Chapter 6 - Patience

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My mana core groaned in protest as I abruptly shot up from whatever it was I was laying on.

Taking in my surroundings, I noticed I seemed to be deep in some sort of cave that was scorching hot. It had to have been at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit here, (37, c).

I shrouded myself in mana, despite the pain from my core.

I gazed down and to my surprise, my broken forearm was completely healed. However, my gauntlets, the ones Aya had gotten for me, were nowhere to be found.

I wanted to shout out for her name, but the ever-present fear of that man was still buried deep inside me...ingrained into my very core.

After a while spent entirely in my own thoughts, I heard soft footfalls coming closer from the other end of the cavern.

I recognized the footsteps before the figure even entered my view, but I was still surprised to see him clearly for the first time.

What stood before me was a man, maybe 20 years old at most, but with him was a terrifyingly unshakable presence.

I instinctively took a step back, holding my arms in a defensive posture as he neared closer to me.

He threw his hands up and dipped his head with a sigh, "Look, I'm not gonna attack you little girl, so just listen to what I have to say."

I didn't even have it in me to correct the man as I took another half-step back, guarding my chin with my fists.

"If I really wanted to kill you miss, I'd have done it hours ago, now stop with this shit," he said, exasperation lacing his tone.

He took another couple of steps and I nearly stumbled backward trying to get away.

"You lessers are so damn jumpy I swear," he grumbled.

He held out his hand and motioned for me to come closer. After noticing my hesitancy, he lost his patience.

"Get your ass over here," he said as he appeared in front of me before I could even react.

"I'm not exactly thrilled it has come to this, but just listen up kid."

He then grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the center of the room. 

I finally took in the man's appearance for the first time, studying him.

He had bright, fiery-red eyes that put my own to shame, and his hair was the same color and intensity as his eyes. I had to force myself to look away from his piercing eyes as I studied his outfit.

He strangely wore no shirt, and he wore loose red pants that wrapped tightly around his ankles, with an orange waist cloth that draped over the sides of his legs.

"Hey! Hey! Are you listening?" he snapped.

I nodded my head.

"Do you know what a beast will is, kid?"

I nodded again.

"Alright then, I can skip the explanation then. Basically, I'm going to give you my will, and while I'm not too thrilled about it, it's necessary."

'How can a human give me their will?'

"How can a human give me their will, is probably along the lines of what you're thinking right now isn't it?"

I nodded my head once more, unable to properly form any words in front of this strangely terrifying man.

"Essentially, you're lucky ass will be getting my will because you're quite literally the only option I have left. It's like you kids never awaken before the age of ten anymore," he shook his head in disappointment. "And while you're not completely pathetic, you're pretty damn close to it so listen up. I can tell there's something wrong with your core, but you're the only option and hopefully, that doesn't fuck this up too much.

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