My Christmas Wish

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Summary: Cassie and Ethan spend their first Christmas together as a couple, but the day doesn't go exactly as planned. Set during third year of residency.

The luxurious apartment with views of the Boston cityscape was slowly coming alive as light from the rising sun penetrated the dark clouds outside the treated glass. It was early morning on Christmas Day and the snow from last week's nor'easter was already a distant memory as rain pushed it ways across the state.

Cassie Valentine lay on her side in the big bed she shared with her lover, watching clouds drift across the blustery sky as strong winds swirled outside, picking up dust and debris. Rooftops wet from last night's rain sparkled like crystals under the weak sunshine.

In a few days, she would be in Bali enjoying beautiful sunshine and beaches. The trip was one Ethan had promised her last summer when he discovered that they both shared a love for the vacation spot. Their bags were already packed for the flight tonight and stacked against the wall of the entrance hallway.

As a third-year resident at Edenbrook Hospital, this was her year to have Christmas off, having worked during the holiday the last two years. Of her friends, only Jackie, Bryce and Sienna were working today, each having volunteered to do so for various reasons.

Cassie could admit that it felt strange to not be with them. She and her friends had spent all holidays together at the hospital since they started their residency.

At the same time, she was looking forward to spending her first Christmas with Ethan and making new memories. He had even agreed to put up a tree for her and add some seasonal decorations in the living room. The tree was fake, but it was the thought that mattered.

Lost in her thoughts, she inhaled in pleasure when the fragrant scent of coffee reached her nose. A coffee mug appeared in her vision and her hand reached for it.

"Hey!" she cried out in protest as the hand holding the mug moved it away. "Not fair, Dr. Ramsey."

"If you want coffee, Rookie, you need to get up," he teased, sipping from his own mug.

Ethan Ramsey stood a few feet away looking entirely too irresistible in gray pajama bottoms and a blue tee-shirt that matched his eyes. His hair was still mussed and the thought of how the overgrown stubble on his face would scratch her sensitive skin made her want to mewl.

"Maybe you should get back in bed," she said in a sultry tone as she lay on her back and opened her legs. The tee-shirt she wore to bed rode up, not leaving much to imagination.

"Nice try," he smirked, not moving from his spot. "You're the one that told me to make sure you were out of bed and dressed before nine. The video call with your family, remember?"

Before Cassie could respond the piercing sound of Ethan's pager interrupted from the other side of the bed. He strode around the foot of the bed to pick it up, reading the message even as he dialed the hospital's number.

She used the distraction to pick up the coffee he'd put down, eyes closing in pleasure as her taste buds perked up at the first sip. She was only on her third sip when her own pager went off.

Pushing the covers aside, she climbed out of bed to reach for the bag she'd thrown on the chair and fished out the device from the inside pocket. She checked the code, her eyes meeting Ethan's who gave her a worried look as he listened to whatever someone on the line was saying.

"I'll be there as soon as possible," he said before disconnecting.

"How bad is it?"

"Bad," he said, heading toward the walk-in closet.

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