Chapter 7 "An awakening of an ancient being"

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In the last chapter the O5 Council assigned an MTF unit to protect us from SCP's, but more specifically, SCP-682. In the following day, we finally started the official relationship with SCP-682. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


-Lieutenant Wilson POV-

I played a few games on my phone when suddenly Dr.Bright approached me.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "Do you know where Y/N L/N is?" she asked in a hurry.

Lieutenant Wilson: "No." I lied to her.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "How? Aren't you the MTF unit that has the mission to watch over him and protect him?" she asked me.

Lieutenant Wilson: "How do you know this?" I asked, suspicious about her knowing of us.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "*she gives the document of my MTF designation* The site director told me and I am now looking for him, because he has now a meeting with SCP-049." she said, still in a hurried tone.

I grew worried and looked at my phone to check the time. 'It's been 9 hours! How long did I play on my phone! Why hasn't he called yet?'. I was now more worried for the junior researcher. My teammates took a rest becasue we haven't got any rest since our last mission. 'I still didn't told them Y/N and 682 are together inside her chamber. I must look for him, that lizard could be more agressive towards him, when she's drunk.'.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "Do you know where he is?" she asked again.

Lieutenant Wilson: "I know, I will get him for you, wait there for me please." I said, to which she nodded before walking away

I sneaked my way out of our sleeping chambers to the HCZ (Heavy Containment Zone). Then I quickly ran towards the observation room. I entered and looked inside the chamber to find 682 and Y/N hugging eachother on her bed. 'How the hell did it came to this?'. I looked at the CCTV footage on the computer and rewinded it. It sped to them casually talking and after a while of rewinding the video I saw a short moment of them kissing. I quickly rewinded and saw him kissing and french kissing her. 'Perfect blackmail material.'. I copied the footage on my phone and deleted the CCTV footage. I opened the door and walked inside. I quietly took him out of her grasp by replacing him with a pillow. Now she was sweetly hugging the pillow. I took out my phone again and made a picture. 'Blackmail times two.'. I put my phone in my pocket and left her chamber while carrying him like a bride outside. I locked the door to her chamber and carried him to SCP-049's chamber. I took him in to find a surprised Dr.Bright at the sight seeing me carrying him.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "He looks like someone knocked him out, what happened?" she asked me.

Lieutenant Wilson: "I will explain everything, once he is fully awake." I answered, recieving an understanding nod from her.

Dr.Jackie Bright: "Could you place him inside the chamber?" she asked, to which I complied.

I walked inside the chamber to find SCP-049 already waiting for him. She saw me carrying him and was perplexed at the sight of us.

SCP-049: "What happened?" she asked, seemingly worried for him.

Lieutenant Wilson: "Let me show you." a I answered her and pulled out my phone. I went to my downloaded video and showed it to her. We saw them drinking alcohol and talking about normal stuff, but after a while things got heated and we saw him kissing her deeply. He then passed out due to his alcohol in his blood and SCP-682 carried him to her bed and they hugged eachother while sleeping. I closed my phone and looked over to SCP-049. I saw her with widened eyes and I could tell she was somehow blushing.

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