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Last Chapter will be on Wednesday! Thank you all for taking the time to read.

Hinata groans, sitting up in  his bed next to Iwaizumi. Looking to his side, Hinata stares blankly at Iwaizumi, wondering what he had done. 'I broke up with Kageyama.. I didn't even love him in the first place.. So why do I feel so guilty..' Hinata thinks. Iwaizumi stirs beside Hinata, slowly waking up. Taking a deep breath, Hinata manages to muster a smile while Iwaizumi adjusts to being awake.

"Morning Hinata.." Iwaizumi says, his voice deep from morning grogginess.

"Morning.." Hinata responds, taking in a deep breath.

"You ok?" Iwaizumi asks, hearing the deep sigh coming from the younger.

"I.. dunno.." Hinata mumbles, laying back in the bed.

"Wanna talk about it?" Iwaizumi offers.

"It's just.. I dunno I feel kinda guilty.. I know I broke up with Kageyama and I don't think I cared for him but it still feels like I cheated.." Hinata explains. Iwaizumi stays quiet, unsure of how to respond.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that.." Iwaizumi says, sitting up to get dressed and leave.

"No, no, no! It's alright! It's not you, I just don't know what my head is doing." Hinata says frantically, sitting up to face Iwaizumi.

"No, I knew you were in a bad spot and I should've stopped you. I'm sorry." Iwaizumi says, starting to put on his clothes.

"Iwaizumi it's alright I promise!" Hinata protests, quickly sliding out of bed before standing in front of Iwaizumi. Looking up at Hinata, Iwaizumi sighs, standing to give Hinata a quick hug.

"Fine.. I have to go though.." Iwaizumi says, finally pulling on his shirt.

"Alright.. Don't feel bad, ok? I wanted to have sex with you." Hinata says, getting out of Iwaizumi's way.

"Alright.. I'll see you, Hinata." Iwaizumi responds, gathering the rest of his things before walking out of Hinata's apartment. Hinata paces back and forth in his apartment, wondering what is happening to him. 'I don't like Kageyama. No, he's an asshole and he hurt me.. Why do I feel so bad.' Hinata thinks.

"Hinata!" Sugawara greets, calling Hinata over. Hinata runs over to his old vice captain, jumping up and bear hugging him. Kiyoko and Yachi follow behind Hinata, laughing as he hugs Suga.

"Suga!" Hinata shouts, excited to see his old team again. It had been a week, and while Hinata was struggling with his emotions, he decided to put on a brave face and spend time at his reunion with a smile on his face.

"You all were the last ones to arrive. That's shocking." Tsukishima chuckles, seeing Hinata finally.

"Hey, I was busy!" Hinata protests, letting go of his hug with Suga to face Tsukishima. "Why did you all get taller? This is bullshit."

"Wow you can swear?!" Yamaguchi laughs, ruffling Hinata's hair.

"Of course I can! I just didn't in highschool cause of Natsu." Hinata laughs, as the rest of the group approaches.

"Alright, now that we're all here, let's go to Ukai's shop!" Daichi announces, leading everyone out of their meeting spot and towards the shop they all used to frequent after volleyball practice. While the group walked together, everyone chatted, catching up after not seeing each other in a few years. The group laughed as they entered into Ukai's shop, where their old coach was standing and cleaning.

"Ukai!" Daichi calls, getting the man's attention. Ukai turns around, grinning widely seeing the group.

"Hey guys!" Ukai laughs.

"A round of meat buns please!" Suga calls, getting in front of Daichi before he could pay for the food. Everyone begins laughing at Suga's insistence to pay for everyone else. Ukai laughs as well before moving to get the food for them.

The group leaves soon after greeting their old coach, and they begin to walk around, ending up at a park.

"Hey guys! Let's play a game! Just like old times!" Noya shouts, holding up a volleyball he had brought with him.

"I'm so down!" Hinata exclaims, running over and stealing the ball from Nishinoya. Everyone soons agrees and are lined up on either side of a net at the park, starting to play together.

While some members of the team were rusty from not playing in a while, Hinata was in top notch, still keeping up with his practice even after highschool. Everyone watches in amazement at how well Hinata kept his skills, not batting an eye before going to dive and receive a ball on the soft grass. Hinata laughs after spiking the ball again onto the other side, pushing past Tsukishima's block.

"Ugh I hated Kageyama's sets!" Hinata laughs, not realizing the team staring in confusion.

"Hinata? Who's Kageyama?" Suga asks, approaching the ginger. Hinata freezes, realizing his mistake and goes quiet.

"Nobody.." Hinata lies.

"Is that your teammate?" Yamaguchi asks, walking under the net to face Hinata.

"I said he was nobody." Hinata lies again. "L-let's just keep going with the match."

"Alright.." Asahi responds, picking up the ball to continue the match. Soon, it got too dark to continue playing, and each began to pack up.

"Hey Hinata?" Yamaguchi asks, approaching him. Hinata spins around, facing Yamaguchi.

"What's up?" Hinata responds.

"Who.. is Kageyama?" Yamaguchi asks. Hinata freezes, just wanting to escape Kageyama.

"He's no one..." Hinata huffs, Yamaguchi stares at Hinata, doubting his words.

"Hinata.. Please? It might make you feel better?" Yamaguchi suggests. Hinata sighs, wanting to listen to his old friend.

"Fine.. Kageyama was this guy that kinda forced me to date him for like 5 months but now my head is confused because I'm trying to tell myself that I don't care about him but for some reason it feels like I do." Hinata rants, speaking so fast that he has to take a second and catch his breath. Yamaguchi thinks for a second, wondering what to say next.

"Well. You said you don't know if you really cared about him. Right?" Yamaguchi asks.

"Yea.." Hinata responds.

"Go to this Kageyama guy and have a conversation with him. Just talk, nothing like whatever weird dance you two were doing. Just talk like adults. After talking you'll see if you care about him or not." Yamauchi says, thinking back to his own relationship with Tsukishima and how they solved their 'Are we friends or not' situation.

"Alright... But how do I start the conversation?" Hinata asks again.

"Text him and ask him to come over and talk. That's what I did with Tsukki."

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