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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N baby! Green looks so cool on you." Selena exclaimed. We were at some store to buy outfits for tonight. She haven't told me what we are doing tonight, yet.

"What about that green?" I pointed a tux hanging next to where selena was standing.

"Oh my godd!! Yes. You'll look so hot in that." She gave me flirty look.

"Alright. Now tell me what have you planned for tonight?" I asked.

"Patience." Was only thing she said.

"Excuse me Sir, mam, would you like to see some more." The store employee asked.

"No thank you." I said and handed the tux to him.

"Are you sure Y/N? You dont want any shoes, belt, or any other things? We can take another look around." Selena asked.

"No,Sel. This is enough." I smiled.

"Alright sir, here's your outfit. Thanks for shopping." The receptionist handed the packed outfit in a bag.

"Let's go." Selena said excitedly.

"The payment-"

"I've done that already." She said while walking out.

"Sel wait, where are we-" I called her as she was walking fastly towards the car.

"Excuse me Mr. Y/L/N!" Someone yelled my name from behind.

'Oh crap!' I sighed as I saw many people snapping me and selena's pics together while some asking for autographs or selfies. This is why selena was rushing towards the car. I signed some autographs but I was still stuck in the crowd.

"Y/N, I love you can you please take a selfie with me." A girl stretched her arm to take a selfie.

"Y/N are you dating selena?" Someone screamed from the crowd.

"Y/N. Happy birthday, you look so handsome today." Said a random voice from the crowd.

"Hey people. Lovely to see you. We are sorry, Y/N have to leave." Selena jumped into the crowd and pulled me out politely.

"We don't have time for that Y/N." She huffed while starting the car.

"I am sorry. They all were being so nice and I thought.." I trailed off.

"They were all being flirty and sticky especially that group of girls." She rolled her eyes.

"I am sorry, I didn't know you'd be-uhm- jealous." I said.

"How can-what! No I am not jealous." She was blushing.

"Sure." I smiled.

We were silent for the rest of the ride to home. I think Ryan was right. Maybe she's not ready to be out with me, not yet. I must respect that.

"Y/N" selena called pulling me out of my thoughts.


"We are home." She said.

"Oh-yes-yeah." I was about to open the door she called me again.

"I am sorry baby."

"Sorry for what?" I asked

"Sorry if I sounded rude there."

"Oh my, no. Don't be sorry. I am sorry for signing those autographs on a wrong time like an idiot. I must respect your time." I said. She gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"Uhh Hello!" Raquelle knocked on the car's window.

"What!" Selena sighed in annoyance. We climbed out of the car.

Strains Of Joy - Selena Gomez Fanfiction (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now