Chapter 2:

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Ayden crawled first into his spot in our car. I climbed in shortly shutting the door beside me. Me and Ayden buckled in ourselves and I watched out the window as the engine bursted to life. The car shifted backwards, as it was pulled out of the drive way. Along my little trip I noticed the tree's that looked gloomy. As if it were a warning of not to go towards this new pizzeria. I wouldn't say new, opened like a few months ago. My friends went there and said it was great, the pizza was flavorable and the animatronic band would make you jump in glee. "We're almost there!" a voice, recognized by my mom had shouted towards us. Ayden started to dance in his seat. "I am so excited mom!" He gasped roughly as my mom pulled into a parking spot. I looked up at the colorful, red and yellow ink, in bold bright letters read: FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA! we started towards the door. Mom held it open as Ayden skipped through the clear color doors. I sighed following in after my brother. Inside was the most colorfulest thing I have ever seen! Kids were running around, some were eating pizza. Then I noticed a crowd of kids circling the square-type stage. With 3 animatronic's standing on top of the wooden stage. The circle of kids begun cheering names.

"GO BONNIE!" one shouted.

"FREDDY!" Another spoke.

I managed to stand behind the group of kids as they cheered for their favorite..Animatronics? Then the song ended and the curtains begun to close. Before then Freddy spoke. "H-Hello Kids! We will be coming off the stage soon! Remember to enjoy yourselves!" As 'Awe's' began to come from the kids as they walked sadly to their family's. Ayden had went to go do something when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hello?" The speaker spoke, I spun around to see a small girl with bright blonde hair speaking to me. "Want to play with me and my friends?" I nodded and followed the blonde girl when I saw 3 other kids. Chating and eating pizza. "Guys look! We got a new friend!" She waved her hand at me and the brown haired boy stepped closer to me. His crystal blue eyes giving it all away. "Hello, I'm Freddy" The boy removed a black hat from his head and bowed. "The girl over there is Sally." He jabbed a thumb at the blonde haired named Sally. She only glanced at me,waving her hand towards me. "Oh." Was all I could really say to Freddy. "And this is Xavier" He pointed at the red haired guy who grinned a "Hey" and focused back onto eating his pizza. "And that's Jerred, we sometimes like to call him Goldie because of his hair. Although he hates it!" Freddy grinned at me I only managed to laugh a bit before going serious once again. "Jerred is my brother" Freddy whispered. Jerred looked up flashing a frown in Freddy's direction. "is that a bad thing that I am your brother?" Jerred snickered to Freddy's whispery comment.

"Of course not!" Freddy growled, watching his brother start laughing nearly choking on the pizza in his mouth. Xavier leaned himself on Freddy's side. "Come on Jerred, thats not nice to speak to our leader. Leader? I winced. Large stomps interupted my thoughts. I turned to see a Purple Bunny.

A past at a Forbidden PizzeriaWhere stories live. Discover now