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Over the last 3 days, nobody had seen Hinata, not even Kiyoko and Yachi. He just locked himself in his apartment without anyone being able to open the door. Inside Hinata's apartment, everything stayed relatively clean, except for the ginger himself. He didn't touch any of his food, or the rest of his clothes. He just stayed in the exact same hoodie and shorts, laying in his bed all day. Hinata's phone blew up so much with messages and notifications it ended up dying, even though he hadn't touched it. As Hinata lay in his bed, the third day in a row he hadn't eaten anything, his stomach finally growling so violently it sent waves of pain through his body. Hinata grips his stomach, curling in on himself, praying that the pain would stop soon. Finally getting up for the first time in days, Hinata slowly walks to his kitchen, looking for something quick to eat.

Finally, after his stomach growls violently again, Hinata grabs a granola bar, scarfing it down just to calm his stomach as he attempts to make a real meal. Going into his pantry, he grabs out a box of pasta and starts a pot of boiling water, sitting on his floor as he waits for the plain spaghetti to be done. Hinata thinks back to how much his phone buzzed, before just going dead silent and gets up to check it. When he picks up his phone, realizing it was dead he plugs it in, going back to the food that was just about done. Making himself a small bowl of pasta, he salts it lightly and decides just to eat that. Going back to his bed, Hinata's phone buzzes violently with the backed-up notifications finally coming through. Eating the pasta, he decides just to Facetime his girlfriends. After simply pressing the call button, he immediately gets a response from a very worried looking Yachi.

"Sho-chan! Oh my god what happened to you?! We were so worried, why wouldn't you answer anything?" She panics, Kiyoko rushing into frame quickly.

"Sorry Ya-chan.." Hinata mumbles, shoving another forkful of spaghetti in his mouth. Kiyoko stops to look at Hinata, staring intensely at him. Hinata was wearing an oversized hoodie that definitely looked like it hadn't been washed, he had large eye bags and his hair was disheveled. Kiyoko looked at the food Hinata was eating and noticed how it was just plain pasta, she examined Hinata more before taking Yachi by the wrist while talking loudly.

"You're a depressed hoe that hasn't left your house, eaten and SLEPT in 3 days Hinata Shoyo, me and Yachi are coming over with snacks, drinks and gay bestie support so you better unlock your door bitch." Kiyoko demands.

"K-Kiyoko-senpai no I'm fine!" Hinata protests.

"Sho-chan you look like shit, feel like shit and need support. You cannot stop us." Yachi says, getting into Kiyoko's car while Kiyoko starts driving off, definitely above the speed limit, to Hinata's apartment.

"No you guys I swear I'm fine!" Hinata protests, putting the pasta down to pick up his phone.

"Hinata, we're really worried about you, please let us in?" Yachi asks, using the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Fine.." Hinata says, finally giving up.

"Give us 3 minutes, and we're at your door, you better unlock it or I am breaking in Hinata!" Kiyoko exclaims. Hinata sighs, knowing that he can't stop his friends from coming over.

"I'll unlock the door.." Hinata mumbles, getting up from his bed and going to the door, where he stands momentarily before sliding the deadbolt lock open.

"Good!" Kiyoko says through the phone. Hinata slowly makes his way back to his bed, sitting on it and bringing the bowl of pasta back onto his lap.

"Ok we're here, be up in a minute Sho-chan!" Yachi calls, hanging up the call before Hinata could even respond. Hinata sits in his bed, just waiting for Yachi and Kiyoko to burst through the door and start comforting him. As the stomping down the hallway gets louder, Hinata puts the bowl of pasta on his bedside table, knowing full well Kiyoko and Yachi were going to tackle him once they got inside. Hinata's prediction was correct, the door bust open, revealing a panting Kiyoko, having obviously run up the several flights of stairs to reach Hinata, and Yachi right behind her, holding a big bag of their 'Comfort Care Package.'

Anytime one of the 3 of them would get upset, one of the friends would put together their comfort care package. It was a bunch of snacks, face masks, movies and other things to help them feel better whenever they were down. Hinata had done the package countless times for the girls, and it was their time to repay it.

"Shoyo!" Kiyoko yells, running over and tackling Hinata into a hug while Yachi sets up the care package in Hinata's living room.

"Hi Kiyoko.." Hinata mumbles, hugging his friend back tightly.

"You smell like shit oh my god." Kiyoko says, pulling back from Hinata to drag him out of bed.

"I've just been sitting here Kiyoko. It's not like I've done anything." Hinata protests. Kiyoko drags Hinata up from his bed and shoves him into the bathroom, locking the door from the outside.

"Take a shower while me and Kiyoko set up your gay bestie support!" Yachi yells through the door. Groaning, Hinata finally takes off his dirty clothes and steps into the shower, letting the water drip down his face and clean away the last few days worth of filth. Hinata stays in the shower for a solid 10 minutes, washing away all of the dirt he collected and finally feeling a bit better. As Hinata exits the bathroom, he looks around to see that Kiyoko and Yachi changed his sheets and made his bed, while also setting out a cute, but very comfortable outfit for Hinata. The ginger smiles, knowing that his friends were taking such good care of him, just like what he did for them.

Picking up the clothes from his bed, Hinata slides on the oversized sweater that was a very light blue with small flowers on it, and a pair of comfortable shorts. Grabbing the brush the girls had set out, Hinata brushes through his tangled hair, having to work through it a bit before finally getting it back to its regular, fluffy style. As soon as Hinata steps out of his room, he smells Kiyoko cooking, and sees Yachi searching for a movie, surrounded by pillows, blankets and drinks.

"Sho-chan! Come here I have 3 movies to choose from!" Yachi calls, waving Hinata over. Hinata quickly picks himself up, going over to Yachi and sitting on the blankets, where she set up some of Hinata's favorite movies.

"Ok! We can either do My Neighbor Totoro, Coraline or The Cabin, what do you want Sho-chan?" Yachi asks.

"Hmmm... Let's do Totoro." Hinata responds, quickly grabbing his phone to see the rest of the notifications he missed. Hinata frowns, seeing several from Kageyama, the people from the volleyball project and other school work things. As Hinata goes through, muting all the messages he didn't want to read, the ginger stops on 1 message exchange. It was 3 messages over the last 3 days, all from Iwaizumi. Hinata smiles, seeing Iwaizumi so worried about him and wanting to help.

Iwaizumi and Hinata PM

Day 1

Iwaizumi: Hinata are you alright? You weren't at school and I saw you're on hiatus? Is everything ok?

Day 2

Iwaizumi: Hey just checking on you, please say you're alright Kiyoko and Yachi are super worried about you too.

Day 3

Iwaizumi: Hinata, do you need someone to talk to? I can come over and talk if you need?

Hinata: Hey Iwaizumi, I'm alright, Kiyoko and Yachi are taking care of me rn. Something happened with Kageyama.

Iwaizumi: Ok good. I'm so sorry to hear about that, did you want me to come over sometime to talk about it? Just us?

Hinata: Yea, that'd be really nice.. I think you'd understand what's going on a bit better than the girls.

Iwaizumi: Alright, how about I come over tomorrow after school? We can chat, just us?

Hinata: That works for me, I'm probably gonna stay home again. I have no energy.

Iwaizumi: Understandable. I'll see you tomorrow.

Hinata: Yea see you tomorrow.

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