S1C4: Borago

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The scars. They stood out so prominently on her pale skin, hidden behind the dark robes of hers. Lack of medication had turned them purple.

Aunt Kyujin's eyes emanated her awareness of my presence near the door she had very clearly warned me about. She used to hide her gaze from me, never looking me in the eye in the fear that she might prove my doubts further.

Now I understand, after all this time, how she was silently putting herself as prey so that 'her girls', as what the maids preferred to say, remained beneath her shield.

But back then was I only eight, still too young to tell the care apart from the ignorance.

"Jisu-ah, what are you thinking?"

There were many instances where I just wanted to let it all slip out. The knowledge of abuse was all too heavy upon my shoulders.

But then I would see Yeji's face. She deserved to know it, but not just yet. Not when it could've affected her gravely and put her to danger.

And thus I'd say, "Nothing. Nothing at all."

It went on that way, an unspoken pact between me and Aunt Kyujin.

Just for Yeji.

"What do you mean, she is our daughter!"

"Yours, Kyujin. She is nothing but a liability to me."


a/n !¡ « aaaand things are going darker . sorry for disappearing !! »

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