S1: Prologue; Gladiolus

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"Are you alright?"

It was the October of 2006, the earth was painted in yellows and oranges on the streets of Seoul as the dry leaves had crunched beneath my little shoes.

Strong memory was never a forte of mine. I was just kid of four, silent and unbeknownst of my past. Who were my parents? Where did I live? What happened to them?-- I had no idea. All I knew was my name, Lia.

"Are you hurt?"

I had tears trickling down my cheeks, the reason of which remains unknown to the date. I just couldn't remember anything else other than that quiet hallway and the little girl of five in a flowy blue dress and colourful beads gracing her soft brown hair. She looked like a princess. I was in a complete contrast.

If she was the bright, I was the dark; if she was the day of glee, I was the night of misery. We were poles apart.

Her beautiful hazel eyes had stared at me, a thousand questions swimming in her pupils. I could answer none, mesmerized to the point of speechlessness, lost in those hazel pools.

"I am Yeji, and you?"


That day, Hwang Yeji became my first memory, and the first-- and the only-- person I loved till the day I died.

a/n !¡ « starting it small, hope you like it »

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