Time goes on

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Time went on and this was the happiest the Mikaelson's have ever been. Klaus and Camille had two sons- Sean and Kieran, Rebekah and Marcel had a daughter named--Ivy, and Davina also figured out a way to get pregnant with the help of Magic. It was a magical time. For the first time in ages, Mikaelsons have been free from all the tensions and worries but this did not mean that they could be completely carefree. they were all still protected carefully because the list of enemies was longer than rapunzel's hair. No one has struck in quite a while but that doesn't mean that all the problems would turn into pixie dust.

Jade's POV: 

 My exhibition was in a week and suspiciously Elijah has been busy these days. He has canceled on me two nights in a row although I did receive very expensive gifts as an apology. 

My exhibition was today and I haven't seen Elijah in a week. We've been talking on the phone and he's been busy with the usual 'family business and he has banned me from the Mikaelson compound because it is dangerous to go there and since I am a human, I should stay away as far away as possible. I was hoping that Elijah would show up but sadly, he didn't. I was watching the door for as long as possible. I got great compliments but I didn't get them from the person from whom I longed the most. I call him but he didn't pick up. The next morning, I see roses on my doorstep and a sorry letter.

Dearest Jade,

I hate to do this to you but trust me, honey, I tried but the condition is really bad.  I couldn't get out but I know that my sweetheart would make me proud. I hear your exhibition was a great success and here is a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I know this distance is short-lived and I love you more than anything.

Forever yours

Elijah Mikaelson.

I sigh and pick up the bottle of champagne. I know he has got problems but everything cannot be fixed with an expensive gift. The least he could do is tell me what is going on. I am feeling like an outsider. I am feeling like a nobody. And what if he hurts himself? I am so worried about him. The afternoon passes with me just listening to Taylor Swift and thinking about Mr.Suit and Tie. I went to Rousseau's at night to get a drink.

Elijah calls me up and I pick up the phone eagerly.

"Oh my god, Jade. My lovely, how are you doing?" 

"I am fine, Elijah. How are you? Is everything okay? At least tell me what  is  going on?"

"Where  are you?"

"Elijah, I am at Rousseau's. Come over."

"I'll be there in five minutes."

"Ok bye, love ya."

"Love you too."

I wait for some time and wait for some time for my nobleman to get there. I watch him come through the crowd with a bouquet of roses. He greeted me with the loveliest kiss and the tightest hug. He again apologized and told me that he would make up for it.

"I think we should talk." He said and my expression changed to a frown.

"Uh oh! Are you  breaking up with me ?" I said jokingly and he chuckled a little. 

 "Honey, I know it's our anniversary in a few days but I have got to go to Mystic Falls to deal with an urgent business and it could take time. We are going there to investigate the Augustine Vampire Association because there is a rumor that they may come after my  nieces and nephews and you know I must protect them." He said rubbing the back of my hand.

"How long?"

"More than 6 months."

"But didn't you go last time when Sean was in trouble with the werewolves?"


"And you went when Ivy was rumored to be kidnapped."

"Yes. I did. They are my responsibility. I have to protect them," He said.

"But you have just seen me like five times in the past month. Elijah, why do YOU always have to go? There are plenty of people in your family to take care of these things!"

"Are you kidding me, Jade? You've met them. They fight more than anything. They'd be lost without me!"

"But what about me?" I said with watery eyes.

"Honey, you mean so much to me but they're my family!" He said firmly.

"And I'm not?" I said widening my eyes.

"No... I didn't say it like that." He said and stood up but I  stormed out of that place.

I just am feeling so neglected and abandoned. I mean he is a vampire and I am a human. We have nothing in common but I didn't give it much thought ever.

Elijah has gone for months for taking care of an enemy in Mystic Falls. I miss him terribly. What is more irritating is that he has not been in touch either.   Whenever I try to call him, he always says that he would call me later but he never does. He did it for the first few days but then he stopped. I am not the person who gets insecure but now I am worried for his well-being. What if that red door crap got into his head again?  What if he is pushing himself away from me again? I am not worried about his life because Klaus is there. Okay, screw it! I am in love with him and I am mad at him but I just want to solve this. I have been pretty lonely these days and I've been missing him so much. 

I grab a few clothes and pack hastily. I purchased a flight ticket online and fly to Mystic Falls.

Elijah's POV:

Everything is falling apart. A heretic threatened Hope and Ivy last month and we've been thorough in our search but so far, we haven't got anything. 

My phone rings and I pick it up seeing the bold text pop up on the screen, "Narcissist Niklaus."

I pick it up.

"Brother, good news. I found a witch. she is an old acquaintance of mine. she claims to know of this puny heretic. Just go to him, get the name of the heretic and finish him up. But I should warn you that she is a bit bitter, her opinion of himself is entirely too high and she is easy to piss off. Do you think you can handle that?" He asks in his deeply accented voice.

"Egoistic and short-tempered? You're right I have never met a person like this," He says sarcastically.

"Ah. These are the side effects of your girlfriend. I am not a fan of this petty humor. I will text you the address and I am gonna hang up now." He said and hung up.

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