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Hinata freezes, seeing his upperclassman in his doorway, staring right back at him in a bunny costume. Hinata turns bright red, as Oikawa starts laughing at Hinata.

"S-shut up senpai! What are you doing here this late?!" Hinata exclaims, stomping back into his apartment to try and cover up.

"D-Damn Chibi-chan didn't know you were like that!" Oikawa laughs.

"Shut up!" Hinata exclaims again, taking off the bunny ears and throwing on a hoodie.

"Oh god! Anyway! You left some of your stuff at the makeup store today so I thought I'd drop it off for you." Oikawa says, finally stopping his laughing fit and stepping into Hinata's apartment.

"So why did you decide to come at 1am?!" Hinata exclaims.

"I heard from Tobio-chan that you get off work this late, and you seemed like you'd need this in the morning." Oikawa says, pulling out Hinata's wallet from his pocket. Hinta gasps, not realizing that he lost his wallet earlier and rushing to Oikawa.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much Oikawa-senpai." Hinata says as Oikawa hands him the wallet.

"It's no problem Chibi-chan, and I promise not to tell Tobio-chan about your little outfit there~" He teases.

"Oh, be quiet. Besides, he's already seen me in this." Hinata says, knowing that Kageyama watched his stream.

"Daaaammn, you guys are that kinky?" Oikawa asks with a laugh.

"Whatever. Thank you Oikawa-senpai, if there's anything I can do to repay you I will." Hinata says.

"I'll keep that in mind Chibi-chan." Oikawa says, waving goodbye as he leaves Hinata's apartment. Hinata sighs, going over to his door as he blushes profusely from getting caught in such an outfit. Hinata sighs, when he notices a package right by the door. Picking it up, he inspects the package, Hinata hadn't ordered anything recently and he couldn't find a return address, but it had his name on it. Shrugging, Hinata takes the package inside and tosses it onto his counter. 'Who could've sent me something? I'm sure as hell not gonna open it here... I'll open it tomorrow with Ya-chan and Kiyoko.' He thinks to himself.

Hinata yawns to himself, happy that Kageyama isn't at his apartment to torment him. He goes to his bedroom, sliding off the skirt and vest underneath the jacket before crawling onto his bed. Plugging in his phone Hinata goes to brush his teeth and put a little bit of oil in his hair so it would be fluffy the next day. Looking in his mirror while brushing his teeth, Hinata realizes that the hoodie he was wearing he didn't recognize. 'Is this Kiyoko's jacket? She doesn't own anything this big.. Wait.. KAGEYAMA?!' Hinata thinks, spitting the toothpaste out of his mouth when he realizes whose clothes he's wearing. Hinata goes into a mini coughing fit, turning red when he realizes that it was Kageyama's hoodie that he left when he slept over. Going to rinse his mouth with water, Hinata realizes how red his face got.

After calming down a bit, Hinata looks at himself in the hoodie. 'I really should change out of it.. But it's really comfy.. And I'm feeling lazy... I mean it's his fault for leaving it.' Hinata thinks, shrugging and going to put the small amount of oil in his hair before meandering over to his bed. Hinata lays down on his bed, curling up under the covers and into the hoodie. As Hinata drifts to sleep, he feels himself bury his way into the jacket without meaning to. As he takes a deep breath, Hinata falls asleep comfortably.

The next morning, Hinata wakes up, relieved to not have class that day. Getting out of bed, Hinata goes and gets dressed into a casual pair of shorts and T-shirt. His only plan was to go and get some food with Kiyoko and Yachi later that day and then come home to rest before his stream. Grabbing his things, Hinata also swipes the package left outside for him the other night. As he runs to go meet his friends, Hinata thinks about what could be inside the package. As Hinata approaches the arcade they were going to hangout at, Yachi starts waving him down.

"Sho-kun! Over here!" Yachi calls. Hinata runs over to his friends, the package still under his arm.

"Hey Ya-chan, Kiyoko." Hinata greets, sitting just outside of the arcade.

"What's that Sho?" Kiyoko asks, pointing to the box.

"I dunno, it was just left outside of my door yesterday." Hinata says, placing it on the table in front of them.

"Well? Open it up." Kiyoko says, nudging Hinata.

"Alright alright geez, give me a sec." Hinata complains, taking his small pocket knife and flipping up the blade. Hinata cuts the tape of the box, slowly opening it up.

"Oh!" Hinata exclaims, turning bright red.

"What? What is it?" Yachi asks, trying to peek inside the box. Hinata starts laughing to himself, almost falling backwards, making Kiyoko curious and peek inside,

"Oh my god!" Kiyoko laughs.

"What?? OH" Yachi says shocked. Inside of the box are a few toys, like a vibrator, nipple clamps, a dildo, and a few other toys. All 3 friends laugh their asses off as they try to come up with who left them at Hinata's door.

"Could it be the network?" Yachi asks, wiping her eyes of tears from laughing so hard.

"Maybe, they do send unmarked packages like this sometimes. Although it's usually only outfits or like, congratulatory alcohol." Hinata responds.

"Is that how you have so much expensive alcohol?" Kiyoko asks.

"Yep! They send me a shit ton cause I'm 20." Hinata responds.

"Damn, wish I could get free alcohol from work." Yachi says.

"Half the time I just sell it. Though if I like the brand then I'll keep it." Hinata explains. "But they've NEVER sent stuff like this before."

"Could it be from another camboy?" Kiyoko suggests.

"Maybe. Although I'm not super close with any of the other ones." Hinata responds, peeking inside the box again.

"What if it was a fan? Like they sent it to the network and then the network forwarded it to you?" Kiyoko suggests.

"I mean it's happened before, but usually they'd send a note along with the box. This has nothing." Hinata says.

"Wait... WHAT IF IT WAS KAGEYAMA." Yachi laughs.

"No, no way it was him!" Kiyoko says, shoving her girlfriend playfully.

"Yea no way! I don't think he'd do this." Hinata agrees.

"But it's possible~" Yachi teases.

"Yea it's POSSIBLE but I don't think he'd do this Ya-chan." Hinata says, closing the box so nobody can peek inside and see the toys. 

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