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Mike P.O.V:

I Hurried into the Pizzeria, clutching my books. Careful not to spill the drink in my hand. I passed the main stage then down the west hall to my office awaiting for me. I sat down. Come on Mike, you can do it! I inhaled, then exhaled pulling up the cameras. I was feeling a bit lucky as none of the animatronics had moved off the stage. A smirk plastered across my face. "Good, as long as the-" A laugh rattled the pizzeria. OH COME ON FREDDY! I screamed mentally. I fought harshly as Bonnie glitched my camera's almost every 2 seconds. Of course Chica moved! She always did anyway, Foxy was only peeking out. Maybe I'll do fine this time. I relaxed, rubbing my sweaty palms against my face. I panted air shaking lightly. "It's gonna be okay." I reassured myself. "You've beaten 5 nights at this forbidden pizzeria. Who knows? Maybe I'll get paid extra!" Me and the animatronics knew I'd get paid by this cheapo. Probably around 50C or worse, Nothing.

I found Bonnie in the west hall corner, his head violently twitching. I pressed another Cam view, Freddy was in the kitchen, Chica was in the Dining room. I heard loud footsteps clanging down the hallway. I didn't bother to check who it was, I slammed my fist against the door and the door slammed shut. Loud knocks could be heard. Foxy would leave the area then. I opened the door again. This was going to be a long-long night. I sipped my coffee that I bought on the way here. Thank goodness for my coffee! I grinned setting the coffee down on the small table. Picking up the withered tablet it looked old and almost would fall apart soon. "Why can't they just fix this tablet?" I muttered. Waving it at the door frame. "Why!" I yelled louder.

Things are getting more difficult now, My power drainage is at 15% and it's only 5:15. I.Am.Not.Going to make it, 5:30, gotta make it. I began to sing a song.

There's a shadow on the wall; Stay calm, stay calm

There's a figure in the hall; Stay calm, stay calm

Keep my wits and stay alive, wish I had a 9 to 5.

There's a stanger in us all; Stay calm, Stay calm.

Every hair is on it's end; that's fine, I'm fine

Feeling my adrenaline; that' s fine, I'm fine

I can keep away the creeps

swiftly from my swivel seat

I pressed against the light, Bonnie's face beamed down at me. I slammed the door shut, more foot clanging. Chica's in the door. I slammed that, the power went out shortly after.

5:50 who knew time could go by so slow?

They are slowly closing in; stay calm, stay calm

Find an inner strength within; stay calm, stay calm

If I learned one thing it's that don't respond to craiglist's ads.

I could feel time go slower by the second, as Freddy's song played. I said a few words: Stay calm! Then a bell, 6 Am singled and I leaped from my chair. Exiting the pizzeria with fist pumps.

Purple guy/Vincent P.O.V

I received a call from my former boss.

"Yallo?" I said in the phone.

"Hey? Vincent?"

"Yeah?" I said directly.

"Can you, take a night at the pizzeria?"

"Sure, I'll be there." He hung up. rude, I shrugged it off.

I entered the pizzeria at 11:40. 20 mins to mess around! I grabbed a box of pizza and a soda. Then froze near the animatronics. A smirk widened as a plan executed into motion. I re-did the animatronic's A.I. making them harder then normal. "Hahaha idiots!" I growled, waving my pizza box in Chica's face. "Want this? Come get it!" I snorted and headed to the office. As soon as I got comfortable the 12:00 AM struck.

Bonnie/Adrian P.O.V

Everything felt different, I was able to move quicker then I normally would. Freddy left the stage. We all did leaving the wooden platformed stage abounded. We headed in our own direction; I headed towards the backstage, Chica went to the dining room to glare up at the guard. This felt different, the guy I saw entered looked nothing like Mike. This guy had purple hair, purple? My eyes went black with an exposing white pupil. This is was it, our killer, our revenge. I moved quickly to the west hall, then to the corner, then to the supply closest. Then at his door-


The door had slammed before the light was even on! How'd he know! This guy was good. Me and Chica had both doors guarded, even though they were closed. If he opened them I can enter and jam the door.

Purple Guy POV:

I giggled shutting the doors when Bonnie's appearance showed up at the door.

"These robots are terrible at getting me." I snickered at the metal door that rested on the floor. Saving me from the killer animatronics. "Attention whores!" I yelled at Chica when she came to my door. Her eyes looked coldly onto mine. Like Cold wind rushing through on a cold winter night. I smirked waving a long metal blade a knife. It was stained crimson. Like an eye of a demon It faught to pounce. I recovored a grip onto the metal handle written 'Vincent' all on it. "I won't die tonight, scrap metal," I growled. The walls whispered 5 Am I could feel the stained souls that craved revenge. Their hatred fading, waiting, watching. I kept a closed hand on my handle lowering my eyes to check the cameras. Bonnie was gone from the door, I released the door back to the ceiling, then the other door as Chica left. 5% power left.


6 AM announced for me to leave. I left without a pang of sorrow, or thought that creeped up in the back of my mind. I got into my car. Starting the engine. Watching the pizzeria fade in the distance. They'll get their revenge.

they always do.

I do not own the song in this chapter, credits to the owner of the song!

A past at a Forbidden PizzeriaWhere stories live. Discover now