Chapter 3 "A raise of suspicion"

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In the last chapter we arrived at our assignated site, Site-19. We saw a genderbend of Dr.Bright, but we decided to not question it further. The O5 Council monitors you now in your own office room and sent an O5 member to interrogate us.


-Dr.Arthur Hackett POV-

Apparently Dr.Maynard connected SCP-079 to the controls of the facility, releasing every dangerous SCP, wether sentient or not. 'What should I do with you, SCP-079?' the site director pondered about the SCP.

SCP-079, an old computer, but with an extremely dangerous A.I. that could control the facility, if connected, even if it's just one computer with restricted access. Sadly the SCP has a small storage capacity, so it's recalling of earlier events, which were uninterested for it, deleted it.

He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when his phone start ringing. Taking out his phone, he saw that his superior is calling him, so he quickly answered his phone.

O5-12: "Dr. Arthur Hackett, I have a task for you." he said through the phoneline.

Dr. Arthur Hackett: "What is it?" he asked curiously about his request.

O5-12: "I want you to look through Mr. L/N phone for suspicous activity, if he makes himself more suspicious than now, then I want you to interrogate Mr. L/N about his goal here. The O5's have been more strictly after finding out about a mole inside the Foundation, even a high ranking one at that. You can even get him high on drugs, if it's necessary. And tell your senior researchers to take closer looks and be more strictly with the new junior researchers. We can't have another breach, not caused by a insider of a enemy organization inside the SCP Foundation staff members. We hope we can count on you, we want the information as soon as possible." he said, giving the site director new orders, in a strict voice.

The site director was surprised by this personal request, but he couldn't deny a request from his superior. 'I can do this later, I will tell the senior researcher what to do for now.' he thought in his head. Sighing he sent a E-Mail to every senior staff member to pay close attention to what the new reserachers were doing. Pressing send, he stood from his chair up and made his daily routine around the facility for safety measures. Leaving his office he saw you also leaving your office at the same time.

Dr. Arthur Hackett: "Morning Mr. L/N." he said in friendly manner to you, to which you greet the same way to him back.

He saw you quickly running off down the hallway. 'Strange.' he thought.

Continuing his walk he met other members of the Foundation. Almost all personal on this site he knows personal. 'Meh, I can do the interrogation after a while.' he hought.

The site director was known for his procrastination, he did his work on time, but on a late due time. For now, he must be present in the interview with the escaped, now captured, SCP-049. He takes out his timetable for today and sees he must meet with SCP-049 right now in an interview room. So he quickly made his way to the plague doctor's interview room. Finally arriving, he enters the observation room and sees SCP-049 with her hands cuffed to the table.

 Finally arriving, he enters the observation room and sees SCP-049 with her hands cuffed to the table

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