Chapter 24 - Lance Lucifer

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I'm going to try to avoid doing this as much as possible in the future, however, It's basically required to go read chapter 24 of my other series in order to understand what's going on in this chapter. (it's basically only going to cover the fight anyways.)

Again, sorry for the confusion, but I really didn't want to write the same fight twice, just from different perspectives.

Just to clarify, you don't necessarily need to have read my other story in order to read the fight that happens in chapter 24, but it obviously helps.

Link to the fight 

Anyways, enjoy 

As the retainer collapsed in front of me, I looked over to Arthur expectantly. When we came to the realization that he was fully out, both of us finally relaxed.

After a while, Aya came to find us and we sent her to the nearest teleportation gate so that she could get mana suppression cuffs.

I thought back to my fight with him before I had initially lost. I hadn't been using my lightning abilities at all, opting for more widespread destructive powers, ignoring my more precise, but harder-to-control lightning-based attacks. If I was really going to beat a retainer next time, I needed to use my entire arsenal of abilities to their fullest instead of getting worked up.

"I still don't think it's a good idea to lock this asshole up," I said bitterly, unable to get the foul taste of losing yet again out of my mouth. Sure, to anyone who saw the tail end of the fight, it might have looked like I was going to win, but in reality, he had already beaten me.

I only survived because he used a lightning-based attack to finish me off instead of anything else. I only won because he was too much of a coward to finish me off with his own hands.

I'd lost yet again...and that pissed me off.

I fought to suppress the whirlwind of emotions that were begging me to execute this piece of shit. If I was alone...I'm sure I would have slit his throat while he slept, but whether or not it was due to my true feelings, or my beast will corrupting my mind, I wasn't completely sure.

Icarus had warned me not to let my anger and hatred bleed through, but it was difficult to suppress.

I wasn't like this before.

After I had died for the first time, I had become much easier to anger and I was much less agreeable, but I was unstable. Utterly unstable.

After a while of silence, Arthur finally responded to my words.

"What was he like?"

"In what way?" I asked.

"What were his powers? He said he was part asura, but he definitely doesn't look Vritra-blooded."

I took a moment to reply as I thought back on his abilities. "Well, he was extremely physically strong. And he used this trident that he could summon at will. On top of that, his mana was mostly water-based and he was capable of manipulating some sort of scale-like material for armor."

Arthur gave me a grim look. "Sounds like he's part Leviathan...he wasn't lying."

"That's not a good sign."

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