiting for further instructions." she informed about the current status of my unit.

Captain Lily: "Good, tell them to meet me here as soon as possible." I told her in a demanding way, to which she responded with a right away ma'm.

Soon after the whole unit came in and saluted to me. 

Captain Lily: "At ease. Our destination will be at site-19, where we got assigned to watch and protect a person. *throws pictures at the table, containing a man, pictured in various angles and his name written in red marker on every picture * He is a junior researcher at the site. From what the director of the site told me, he holds valuable information for The Foundation so we need to protect him at all cost. He doesn't know he is watched over, so keep your mouth shut about our mission and don't do anything that could compromise it. As I said earlier we will see an SCP again, SCP-682. Our mission, in summary, is to protect him from SCP-682 or any other dangerous SCP and even other facility workers. We will be dressed as staff members and have access to the facility to monitor him. Any more question?" I asked everyone present.

Lieutenant Wilson: "How does a junior researcher hold that valuable information that he needs to be personally a MTF unit assigned? And why did you address SCP-682 primarily, it's not like they are close together, ma'm?" she asked her superior about their mission.

Captain Lily: "That's how the site director told me, but I expect a more detailed conversation from him when we get there." I answered her. "Any more questions?". 

After a short moment of silence I dismissed everyone and sat back on my seat, waiting for our arrival at the site.

-Unknown Timeskip-

???: "This is the pilot speaking, we reached the site and prepare for landing, please be ready to leave this aircraft." a person said through a speaker system.

'Finally, the flight seemed endless'. I stood up from my chair and saw my team getting their packages ready. They readied up and we left the aircraft to meet the site director outside.

Dr.Arthur Hackett: "Good that you came. Follow me to my office, we have much to discuss about the situation!" he shouted, trying to overshout the engine of the aircraft's engine.

He did a handmotion, gesturing us to follow. We complied and entered the facility. We got some stares of a few workers here, probably because we still are in our combat suits. He entered a code on a door, and entered it, with us following behind him. He closed the door and shut the lights off. He then projected a clip of the supposed man we need to protect, drunk and out of his mind.

Dr.Arthur Hackett: "That video will show his importance to The Foundation." he said, before playing the video.

At the end of the video, everyone in my unit was shocked. 'Just who is he, to know that many secrets?'. Everyone was interrupted when the director coughed on his hand.

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