Chapter 2 - Captured

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"Oy Sesar, there's a little elf girl over here." said a voice, snapping me out of my deep sleep. I tried to open my eyes, however, a massive headache, followed by a sharp pain in my ribs and arms took my concentration away from the task at hand.

"What do you think we should do about it?" The man who I assumed was Sesar said in response.

"Elves are pretty rare around these parts, so we could sell er." The man replied, taking a dramatic pause before he spoke again, "Or, we could take er for other reasons..."

What're they talking about?

Right as I shifted my focus on opening my eyes once more, I felt a firm hand grasp my arm and drag me to my feet.

"O—ow! That hurts! Get your—" A loud thud sounded, followed by another sharp pain, this time to the back of my head. I felt my vision slowly fading as my legs buckled under the weight of my thin frame.


When I finally opened my eyes again, I noticed that there was something over my head and my hands were tied tightly behind my back. I debated yelling for help, or even trying to reason with these men who were obviously kidnapping me, but I knew it was useless.

After riding for what felt like over an hour, although truthfully, I couldn't tell, I finally noticed that the carriage we were riding in had stopped moving altogether.

I heard footsteps outside the carriage and the sound of the door flying open. A sudden influx of bright light told me that my headcover had been removed, and I instantly averted my gaze downwards due to the pain of looking at anything too bright.

I had briefly caught sight of the grizzled man who had ripped the bag off of my head, and I could practically feel his gaze boring into me as I kept my eyelids tightly shut.

A rather unpleasant smell infiltrated my nose, and I slowly opened my eyes to see the man's face, mere inches away from my own.

"Are ya fucking kidding me?" He grumbled as he looked me up and down once again. "Damnit, the kid's a boy!"

He gave me a quick shove, causing me to fall back into the crates I'd been leaning on and he stomped without another word.

After he left, I let my thoughts wander as I curled myself up into a ball, hoping to escape the reality of what was currently happening. My fear and resentment towards humans had begun to eat away at me as I lay there silently.

My entire life, I'd only met two kind people, one of them was dead, and the other was my elder half-brother who was never actually around. I wasn't sure at what time that resentment I'd held for the human race began to extend to Bairon...but it had.

While he'd never wronged me personally, he was never around when I needed him the most. My older brother who held strength that was enviable across Sapin...across the entire world, didn't have the strength to save me, his own blood...and I began to resent him for that.

Surely he'd noticed the signs, hadn't he? The signs that my twin and I weren't treated properly. If only he'd taken action...or just been there...maybe things would have turned out differently.

I began to wonder what my life would have been like if I'd been born in Elenoir. I was sure it'd be infinitely better, even if I never did awaken.

My father treated me like dirt my entire life. My stepmother treated me like less than dirt my entire life. The entire Wykes household, minus Bairon, treated me like trash, and they all shared one thing in common. They were all human, and the fact that I even shared blood with them disgusted me down to my nonexistent core.

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