Do you have a Date?

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Y/N's POV:

I got back home all alone. 'Why was veronica doing all of this? Doesnt she want me to be happy? To help me chase my dreams?.'
I was so broken. I sat down on the couch and called ryan.

"Hello" i said as he picked up immediately.
"Hey. How's it going on" he asked.
"Please come to my home" I said in a tired voice.
"Isn't Veronica with you?" He asked.
"Please ryan, I am so done" I said.
"Don't do anything stupid, y/n. I will be there soon" he said and hung up.

After 10 minutes i heard a knock. It was ryan.
"What the hell happened dude" He said while giving me a hug. I made him sit.
"What's going on y/n" he asked again.
"When you left, V was ready to patch up again and she was coming to my home.
Then a woman came looking for me.
She said, Selena wants to meet me...."

"Wait what! Are you serious?Selena Gomez WANTS TO MEET YOU?" He cut me off.

"Let me finish" i said and he nodded saying sorry.

"So selena wants to meet me tomorrow at 5 pm..."


"Let me fucking finish the sentence" i yelled at him.


"And the women took my phone number and left. As soon as she left, V said she had some work to do right now and she will meet me tomorrow at 5pm. And if i dont show up, we are over"
I said as a tear rolled down my eye.

"That BITCH" he whispered and i heard it but i didnt defended V this time.

"I am so sorry dude. I dont know what to do. Why dont you break up. Its for your good. Your dreams are important than Veronica." He said. And he was right but i cant breakup with her.

"I know Ryan. But i cant break up with her. Shes the best thing i have in my life."

"Are you sure? Because it doesnt seem like it" Ryan raised a brow.
I didnt said anything cuz i know he was right again.

"If i were you, I would go to selena for sure and break up with veronica. If she cant watch you succeed,  she can go to hell." Ryan said.

We both were quiet for a while when my phone started ringing.

Selena's POV:

"You look gorgeous, raquelle." I said while fixing her hair.
"Thats why i wanted you to do this. Thanks sel." Raquelle's said.
Raquelle's phone started ringing.
"I think hes here. I gotta go. Thanks again" she said as she rushed out for her date.

I sat down with a cup of coffee in my hand.
'I hope mabel got y/n's number already. I should call her.' When i took out my phone to call, Mabel entered my room.
"I.." she tried to say something but i spoke up.
"Did you get the number?" I asked.
"Yes i did" she said.
"Cool. give it to me" i said. 'Oops'
"Are you sure mam, you can use my phone to call him" she said.
"No. I can't always use your phone. Hes gonna work with me on my whole album. So i should have his number." I said.
"He could leak your personal number.."
"Come on just give it to me" i said.
She took my phone and typed y/n's number.
I took my seat with phone in my hand.
Mabel kept looking at me.
"What?" I asked with a giggle.
"Aren't you calling him?" She asked.
"No not now. I am tired" i said with a sigh.
"You dont have to. I already told him you are going to meet him tomorrow at 5pm. You can text him the place" she said.
"Dont stress out mabel. I've got this" i said. She nodded and she left.

I took a sip from my coffee.

'Should i call him? Should i text him?. Am i being nervous. No why would i be. He's just another guy. But he is pretty handsome too. What am i thinking. He can play guitar and also his voice is so mesmerising. Focus Selena. Hes just another handsome guy. And you know what handsome guys do' i was fighting with myself.
'Fuck it. I am calling him.'
I quickly turned on my phone and dialed his number.
He took so long to pick up.

(A/N:Don't get confused in double apostrophees and single ones. Single means they are thinking/ talking to themselves. Double means they are speaking)

"Hello" i said.
"Hello. Who is this?" He asked.
'Are you serious!'
"Am i speaking to Y/n y/l/n" I asked.
"Yes its him. Who are you again?" He asked.
'Are you frkn serious right now?'
"Its me selena" i said.
He got silent for a while.
"Are you there?" I asked.
"Yeah i am so sorry, mam. I-uh- how can i help you?" He asked.
'Mam, y/n, seriously!'
"I called you just to know if you are ready for the meeting tomorrow. Or we can postpone it" i said.
He was silent again.
'What is he doing?'
"I-uh-mam- can i ask you for a favour please." He asked.
"Yeah what is it?" I asked.
"Can we please-you please-like postpone" he stuttered.
"y/n..Calm down. Tell me what is it? Are you okay?" I asked.
"I am sorry. Yeah i am fine. Its just, can you please postpone our meeting?"
He asked.
'Why is he being so nervous. I mean he might be nervous bcoz he is talking to selena gomez. But i am worried.' I thought.
"Sure y/n. You tell me when you are free" I asked.
"Anytime but not tomorrow"  he said.
"Okay sure. What about day after tomorrow?" I asked.
"Sure. Done" he said and he seem excited.
"Okay. Its day after tomorrow then" i said.
We both went silent after that.
"I-uh it was-thank yo.."
'He is trying to hang up. Think of something selena'.
"Can i know the reason, why you cant meet tomorrow? Ofcourse if you dont mind." I said.
"I-uh-how can i say-" he stuttered again
"Why are you being nervous. Do you have a date tomorrow?" I asked jokingly with a giggle.
"Yeah  kind of"  he said.
'Wait what? He has a girlfriend. I dont care anyways. Hes handsome so its obvious. He might have girlfriends. Not that i care.'
''Are you there mam'' y/n asked, pulling me off from my thoughts.
"Yeah sorry. And its okay we can meet day after tomorrow." I said.
"Thank you so much mam, for everything you are doing for me" he said.
'He is so sweet'
"Its okay y/n. And you can call me selena" i said.
"Thanks again. See you soon take care. Good bye"
'Hes so thankful'
"You too take care and goodbye" i said and hung up the call.

'He has a girlfriend! I don't care but still. He seem like a shy guy. And he cancelled our meeting because of a date! He seemed scared too. Don't know why. Selena, Enough thinking of the guy you just saw.'

Y/N's POV:

I was freaking out. I just talked to selena gomez.
"DUDE!" Ryan said in excitement
"DUDE!" I said back in excitement.
"What'd she say? She postponed your meeting or not?" Ryan asked.
"Yes she did. She is so sweet. She'd never say no.  I knew it" i said.
"But she called you personally. That's so cool" Ryan said.
"I know right.  But do you think it was her personal number?" I asked.
"Maybe it was not. But who cares." Ryan said.
"Any ways. So when are you breaking up with that bitch veronica?" Ryan asked with controlling his laughter.
"Fuck you man. Why would you ask that" i said.
"Alright,  i am sorry." He said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

"Is pretty late. I should leave." Ryan said.
"Okay buddy. Thanks for today.  And take care". We both hugged good bye.

Author's Note;
Hope you are enjoying.
Things with veronica are going to be wild.
Stay tuned.
Don't forget to give a star.

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