It will rain

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/n y/l/n" one of the crew members called me.
"Its me" i stood up.
Its your turn" he said gesturing towards the stage.
I got onto the stage. I've never felt this level of nervousness in my life and it grew more when i saw Ryan. He was in shock. Not because of selena. I saw veronica sitting next to him.
'I want to die'.
The judges were looking at me with serious face. So was V. Well V's face was a combination of seriousness and anger. It was saying 'you're fucked up'. I gulped.
'I can do this. I must do this.' I said to myself. I looked at selena. And she had a different expression. It was a concerned look.
'For Selena' I said to myself and started singing while playing the guitar.

If you ever leave me, baby
Leave some morphine at my door
'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have
We don't have it anymore

There's no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor (oh)
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'
To keep you by my side
To keep you from walkin' out the door

'Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

I'll never be your mother's favorite
Uh, your daddy can't even look me in the eye
Ooh, if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing
Sayin', "There goes my little girl
Walkin' with that troublesome guy"

But they're just afraid of something they can't understand
Ooh, but little darlin' watch me change their minds
Yeah for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll try, I'll try
And pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make you mine

'Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

Oh, don't you say (don't you say) goodbye (goodbye)
Don't you say (don't you say) goodbye (goodbye)
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make it right

'Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
And there'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
And just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

Song by Bruno Mars.

I sung the whole song with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes after finishing the song. The audience started clapping which made me smile. I turned around to the judges. They clapped too and one of them gave a standing ovation.
I've never felt this happy in my life. Tears satrted forming in my eyes.
Veronica still had that look which scared me.
"That was amazing" a voice said from the judges table as i was getting off the stage. It was selena.
'Holy crap she liked my song. Selena fucking gomez liked my song'.
I turned back and said thank you.

I immediately ran to Ryan and V.
"So you're sick huh?" Veronica crossed her arms to her chest.
"Baby i can explain..."
"There's nothing left worth explaining. I saw everything" she said.
"You can't decide what he can or he can't do sawyer" ryan stood beside me.
"Y/n tell him to fuck off bcoz its our matter no one should interfere." Veronica huffed.
"Ryan please" i said and he took a seat giving us privacy.
"Please baby, give me a chance to explain".

"Mr y/l/n" someone called me. I turned back.
"Results will be announced soon. We will be needing you near the stage" he said.
I turned towards Veronica. She turned her face away from me. Without saying anything, i walked back to  the stage.
V was shocked. 'I hope this doesn't get worse'. I said to myself while walking.

One of the judge got on the stage.
"We appreciate every participant. Everyone of you performed so well. But we are going to sign only one of you. And they are..."
My heart started beating faster. I crossed my fingers in hope. 'Please, please' i prayed,closing my eyes.
"And they are mr y/n y/ln".
'I can't beleive. I did it' i opened my eyes in shock and excitement. I got on the stage. They handed me a bouquet.
"You will have to be here when we call so we can discuss about the contract" the judge said.
"Of course thank you so much" i said.
"Your deserved it" he said.

I met all the judges. We shook hands before leaving. But i didnt get a chance to see selena. I dont know when she left.
I went back to ryan and V.
V still looked angry.
"BABY I WON" i said excitedly and tried to hug her. She gently pushed me back without hugging. That broke me. So bad.
"You still have explaining to do" she said.
"Sure lets go to my home" i said.
"Lets go" veronica said. I said goodbye to ryan and we started walking out.
"Excuse me" a women called me.
"Mr y/l/n" she asked.
"Yeah its me" i said.
"Selena gomez wanted to meet you" she said.
"Selena gomez-Me-uh-I-now?" I stuttered.
"No not now. She wants to have a proper meeting so tomorrow at 5pm?" She asked.
"Yeah ofcourse. Thank you" i said.
I was freaking out.
"Would you please type your phone number here" she asked.
I typed my phone number and she left.
"Babe! SELENA GOMEZ WANTS TO MEET ME" i said shaking her excitedly.
"Yeah whatever." She said.
"Wait y/n. I am busy right now. We can do this tomorrow at 5pm. If you didnt show up. Its over between us" veronica said and she left before i could say anything.

Selena's POV:
So far I was satisfied by every performer. Then a boy came up. He was kinda scared i guess. Because he was looking at the audience and had a scared look on his face. He was kinda good looking too. He then looked at me.
He was still scared.
'Will he even sing?'. I thought to myself.
I too kept looking at him in concern.
I was about to say something but he sat on the stool and started playing the guitar while singing.
'Damn his voice.' It was so perfect. He even plays guitar and thats a plus.
He sung the whole song with his eyes closed. Maybe he was feeling the lyrics. Those lyrics hit me hard.
'Is he heart broken or something.' I thought.
Everybody clapped for him . Well he deserved that. It was amazing. I dont care if he wins or not, i am gonna ask him to help me in my songs.
His y/e/c eyes were shining. 'Is he crying?' I thought.
He turned and started walking away with those tears.
"It was amazing" i said thinking he would smile. And shit, he smiled.
"Thank you" he said while smiling. That smile.. 'shit! selena, focus'. I smiled back and he left.

"Selena" raquelle called me.
"We have to go. NOW" she said.
"Why? They are yet to announce the winner" i said.
"You can call them and ask who won. But we really need to go now". Raquelle said.
"Why are you in a hurry?" I asked.
"I have a date" she said.
"Are you serious right now"
"Yes Sel you have to get me ready" she said.
"I'll send someone to..."
"No babe. I want you to get me ready" she cut me off.
"Argh! Fine lets go. Start the car I'll be there in a minute". I said and she left.

I quickly called my assistant. She was already here when paparazziz swarmed on me.
"Find y/l/n and tell him to meet me tomorrow at 5pm. He might be near the stage waiting for announcement. Take his number. I have to leave okay?" I explained her and she agreed.
'Well i dont care who wins this but I want that boy to help me with my album. I just hope he is as sweet as he look.' I said to myself.
Raquelle was waiting with her car and climbed in and we returned back to our house.

Author's Note:
Selena wants to meet us and Veronica wants to meet her instead of going to selena. What will we do?
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