So Grab This Paper, And Read Between The Lines...

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  • Dedicated to Hollie Craig <3


I walked into the huge hallway. Well Christ on a fucking bike. The floors and stairs were made of old wood and you could see right up to the first floor. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling lighting up the whole hall and landing. I walked through the dinning room, it was big with large windows facing on to the street and the table and chairs were already there, through too the family room with our old leather couches and finally into the kitchen dinning room. It was amazing. It was old but slightly modern. It had red cupboards and black marble counter tops, there was a little breakfast island with three black leather stools tucked into it neatly.

I stared at the three stools, dumping the box on the counter. It seems stupid, but it kinda hurt. Three stools, like there are only three of us in the family. It almost felt final. Like they had finally let go, and i was still in the middle holding on to her. That's it. Three chairs. They know she’s not coming back. I should know she’s coming back, but every time i think about it, it feels like it’s not definite. Like any minute she’s gonna burst through the door and say, ‘just kidding you guys, it was just a joke! I’m alive’ but she’s not. She’s never going to come back she's gone. Forever. She’s dead. Brianna is dead and there's nothing i can do about it, she’s dead. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, still staring at the three chairs.



I heard someone walk into the kitchen behind me. I quickly wiped my cheek and turned to see max walk in with a box in his hands, he was a couple of inches taller than me and seemed to have a constant smirk on his face.

‘Hey. Max’ he said smiling at me.

‘Brooke’ i smiled back. ‘So, what do you guys do for fun around here?’ i asked. I hadn’t been into the city yet.

‘Well-‘ He laughed. I stared at him. What’s he laughing at? He saw my confused look and stopped laughing. He cleared his through. ‘-Ummm don’t you?’ he actually looked like he didn’t know.

I smiled at him. ‘Yes. Girls shop.’ I started unpacking the box of plates into the cupboards as we talked.

‘Well there's a few malls around town. My sister comes in today from my dads so i could get her to show you if you want?’

‘That would be cool. Thanks max’ i smiled. Ok he has a sister that’s good. At least i won’t be the only girl on this street. Hey! Maybe she's going out with Ronnie! That would take another load off my shoulders. I don’t wanna fall in love. I don’t want anything new i want my old life.

With Andy and Bri.

‘She's only 13 though so y'know you might not want to hang with her-‘

‘Dude, i don’t mind. She's the only girl I’ve even heard about so far.’ I laughed.

Ronnie walked in with two boxes in his arms; my mom followed chattering away about paint and how she didn’t know wither to pick magnolia or crème. Oh god i feel for him.

‘Dude, your moms out front, Leonie’s flight gets in an hour she wants to know if you’ll ‘move your fecking ass’’ he smiled as he impersonated a heavy Nevada accent.

‘Aw, man. Umm sorry Mrs. Summers i have to pick up my sister’ he smiled at my mom making his way to the door.

‘Oh its fine Max, come around anytime!’ my mom said happily waving him off. God, she's so embarrassing.

As i face-palmed i hears Ronnie chuckle beside me. I turned to see what was so funny and he grinned at me. Damn, he is quite cute. I looked down as i felt myself blush.

I Fell So Hard That I'm, Killing Myself &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now