Chapter 7; Evidence

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Inside a board room was a large table, eight chairs placed around it. At the table sat General Weaver, Agent Johnson, Doctor Verrückt, Professor Banner, Commander Saunders, Doctor Winston, Commander Keyes, and Professor Membrane.

"What have you discovered Winston?", Weaver asked the genetics scientist.

The black haired woman pushed up her glasses and replied, "the blood you sampled for us was alien, but we found something else."

"What?", Johnson wondered.

"Human blood," Winston said. "My team and I have deduced that there was, for a fact, someone that helped the alien get away, yet they were clumsy and got cut."

"Membrane, have you discovered anything on this?", Weaver asked.

"The person is a Caucasian female with positive o-type blood, she has green or amber eyes," Membrane answered.

"Damn it, that isn't much of a lead," Weaver grumbled.

"I have something to show," Verrückt said from his seat. His hair was white, long, and frizzy, his eyes dull and lifeless behind his glasses, and he was skin, skin that was paler than a ghost, and bones. The man scared everyone, even those who wouldn't admit it.

"What is it, Verrückt?", Weaver asked, impatience seething his voice.

"I have discovered that the ship you recovered is extremely advanced," he began, taking breaks in between words to cackle. "There is a storage area where there is food-like sticks, there is a sleeping pod, and a charging station. I believe our alien has a need for eating and sleeping, perhaps even charging, so we can use that to our advantage."

"Nothing else? Did you not find anything else Doctor?", Johnson spoke up.

"We have found weapons, guns of some sort, but we haven't been able to activate them, I believe it is DNA encoded," Verrückt replied.

"Meaning?", Saunders said.

"Only the user, or owner, of said weapon can fire it," Verrückt growled at the commander. Clearly he didn't like to have to dum himself down to talk with others. The man was a genius, like Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and The Joker all in one, crazy being.

"Have we found any leads on where it could have gone?", Weaver questioned.

"It couldn't have gotten far, so nearby towns and cities seem like the perfect places to start," Keyes said.

"Yes, we'll rule out the towns that don't have any of the women we're looking for, then search them," Weaver nodded in agreement.

"When should we start, sir?", Keyes asked.

"Once we have Winston and Membrane rule out the places we know the alien isn't," Weaver old him. "After that, we will search, but we must be discreet."

"Sir, yes sir!", Keyes and Saunders saluted.

"Good, then Verrückt and Banner will look into the alien craft, I want daily updates," the general ordered the Professor and Doctor.

"Yes, of course," Verrückt purred evily. Something was seriously wrong with this man.

"Is that all, sir?", Johnson asked.

"I need you to investigate further matters Johnson, give me a report if you find anything at all," Weaver replied.

"Yes sir," Johnson nodded.

"The meeting has concluded, now remember, don't tell anyone about this," Weaver warned.

"Of course sir," they all nodded.

They all left, leaving Weaver alone with his thoughts. The general tried to tie everything together in his mind, trying to see a different angle.

Johnson walked out of the room with the others, once they were paying no attention to him, he left. The agent walked into Weaver's office, he then sat at the desk and flipped open the computer. He hacked it quickly, downloading everything alien related off of it and onto his hard drive.

When he was finished, he snuck out and headed into his own office. Johnson locked the door behind him and shut the blinds. He put his finger to his ear and contacted A.C.E., the hard drive in hand.

"Agent Johnson, have you discovered anything?", a deep and distorted voice came form the other end of the private call.

"Yes, I will send a full report after I have looked through this file more, for now, I know that there was a woman involved with the aliens escape," Johnson reported. "The alien also appears to be Irken, by its tech."

"Who is she?", the voice asked.

"We don't know, but she is Caucasian with green or amber eyes and she has positive o-type blood," he reported.

"Hmm," the voice thought. "Has anyone suspected you?"

"No sir, not even Weaver," Johnson said.

"Ha! Weaver is still a dumbass, just like he used to be," the voice laughed.

"Definitely sir," the agent couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Yes. I want a report soon Johnson, and stay inconspicuous," the voice reminded.

"Yes sir," he confirmed.

"Signing off," the voice said before hanging up.

Johnson wasted little time to get in his computer and looked through the file. So far the file only repeated what he learned from the meeting, but there was more. Older entireties. It seemed the general was trying to learn from past alien encounters?

"The general really doesn't know that those are all fake," Johnson tsked. "Disappointing. You would think he would know that that Agent Mothman kid and his band of ragtag grandpas would have no real proof. How sad," he shook his head.

After an hour, the agent had scoured the drive and didn't find anything new. The only "new" thing was fakes from the Swollen Eyeball Network, and those were fakes.

Johnson called his superior with his ear piece. "Yes?", the same voice answered.

"The drive contained nothing useful that I didn't learn form the meeting," he reported.

"Damn," the voice cursed. "We need to call in our allies, I shall contact the bounty hunter and her leaders as soon as possible."

"Yes sir, I shall meet with her when she arrives," the agent agreed.

"Good, now, continue your work," the voice ordered.

"Yes sir," Johnson said, then the voice hung up.

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