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As I continue to walk in i see Mencia.

"Hey, how are you and Ari doing?"

"I'm ok. I guess. As well as I can be. Ari is a mess. She has been crying all night. Honesty your lucky Ivan took you with him. I wish he would have tooken me. Anyhow how are you and where is Ivan?"

"I've been better, but I'll be fine. I told Ivan to go on I'll call him later. Where-"

"Patrick Blanco."

I walk to the officer.  "Yes."

"Come with us."

We walk through these double doors into a hallway.

"We need your statement on what happened."


We walk down this dimly bright hallway. We walked past a couple of doors until we walked into an interrogation room. I can only guess that's what it is.

"Sit down."

I did what they asked

"Where had you been that day?"

"I had been at school and then to the lake club. After that I went home."

"Ok. Why did you go to the lake club?"

"I went because I had nothing to do. Then I met up with Cruz who was my friends father. We were having a goodbye toast since he was leaving town when we ran into his son Ivan."

"Are you and Cruz close?"

"We aren't very close no, but we're close enough to have a beer and a nice conversation together."

"Ok. Continue on."

"After that they had gotten into a argument with each other. I don't know what they were arguing about it was in Portuguese. I figured it would be best if I left so I went home."

"So both of these people can testify you were there?"


"Ok. Continue."

"I walk in and go through my living room to the backyard and see my dad."



"Ok. Continue."

"I see Benjamin carrying Samuel. He had blood coming down his face from the side of his head. I started to call the police until."

I take a breath.

"Until  Benjamin took the phone out of my hand telling me to help him. At first I argue with him saying he needs to go to the hospital. Then he talks me into helping him burying the body. As I take off my yellow jacket at first I just have him in my arms and I hadn't even realized that Benjamin had left and changed his clothes. Until as I was pulling Samuel he started to wake up so I let him go. I started trying to talk to him and help him. As I'm doing that Mencia and Ari come out there. Then Rebekah and Omar follow not to far behind. Last i hear Benjamin coming behind them telling them to stop. After that everything went so fast. Omar and Rebekah ran to Samuel while me and my two sisters Ari and Mencia were standing in between Benjamin and Samuel. Benjamin had started to try and go over to him but I pushed him backwards. After that Samuel had fallen Ari had ran over to him, but the other Omar and Rebekah wouldn't let her touch him. Rebekah punched Benjamin and Mencia had pulled her off of Benjamin. She ran back to him. Mencia had called the police at some point and then you got there."

After that they asked a couple more questions. Like

"What was Benjamin in before he switched clothes? Do you think he'll pin it on you or try to? Do you think your responsible?"

"He was in a suit. I didn't think about that til now and he might. He can be pretty persuasive when he needs to be. I think I have some responsibility to all this yes is all of this my fault no. If Samuel dies will i feel like I'm the one that caused it even if I didn't yes."

After that I was able to leave. Ari had already taken a cab to go to the hospital. Is what Mencia told me. So we decided to go out to eat.

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