Never again

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Y/N's POV:

We all fell asleep after having dinner and watching movies until late night. Me and selena slept in my room and Ryan and raquelle slept in other room.I woke up in the morning to find selena wrapped her arm around my waist while her head lying on my chest. She looked so cute making quiet snores while asleep. I didnt want to wake her up. I pulled out my phone and turned on selfie camera and took a snap. I wasnt satisfied so I kept snapping.

"Y/N!" Selena called in sleepy voice. Her eyes were still closed. I quickly kept my phone aside.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Stop snapping me while I am sleeping. Thats creepy." She said. Still in sleepy tone.

"You look so cute while sleeping. I can't help it." I said.

"No I dont." She said.

"Yes you do and I dont want to argue on that." I said.

"Mhmm. What time is it?" She asked.

"Its almost 8." I said.

"Are you going somewhere?" Selena asked with a pout.

"Not now. But I have a meeting with the records, I must leave at 10. I guess."

"Okay" she said sadly.

"Aww dont be sad. You still look cute but don't be sad." I said with a giggle.

"Shut up! Dork." She playfully hit me.

"Why was that?" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Lets make it fair." I said and she looked at me confused before I started tickling her.

"No-Y/N- Dont- No-Stop." She said in between her laughs. We ended up when I was on top of her. I slowly pushed her hands back, so she cant move or stop me. I started kissing her neck and collarbone. She moaned very softly. Then I bit her neck,leaving a hickey and soothed it with my tongue. I dont know if she noticed it or not.
Selena's phone started ringing.

"Fuck! They wont leave us alone!" She said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Raquelle." She sighed.

She picked up the call.

"Hello." She greeted on phone.

I got up and went to take a shower.


I came back from the shower, selena was now fully awake.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" She asked.

"Ofcourse. My closet is all yours." I said. She smiled and kissed me on my cheek before taking some clothes from the closet.

I was about to leave the room when selena went in shower and she suddenly yelled.


"Hey yes, Are you alright?" I rushed towards the bathroom door.

She opened the door with towel wrapped around her.

"What the hell is this!" She asked pointing her neck.

"That is-"

"I know what it is. But why on my neck and this is even bigger than yours!" She said and crossed her arms to her chest.

"Don't be late we are waiting for you for breakfast." I said and slowly walked away.

Selena's POV:

I borrowed a hoodie and a jogger from
Y/N. I am not going to return it though.
I walked out after taking a final look in the mirror and making sure the hickey is hidden.

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