Listen up to the ones you trust, just a few by your side...

863 5 11

I don't know how long I sat there once he’d left. I was bored. Fuckless. I finished unpacking. I cleaned, dusted and tidied everything. It almost looked like no one lived here. I mean, when I say bored, I mean so bored that organising my CD’s, all 263 of them, alphabetically was mildly fun. My mom and dad left a while ago to get some blinds, plants etc they're going to ‘make this house our home’. To be honest, I think they’re just filling up the hole she left with things to keep them busy, even if it’s only for an hour or so. I don't blame them; I just wish I had something that would do the same. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door. I checked myself in the mirror quickly before heading down. Thank god I’d got into my white boob tube and my little black shorts and done my hair and makeup earlier. I skipped down the stairs to the door and swung it open to see max leaning against the door pane smirking at me.

‘Heeey max’ I said enthusiastically. To be honest I barely know max personally, but from what Ronnie says he’s a really cool guy.

‘Sup Brooke’ he smiled ‘ummm Ronnie was saying you were wanting the grand ol’ tour of Vegas’ he clapped his hands together and looked at me questioningly.

‘Umm yeah I guess. If you want I mean, if you had something planned it’s totally fi-’ I babbled on as I was getting nervous under his bright green eyes. I don't want him to feel like he has to spend time with me.

‘Nahhhhh giiirl its fine’ he laughed ‘So is now ok for you?’ he asked leaning against the door pane again. ‘Ronnie gets off work in an hour or so, so that’ll give us time to go lookin about before his highness appears’ I laughed as he rolled his eyes. He was kinda cute, he had the brightest eyes id ever seen and such a cute pierced grin.

‘Yeah sure. Just lemme grab some things.’ I said motioning for him to come in. I closed the door behind him and we headed upstairs to my room. As I slid into my converse and grabbed my hello kitty purse off my bed I noticed him staring up to my walls.

‘Me and Ronnie painted’ I giggled as he turned to me laughing slightly.

‘Thought so. He’s not great in the artistic-creative way’ he chuckled.

‘He’s good at singing’ I defended throwing on a pair of shades and heading downstairs.

‘Well yeah...I guess. His voice is... is really something’ he smiled. I grabbed a pen and pad from the table and scribbled where I was going and put it back down on the table next to the door.

‘Yeah. He was.... singing, yesterday and he’s actually pretty good’

‘Surprised?’ he winked as I locked the door. We wandered over to a slightly bashed up almost black, blue car, parked outside max’s house.

‘No. Just... yenno. You wouldn’t expect him to so good. I’m not surprised he’s in a band. They’re lucky to have him’

‘Yeah. We are. M’lady’ he grinned opening the passenger door for me. ‘Maxims Green. Bassist’

I laughed at his bad English accent and slid in. ‘Thank you kind sir.’ I giggled back.

 He closed the door behind me and almost skipped to his side. There was a strong smell of cleaning products and air freshener. Obviously he liked to keep his car clean... nice. He climbed in the other side and shot me a quick grin as he started the engine. Something flickered in my mind.

‘Weren’t we supposed to be taking your sister?’ I thought out loud. Realisation spread across his face. He hopped back out the car, ignition still on, and hollered up to the little old house.

‘LEONIE! CAR! NOW!’ he slid back into the car shooting me a shy smile as he buckled up. ‘ Thanks’ i heard him mutter but I was distracted when the door of the house opened and a small black haired girl with a bright red fringe bounced down the steps. She looked like someone i could get along with. Her hair was back combed and puffed and her eyeliner was in cute little cat eyes, pretty much like me. She slid into the backseat grinning as max rolled his eyes.

I Fell So Hard That I'm, Killing Myself <3Where stories live. Discover now