Holy Shi*

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Y/N's POV:

When i woke up next morning, the place beside me was clear.
"Veronica?" I called getting up.
"Baby" i called again searching for her everywhere. Then i checked my phone.
It had V's text messages from 10 minutes ago.

Good morning baby.
You were sleeping so i didn't wanted to disturb you.
My friends called me for breakfast.
I am with them dont worry.
Take care. Love you😘

Good morning.
It's okay babe. Enjoy.

I took a quick shower and went to my kitchen. I took a bowl and poured some cereal followed by milk. Then I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.
After a while i heard a knock at my door. I opened the door revealing Ryan.
"Sup buddy" he hugged and came in.
"You here?" I asked while we sat on the couch.
"Yeah just wanted to hang out as its sunday" he shrugged.
"Cool" i said and continued with my breakfast while he watched TV.
"He look its your Love" he said laughing.
"Veronica?where?" I jumped as he was too sudden and loud.
"Ahh! Fuck her" he said.
"What the fuck dude" i said
"I am sorry but look here..your love" he said pointing at the tv. He kept laughing.
"Fuck you!" I said shyly. A music video of selena was being played on the TV.
"Then why are you blushing?" He asked with a smirk.
"No i am not" i said turning my face away from him.
"Tomorrow you are going to win the audition. You will become famous and you will meet selena gomez and finally break up with this veronica bitch" he said all this so boldly.
"Woah. Chill. You cant call V a bitch. And about the audition..." i trailed off.
"What about it" Ryan asked seriously.
"I am not going to the audition tomorrow." I said looking down.
"Why not?" He asked and i didnt replied anything.
"Be honest, do you want to go to the audition?" He asked.
"Yes or no Y/n" He asked.
"Yes" i said looking down still.
"Then dont let ther decide what you should or should'nt do" he said.
"How do you know it was her?" I asked.
"You are going to win i can assure you" he said.
"But V said its either her or the audition" i said sadly.
"Why dont you break up. This sucks"
"I LOVE HER DAMN IT" i yelled.
He was quiet for a moment. I broke the silence
"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. I know what she does. But i cant break up with her. I love her. And you know that". I said.
"Yeah yea.." he said.

We both were quiet for a moment when Ryan Spoke again.
"I've an idea." He said.
"What Idea?"
"Go to the audition without Veronica knowing" Ryan said.
"No buts. Just give it a try."
"I think you are right." I said.
"Yay. Dont worry about Veronica. I'll take care of her" he winked.
"Thanks man. I've got to complete my song. You can stay here as long as you want. I'll be in my studio" i said getting up from the couch.

The whole day passed and it was 3am in the morning.
"Phew!" I sighed. I finally finished writing the song. I hope they like it because i am risking so much for tomorrows audition. I prepared everything for the audition before going to bed. I set the alarm and fell asleep soon as i was tired.

I throw on a striped T-shirt, a blazer, and a pair of dark wash jeans. I then sprayed a nice scent and looked myslef at mirror before leaving. I was about to call a taxi when my phone started ringing. It was Veronica. I got scared.
"Hi-hello" i stuttered while answering the call.
"Hi baby. Where are you?" She asked.
"I-Me-I am at home" i said with a fake chuckle.
"Arent you coming to college today?" She asked.
"Why not?" She asked.
"I-am-I was sick" I said.
"Oh my god baby what happened" she asked.
"No. I am fine. I just need some rest" i said.
"I'll visit you after college okay" she said.
"No i am fine. We can meet tomorrow at the college" i said.
"I wasn't asking baby. Ill be there. Take care". She said and hung up.

'Fuck i don't know how long i will be gone for the audition. What if she visits my house at that time. I am screwed now'.

I hired a taxi and arrived at the location where audition was going to take place.
Well it was infact the interscope records office.
I got inside and Ryan was already waiting for me. We headed to the reception.
"How can i help you?" The receptionist asked.
"We are here for auditions" i said.
"Third door on the right, sir" she pointed.

"I am so nervous Ryan" i said while waking towards the room.
"Chill dude. Give your best. I am sure you are gonna win this" he patted on my shoulder.

'I can do this. I have to do this. This will be the first step in my career. Ryan have high hopes on me and that's a plus point too. Come on y/n y/l/n you can do this' i said to myself.

We enter the room. It had a very large hall with 3 judges in one corner, the stage in the middle and audience seats at another corner.
A voulenteer sent Ryan to the audience's area and took me where the other contestants were waiting.

I was waiting for my turn when i saw a large group of cameramen entering inside. Clicking pictures of someone who entered with them. A celebrity is attending this audition? I thought.
I stood up just enough to look who the celebrity was from my place.
'Holy Shit It is...'

Selena's POV:

I made myself a disguise so i could attend the audition at the interscope records.
"Are you ready?" Raquelle called knocking at my door.
"Yeah lets go" i said opening the door.
"Damn no one will recognise you" she said while eyeing me from top to bottom.
"Thanks" i said.
We climbed in the car.
"Are you sure sel?" Raquelle asked before starting the car.
"Yeah. Lets go. I don't want to miss anyone's performance." I said.

We drove to interscope records. I headed to the reception.
"Excuse me, we are here for audition" I said.
"Third door after taking right" the receptionist said.
Everything was going well until now. Then a little girl saw me and i dont know how but she recogonized me.
"Mom, Its selena. Its selena gomez" she shouted pointing a finger at me.
Well fuck. The paparazzis swarmed onto me. Raquelle sighed.
I walked into the audition hall with all paparazzis and fans following me.

The security guards finally stopped them at the entrance. The judges saw all of this. One of them came to me.
"There's an empty seat, if you'd like." She said.
I didn't argued. I took a seat beside them. Everyone were shook. Especially the contestants.

"Holy Shit. That is Selena Gomez." I intended to say it in a whisper but the participants beside me heard it.
'What is she doing here? How will i sing infront of her.' I thought.
"Y/n y/l/n" one of the crew members called me.
"Its your turn" he said gesturing towards the stage.
I got onto the stage. I've never felt this level of nervousness in my life and it grew more when i saw Ryan. He was in shock. Not because of selena. I saw veronica sitting next to him.
'I want to die'.

Author's Note:

Welp! Selena and veronica in the same hall.
What is Veronica going to do after the audition?
Will selena like our song?
Or will we even sing?
You gotta stay tuned to know
Don't forget to give a star.

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