Chapter 53: Tak-hnical Difficulties

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The ship entered the air and everything was fine, for now. The cloaking tech began to fail halfway to the ship that was perched just outside of earth's atmosphere, they wouldn't make it without their cloak.

"Shit! Son of a bitch!", Zim cussed as he saw the warnings pop up.

"What? What's happening?", Gaz asked, trying to read the Irken language.

"Ugh, I must have messed up something and now the cloak is failing," the Irken explained. "I have to go outside of the ship and fix it from there, I can't do it from inside the cockpit."

"You can't go out there! We don't have any spacesuits," his girlfriend told him.

"We do, I'll show you," he smirked. He then pressed a button on the side of his neck piece and a bubble surrounded his head, then it became invisible. "Infinite oxygen," he told them smugly.

"Don't get yourself killed," the violet haired woman chuckled.

"I won't, plus you won't let that happen," her boyfriend chuckled.

"Yeah, your right," she nodded.

"Get a room, God," Dib groaned, earning a glare from his sister.

"Alright, try to keep the ship steady while I'm out there, and put on your helmets- just in case," the Irken told them seriously.

The two put their helmets in and nodded. Then the Irken opened up the front hatch, the glass hissing as it exposed them to the vacuum of space. The captain shimmed out and climbed on top of the ship, feeling around for a certain panel. His fingers grazed a panel and he started at it quizzically. He opened it to see the cloaking system, he grinned- now he could get to work.

Just as Zim started he heard an all to familiar voice call to him, "oh, Zim." He turned and faced Tak, she stood on top of her ship with Mimi piloting. "You miss me? Cause I sure as hell didn't miss you, you piece of shit," she snarled.

Zim carefully brought his hand up to his head and pressed a button next to his antenna. He muttered into the com link, "we've got a problem, Tak's here and I can't fight her and fix the ship."

"I'm coming," Gaz replied.

"Hurry," he mumbled.

"So, Zim, you disgusting defect, you ready to die? Actually, don't answer that, I don't give a flying rats ass about your answer," the hunter laughed evilly.

Zim smirked as he thought of a way to mess with the bounty hunter. "Hey, why do you have a rats ass? And how do you know the rat could fly, if you have it's ass?", he questioned her.

"It's an expression dumbass," she rolled her eyes. "And I don't carry a rats ass with me, that's disgusting."

"You carry a rats ass around!? That's disgusting! How can you call yourself an Irken hunter!?", he gagged forcefully, trying to get under her skin.

"Ugh! I'm gonna kill you!", she hissed, mission successful.

"And how are you gonna do that?", Gaz asked, the human had snuck around behind the Irken hunter whilst the captain distracted her.

Tak spun and met Gaz's fist with her chin, knocking her backward and off of the ship. The Irken captain quickly began his work, Gaz was buying him precious time and he needed to hurry.

"You disgusting human!", the hunter spat as she ignited her jet boots and blasted back over to the violet haired human. Her boots magnetized to the ships hull with a thud and the Irken snarled. "You'll regret ever saving that defect."

"I don't think I will," the violent woman smirked, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.

"I'll make sure you do," the bounty hunter hissed. She kicked at Gaz's face, but her boot was caught with the humans hand. The Irken was spun and flipped onto her back, then she had the human on top of her, raining punches down which were defended against.

Gaz grabbed Tak's forearms and ripped them away from her face, then the human head butted her, causing dark green blood to leak out from her forehead. The Irken bared her teeth and kicked the human in the back, making her go flying off of her and into space. The violet haired woman quickly jet booted back onto the ship and hit the hunter with a punch that knocked her back to the edge of the ship.

"You bitch," Tak growled, spitting blood out.

"Aw, that's cute, coming from the bitch that killed my boyfriends mom and has been trying to kill us the whole time," Gaz snapped, her knuckles cracking as she balled her fists up.

"You'll never win," the bounty hunter chuckled. She looked the violent woman in her closed eyes, "my Tallests will kill you all, and there'll be nothing left. If I were you, I'd take this stolen ship and get the hell out of here."

"But your not me, and I'm pretty damn stubborn," the human retorted.

"She is!", Zim agreed, sticking one hand in the air.

Gaz sniffed, "let's just get back to me kicking your ass."

"If you say so, but I'm the one kicking your ass," Tak smiled maliciously.

"Sure you are," the human shrugged, rolling her eyes.

Gaz leaped at Tak and hopped on top of her shoulders, tossing her to the hull to the ship. The Irken snarled and fought against the humans attempts at a rear necked choke and arm bar. The violet haired woman punched the hunter in the face, but was met with a kick in her stomach, sending her flying off of the bounty hunter. Gaz quickly course corrected and used her jet boots to crash into Tak, the two floating in the vacuum of space. They struggled and grappled as they floated there, dark green and red blood floating around their heads.

The Irken hissed as she was hit with an uppercut, spitting out blood, she growled, "you'll pay for that."

"I don't think I will," the human smirked, blood dripping down from her forehead and eyebrow.

"Mimi! Now!", the hunter ordered her S.I.R. unit.

Mimi piloted the ship over to the battling women, and they magnetized to the hull. The ship then began to do barrel rolls, trying to throw off the human. Yet, Gaz had better gear and stayed in the ship, while Tak went soaring off.

"Mimi! Get me!", Tak snarled, struggling to correct herself.

The S.I.R. unit narrowed her eyes and faced her master, she then pressed down on the blasters. The laser fire went straight at Tak, whom was screaming and yelling madly. The Irken hunter met a swift end as she was incinerated by the blaster fire. Mimi piloted over to the stealth ship and hung upside down, letting Gaz easily jump on board.

"That's my wife!", Gir cheered from the cockpit.

Mimi piloted to the front and winked at the other robot. She gave a small wave before flying down to earth.

"Wait, you weren't lying?", Dib raised a brow.

"I haven't told a lie this entire time," the robot deadpanned. "You think I'm intellment enough to lie?"

"Well... uh, um, I just thought-"

"Unbelievable, un-fu-", Gir was cut off.

"Gir! What did we talk about!", Gaz snapped at him.

"Yeah, yeah, no using the 'f' word," the little bot rolled his eyes. He leaned over to Dib and whispered, "I cuss a lot."

"I can tell," the paranormal investigator replied simply.

Zim tied two wired together and smiled, "we've got cloaking! Let's go!" The Irken and the human outside of the ship quickly entered. The captain activated the cloaking and began to pilot them towards The Massive. The Tallests reign was coming to an end very soon.

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