Chapter 14 - Virion's disciple

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"Then it's decided! The six of you, come gear up!"

'Oh my...'

"Firae?" Claire yelled from across the field. "I didn't know you'd be here!"

She ran over to the professor, grabbing an extra set of equipment.

"Sorry...I guess I didn't notice you guys," I replied, unbuttoning my DC uniform.

"Oh no worries...come here I'll help you out."

With Claire looking the other way, I slipped on the rather unfashionable paints that she handed me. Then, I stored my DC uniform in my dimension ring and grabbed the top of the team fighting mechanics outfit from Claire.

"Oh, I didn't notice you had an undershirt on this entire time," Claire pinched the fabric of my uniform.

I quickly looked to the side before replying. "Oh~yeah, I just...uhh, get cold throughout the day, that's all."

"Aren't you a fire mage?" She asked suspiciously, leaning closer.

"Yeah, but I'd rather not waste mana keeping myself warm all day, you know?" I responded, lying straight through my teeth.

"Yeah...sure. Anyways, lemme help you strap those on." She handed me a couple of pads that were meant to cover the knees, shoulders, and elbow. I held out my arms as she helped me get equipped.

After the two of us finished up, I parted with her giving her a wave as I walked off.

Looking to my right, I noticed that the princess seemed to be helping Arthur put his equipment on.

'I guess they really do know each other.'

"You two! Enough fraternizing with the enemy!" The professor shouted as Princess Tessia shoved Arthur away in a fluster.

I walked over to the side of the two student council members as we faced off against the significantly more imposing team of Arthur, Prince Curtis, Claire, and the world lion.

I quickly bent over to fix the cuff of my pants that had gotten stuck on the inside of my boot, while the professor explained the rules. I didn't pay too much attention to them, because I was far too aggravated at my pants which were now uncomfortably positioned, due to them being slightly too long.

"...battle commence!"

I stumbled to my feet, startled, and I watched in horror as my two teammates abandoned me to go fight their respective one-on-one battles.

'That means!'

I angled my head up to Arthur Leywin, the disciple of Virion Eralith, the enigma at the center of Mister's vague instructions, and the boy who held a mana core that I couldn't even sense.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!'

"Clive! Princess Tessia! Someone come back me up...I don't wanna fight this guy alone!" I shouted in a desperate attempt to get someone to come help me so that I didn't die.

Realizing my attempts were futile, I slowly turned around to face my opponent.

'It could be worse though...I could be fighting Note right now, truthfully, anything is better than fighting that guy.'

'Deep breaths...deep br—!'

I saw as Arthur Leywin's lips curled into a confident smirk as he revealed the shaft of a weapon I knew all too well.

'Oh for Fucks sake!'

"N-Note?" I asked, desperately praying that I was wrong.

"Long time no see bud," he said, swinging his now unsheathed sword in a beautiful teal arc.

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