Promise me

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Y/N's POV:

"I told you it was not to make you feel sorry. Quit saying it." I pushed my finger on selena's lips and she moved it Instantly.

"How dare you!" She slapped me, not too hard. I looked at her in shock. "Have you never thought about me before thinking that? Did you not cared about what would I do without you?" She continued.

"I-I am-" she pressed her lips against mine and kissed me. We pulled back when air became problem. Now our foreheads were resting on each others.
She cupped my face in her hands.
"Never ever think about dying. Promise me." She said.

"I won't. I promise. I have you, I don't need anything." I held her hand and kissed it.

"So no one knew about this?" She asked as she laid her head back on my shoulder.


"Not even Ryan?"

"Nuh huh." I nodded. "Just leave this. Let's talk about something else." I said.

"What do you want to talk about?" She giggled.

"I don't know. Let's talk about how amazing I am feeling right now, with you in my arms."

"Mhmm. And.."

"And...umm.." I trailed off when my phone started ringing.

"Let me guess, it's raquelle." Selena got up from my shoulder.

"Yeah it is." I chuckled before answering the phone.

"Y/N/N, where are you?" Raquelle exclaimed.

"Relax, I am with selena and we are headed back home."

"Are you driving?"

"No. Selena is." I said and looked at selena.
"Liar." Selena whispered and smiled.

"Good. Hurry up, we are waiting." Raquelle said before hanging up the call.

Me and selena climbed back into the car. Selena was driving this time.
"So how did you know I liked this car? Or was this just a guess cuz I like SUVs?" I asked.

"Not a guess. I actually went through your phone by mistake." She said.

"By mistake? And you knew the password?"

"About that... you should probably change your password or else anyone would unlock it by typing by birthday."

"What! I thought it was tough but anyways, I'll change it."

"How is it tough, dork?" She giggled.


"Hey" Selena called me. She was cuddling with me and raquelle was in ryan's arms while we were watching movie. It was late night already. "Look at them." Selena whispered. Ryan and raquelle fell asleep on the couch. I brought a blanket and laid it over them

"We must go to sleep, too." I whispered. Selena nodded in agreement.

"Don't you dare leave me for next few hours." Selena said as she got on bed and wrapped herself all around me.

"I can't, even if I tried."

"Good night baby." She kissed me on my lips.

Selena's POV:

"Wakey wakey princess." I woke up to sweet Voice of Y/N.

"Why do you always wake up before me." I said in a sleepy voice and my eyes were still closed.

"If I dont, then Who will make this delicious breakfast for you. Come on get up."



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