Profile - just to let you get to know the main characters a bit more (:

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Soooo i hope this helps you get a better picture of the characters (: 

Brookelle-Juliet 'bones' Summers

Gender: FemaleAge: 15

Brooke has long black layered hair, Green eyes and has a slight emo/scene style. She moved to nevada after her big sister Brianna-Alaysia died. (yeah they have big names ) Some of her nicknames are: Brooke, Brookie, Brookelle Bones, Juliet, Boo and BJ (by max. Which annoys her something awful :P) Shes small, 5'4 ft and used to do figure skating so shes quite strong. She plays guitar and drums and loves her best friend Andy (andy sixx) When she moves to Nevada one thing is clear. She doesnt want new people. She wants Bri and Andy back. She isnt interested in boys untill she sees Max and Ronnie. But she made a vow to herself, no boys.Will she stick to it?or will she fold? and who to?

Ronald 'Ronnie' Radke

Gender: MaleAge: 17

Ronnie has brown eyes and choppy black hair. Hes reeeeally tall 6'2 ft to be exact hes quite muscular though and loves girls....alot. He likes to get what he wants, even though it doesnt happen very often. Ronnies best friend is max, their moms were best friends when they were little. Ronnies mom died when he was born. His father always blamed Ronnie and makes him feel like crap because he 'killed' his mom. Ronnies big brother Riley, left when ronnie was 9 and only came back once. Ronnie does drugs when ofered and loves to go out and get hammered with his best friends max, bryan , robert and marcel. Ronnie is self-loathing but never tells anyone even max. But when he meets Brookelle-Juliet he has the need to tell her the truth. About everything because he just, cant lie to her. He falls hard for her but isnt convinced she likes him back, so what is he determined to do? Make her.

Maxwell 'Max' Green

Gender: MaleAge: 16

Max is average height but because hes with Ronnie all the time he looks smaller than he is at 5'8 ft and has black hair and dark green eyes.He's been friends with Ronnie since they were born, because their moms had been best friends. Max lives with his mom and his big brother Michael. His dad works in California, but is still with Max's mom, and his sister leonie lives with his dad. Max can tell anything to Ronnie and vice versa but when Brooke comes along thngs start to heat up. He has a majour crush on Brookelle-juliet when he first meets her, which is weird coz he only usually likes girls because theyre hot, but Brooke is gorgous and has an amasing personality, will he make a move?

Bryan 'Monte' Money

Gender: MaleAge: 16

Bryan is a crazy ass guy. He has peroxide blonde hair and is 5'8 ft. He loves music and his best friends Marcel, Ronnie, Max and Robert. Hes been crushing on Kayleigh Prescot for agggges, but can never pick up the courage to ask her out. He doesnt get involved in all the stuff Ronnie, Max and Robert do, he drinks but he tries to stay off the drugs. He thinks of Brooke as a littlle sister when he meets her, and secretly thinks that she likes Ronnie, but his personality shows that he wont go and tell Ronnie....or Max.

Brianna-Alasia Summers

Gender: FemaleAge: 17

Brianna was Brookelles big sister. They were best friends and did everything together, but when Brianna got a new boyfriend everything changed. He always wanted her with him and he would almost force her to go out and get wasted with him. She died when she was knocked down by a car......... bt you'll just have to read the story to find out how she got there and who was driving.. dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn (:

leonie 'LeeLee' Green

Gender: FemaleAge: 14

Leonie is Michael and Maxs little sister. She's 14 and lives in california with her dad. Shes got snakebies and her septum done but her mom doesnt know so shhhh ;) Shes the baby of the Green family but when she meets Brooke she ends up becoming really good friends with her during her vacation in L.V. shes 5'2 and has copy black hair with a bigh bright red fringe. Shes a little scene kid and ronnie and max love to annoy her about it. She has a secret crush on Ronnie but knows she cant do anythig coz hes her big brothers best friend and hes almost 4 years older than her. Shes a very bright happy person over all (:

Marcel De Raaze

Gender: MaleAge: 18

Marcel is 6'0, he has browny black hair with blonde ontop and has his septum and angel bites pierced. Hes a complete player and always gets what he wants. Hes rich and does alot of hard drugs. He used to be like best friends with Max and Ronnie but he grew appart from them when he became a whore lawl Hes a very jealous person and if ronnie has something, he has to have bigger and better

Robert 'rob' Ortiz

Gender: MaleAge: 18

Robert is 6'4, he has long 'slash like' curly hair and large brown eyes, and hes hispanic. His parents adopted Savannah when he was 4 and she was 3. Theyre really close and tell eachother almost everything. Shes his little sister so if anyone messes with her theyre dead. Hes a very protetive guy but hes quite quiet when hes not around his friends. He does drugs, smokes, and drinks and he admits it. He loves to play the drums and his best friends are Max Ronnie, Marcel, Omar and Monte. He loves football and hanging out with his friends, and hes a total player.

Savannah 'storm' Ortiz

Gender: FemaleAge: 15

Savannah, [also known as storm because of her temper] is 5'3, she has long brown layerd hair and Blue eyes. She was adoped by th Ortiz's when she was 3, and has always felt like she didnt totaly fit, as she is white and they are hispanic. She is aggerasive at times and even more when it comes to friends, and its always thought that this comes from Rob. Her best friend is her big brother Rob, she tells him everything and he is so protective over her. She loves dares no matter how crazy and shell never back down. Shes pretty crazy but makes friends with Brooke quickly.

Next chapter up as soon as i finnish typing it up (: ( an hour or two at most ;) )

Love always my little monsters (; <3



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