S1C6: Amaranthus caudatus

68 7 7

Amaranthus caudatus;


Oh, how much I hated elder Hwang and every single cell of his.

"Eonnie what is-"

"It's nothing."


"I said it's nothing. Go back to your bed."

For it was he who had the heart to pull a flower to his muddy waters.

It was the start of a new year, 2014. The household was full of colours and festivities, smiles playing on every face I came across. Truly had I never seen such a day so far, and it had already been close to a decade.

That was until I saw Aunt Kyujin.

Amongst the celebrations, she stood in a corner, hands tightly clasped in front of her. I had felt my smile fall apart as I saw her face and her ever-so-increasing, ever-so-renewing scars which now stood stark on her neck and her cheek. She had almost looked blue.

"Your parents, they weren't a friend of ours." Her eyes were empty, gazing over to the gardens from her room's window. "We weren't friends at all."


"Elder Hwang had ordered to kill them. You wouldn't have been alive right now if it wasn't for the money your name had brought to him."

"Do you really have to go?"

Yeji had laughed. "Don't worry, yah! It's just dad."

But that was what I had feared-- her dad; her cruel, insensitive, cold dad who hadn't thought twice before he rendered a child orphan and dragged his own daughter to a world she never belonged to. Never had I thought I'd see Yeji's hands painted in crimson.

I knew she was wide awake on her bed that night, terrified of what she had to do just to please her father. I knew it all and still could do nothing but hope that one day she'd surely realise he never deserved her admiration.

He made my Yeji cry every day thereafter, and there he crossed his limits.

He was never meant to be forgiven.


a/n !¡ « 'ello~ »

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