Love Me Like you do

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Selena's POV:

Y/N finally came downstairs.

"Good afternoon Ryan, raquelle." Y/N greeted while he took a seat next to me.
"Good afternoon, baby." He gave me an adorable smile when our eyes met.

"Good afternoon Sugar." Raquelle mocked. My smile dropped and I scrunched my brows in offence.

"Fuck you raquelle! Only I can call him that." I scolded.

"Okay okay I am sorry." Raquelle laughed.

"Hey baby before I leave, I want something from your house. Is that okay?" I asked, holding Y/N's hand.

"Yeah ofcourse. Everything mine is yours." He said.


Y/N's phone started ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out to see who it is.

"Excuse me." He said and left the dining room, away from all of us.

'Who could it be?' I wondered.

After what felt like forever, Y/N came back. He sat next to me again.

"Why haven't you started eating yet?" He asked.

"Who was it?" I asked with a smile.

"Uhm-It was-Hailee." He said. My smile dropped.

'What the fu- why is she calling him? And why did he stuttered?' A million thoughts started running in my mind.

"Its nothing baby, she just wanted to hang out but I said I am busy as you are leaving tomorrow." Y/N held my hand and kissed it.

"Oh." I faked a chuckle.


"Okay babe, see you soon." Y/N said and kissed me. He was going back to his house and I was going with mabel to get all the outfits for my trip.

"Hii Selena!"

Y/N's POV:

"Hii Selena." A girl came running into the house.

"Oh my gosh! Hi Gracie." Selena kneeled and hugged her.

"You are back early." Selena asked.

"I came here with mom." Gracie said.

"Mom? Where is she?" Selena asked excitedly.

'Selena's Mom? Crap! I didn't expected to meet her like this.' I was super nervous.

"Hello girls." Selena's mom cheerfully screamed fron the door.

"Mom!!" Selena ran and hugged her.

"Hi mrs. Teefy." Raquelle went for a hug.

"Hi. Who are those machos standing over there?" Selena's mom asked.

"Mom!" Selena widened her eyes.

"That is Ryan, my boyfriend and that is Y/N, selena's boyfriend." Raquelle introduced.

"Hello Mrs. Teefy. Nice to meet you." Ryan said.

"Hi Mrs. Teefy." I said. She nodded.
'Does she not recognise me?' I thought to myself.

"Did you not watched my live last night?" Selena asked shyly.

"No baby I did not. What did I missed?" Selena's mom asked.

"First come in, freshen up, ill tell you everything." Selena said.

Ryan gestured his eyes towards exit, indicating that we should leave.

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