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As Hinata opens the door to his apartment at 6:30, all the other volleyball players enter and stare at his place.

"Woah Hinata-kun! I never knew your job paid THIS much!" Lori says shocked.

"Do you live here by yourself?" Yuta asks.

"Yea, but this is where me and my girl friends hangout cause I don't have roommates." Hinata responds, quickly walking into his kitchen to grab a snack.

"Girlfriends?! I thought you were dating Kageyama-senpai!" Lori asks again, going and setting her things down in Hinata's living room.

"I am, they're just my best friends Kiyoko and Yachi." Hinata explains, chugging the glass of water he just poured himself.

"Well we should finalize what we're gonna do, then practice it all tomorrow before Wednesday." Kazuko reminds, trying to get everyone back on track.

"Right, so Kageyama-senpai will obviously be our setter." Yuta says, writing down in a notepad all the roles.

"Yea, if we could, let's try and see if I can set to Yuta, then Hinata and Kazuko you guys block it?" Kageyama suggests.

"See but we need a spot for Lori, also yours and Hinata's quick attack." Yuta says, quickly jotting down what Kageyama said as a note.

"Well we could try and split it into 2 parts?" Lori suggests. "Like we demonstrate a regular spike and block, then your guys' quick and my receive?"

"I think that'll work, but we need to make sure that people don't leave as we transition between each presentation." Hinata reminds, standing and slowly pacing around his living room.

"But how would we even do that? It takes time for us to switch sides then set up the quick." Kageyama asks.

"We could have half of it in the beginning of the presentation, then do the information board and after that the other half of the presentation?" Kazuko suggests.

"That would work, and it would make sure we're less tired after each presentation." Yuta snaps. The conversation continues on, Hinata just agreeing with what the rest of the group was saying as he stares at his clock. As the minutes fade to hours, a small ringing is heard from Hinata's bedroom around 8:30, as the group was finishing up and having a snack he had whipped up.

"What's that?" Kageyama asks.

"Oh one sec that's Yachi." Hinata says, recognizing the ringtone. Hinata bolts to his bedroom, picking up the phone before closing the door with his foot.

"Sho-chan what the hell are you doing?" Yachi asks.

"Well hello to you too." Hinata says, not being used to Yachi being so forceful.

"Shoyo! The network just messaged me asking where you were because you guys had a meeting today! Ya know?! That super important meeting at YOUR apartment because he wanted you to meet another camboy?!" Yachi exclaims, being the second form of contact for Hinata, if Hinata couldn't be reached.

"FUCK, I forgot that was today! Those people for the volleyball presentation are still over here!" Hinata yells, loud enough for his classmates in his living room to hear.

"Well kick them out, get changed into whatever the hell you can and bring this guy up! He's waiting!" Yachi yells.

"Ok! Fuck! Give me a second!" Hinata says, keeping on the phone with Yachi and he opens the door. "Hey you guys need to leave, like, right now." Hinata demands, quickly going and picking up his own things to put them away.

"What why? What's wrong?" Kageyama asks, as everyone else cleans up quickly.

"Because my boss is coming over and I need you all out." Hinata demands, going to one of his cabinets to try and find some sort of nice alcohol to give to his guests.

"Why do you have so much alcohol?!" Lori asks, just as she was about to leave.

"For events like this now can you all PLEASE get out of my apartment?" Hinata demands again, taking out one of the bottles to place on his coffee table, before rushing to get glasses.

"We're leaving, so sorry Hinata-kun. See you tomorrow for practice." Yuta says, shoving everyone out of Hinata's apartment out of respect.

"Ok you can tell them to come up now Ya-chan." Hinata says, finally placing down the glasses and changing his sweatshirt for a crop top quickly.

"Got it." Yachi says, hanging up the phone just to leave Hinata alone in silence as he prepares for his guests. Just a few minutes later, Hinata hears a knock on his door and after fluffing up his hair one more time, opens the door.

"Hey Alex." Hinata greets, shaking the man's hand.

"Hinata! There's my #1 streamer." Alex responds, shaking Hinata's hand back before heading inside of Hinata's apartment.

"Where's your friend? Didn't you say he'd be joining us?" Hinata asks, leading Alex through his apartment and to the couch, where he pours the man a small glass of expensive whiskey.

"Ah yes, my #2 streamer, he had to go to the restroom when you called us up, he'll be here in a minute." Alex responds, taking a glass and sipping it lightly.

"Alright. Did you want ice or soda?" Hinata offers.

"Just ice would be great." Alex responds, handing Hinata back the glass as he goes to fill it with ice. As soon as the ice clinks inside of oily liquid, another knock is heard on Hinata's apartment door.

"It's unlocked! Come on in!" Hinata calls. The door opens and Hinata hears a familiar voice.

"Hinata?!" Iwaizumi's voice asks, shocked.

"Iwaizumi-senpai?!" Hinata exclaims, whipping around and almost dropping the glass of whiskey. 

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