Chapter 43: Confession

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Zim took a deep d breath before sliding backwards and grabbing Gaz's phone. She gave him a confused stare. He pulled up the song "Cinderella" by Daughtry and he played it, singing along with it.

"Dressed in rags, you're scooping litter from the cats"
"I thought we had someone for that"
"But by the looks of things, you fired the maid again"
"Yeah, I confess I know that floor won't clean itself"
"And your worried half to death"
"About the things that just won't matter in the end"

"Take off those shoes"
"Looks like you could really use a glass slipper"
"Yeah, I know it's been a pisser"
"So one strong sniper might suffice"
"Come on girl, I'm beggin' please"
"Get off your knees, I got the keys"
"And I'll pick you up at midnight"
"I'm my souped-up pumpkin ride"

"'Cuase you're my Cinderella"
"We're two birds of a feather"
"I'll even sing to you a cappella"
"You're so hella, good looking tonight"
"My Cinderella"
"Whenever you need some shelter"
"We can stand under my umbrella, together"
"Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you"
"Oh, I know it's forever with you"

"Don't watch the clock"
"I paid some dude to make it stop"
"And we won't worry 'bout tomorrow"
"There's no sorrow in this fairy tale I wrote"
"I gotta say you still take my breath away"
"That look reminds me of that day"
"You scratched your number on that yellow Post-It note"

"Now you're my Cinderella"
"We're two birds of a feather"
"I'll even sing to you a cappella"
"You're so hella, good looking tonight"
"My Cinderella"
"Whenever you need some shelter"
"We can stand under my umbrella, together"
"Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you"
"Oh, I know it's forever with you"

"Check out those stars"
"I picked 'em up one day on Mars"
"And you thought I was at the bar"
"Well, okay, maybe there's a little truth to that"
"As I was sayin'"
"If you squint a certain way"
"You'll see they kinda spell your name"
"Just a little, okay, maybe that's a stretch"

"But you're my Cinderella"
"We're two birds of a feather"
"I'll even sing to you a cappella"
"Or until you've had enough"
"'Cuase your my Cinderella"
"And I'm your kind of fella"
"I wanna kiss you there and tell ya"
"You're so hella, good looking tonight"
"My Cindrella"
"Whenever you need some shelter"
"We can stand under my umbrella, together"
"Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you"
"Oh, I know it's forever with you"
"Yeah, and I mean forever with you"
"Oh, I know it's forever with you"

Gaz blushed as he did he. She stared deep into his eyes and asked, "why did you sing that?" She knew the answer, but she asked anyway.

"Because I... because I love you," he began. His squeedlyspooch was beating fast and it felt fluttery, he was so nervous. "I love you so much, Gaz. I hate it when your sad or upset. I would move mountains for you, explode planets, change star systems- I would do whatever it took to keep you safe and happy. Your the most beautiful woman I know, I love how you dress and make an effort to be different- to be unique. Your smart and brave, kind and tough, sarcastic and funny, you are the best woman I've ever met. I never want to leave your side, I want to be with you forever. I don't care what I have to do, I want to stay here on earth with you. I'll kill whoever I have to protect you and stay with you. Even if you don't love me back... I want you to know how much Zim- I care for you, how much I love you." He stared at the ground, scared of what her response would be.

"Zim, I..." she tried to speak. She took a deep breath and calmed herself, she scooted closer to him and smiled. "Zim, you moron, can't you see what's right in front of you?"

He looked up at her and raised a brow.

"I love you too," she chuckled, "you big dummy. I think your the most interesting person I've ever met. You look so cool and unique, I mean, you look way hotter than any human I've seen. You are a genius, I mean, your super cocky, but I love it. Your confidence helps me feel confident sometimes- whenever I'm scared of a plan failing, your faith in it helps me have faith in it. You scare the hell out of me whenever you are having a nightmare, you have no idea how much you worry me. I would give up anything in the world to be with you and to keep you safe, just being near you makes me feel whole and brand new. You are my best friend, and I want us to be more than that, I want to kiss you and hold you, I want to love you- I need to love you. Heh, you know, Gir was right when he said all those things. He was right. Little psycho knew, he could tell. Zim, I love you."

Zim's face lit up and he squeezed Gaz's hand, her squeezing back. He leaned forward to kiss her, but she placed a finger on his lips.

"What?", he asked.

"I want to see the real you," she smiled.

He rolled his eyes playfully and took of his disguise, his antenna and ruby red eyes showing. "Better?", he joked.

"Perfect," she giggled.

They leaned in and kissed, their bodies and faces on fire. Nothing would ever match this feeling of exhilaration, it was amazing. They never wanted it to end.

They pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. "I love you," they said in unison.

"I want to give you something," he told her, reaching inside of his Pak.

"What is it?", she asked.

He pulled out a beautiful silver necklace with a purple gem in it. "This was my sisters, I got this the day she... passed," he explained. "Before she died, she told me to give it to a girl that I really cared for, I didn't know what she meant at the time, but now I do. Gaz, I love you and I want you to have and take care of this."

"Zim, I-I can't take that from you," she stuttered. "That was your sisters!"

"I want you to have it," he smiled. He then clipped the necklace around her neck and she grinned at him.

"Thank you," she told him, gently playing with it.

"Don't thank me, thank Zahara, she was the one that told me to give it to the woman I loved," he chuckled.

Then, the roof collapsed inward and the debris fell. Zim pulled Gaz close to him and he shielded her from the falling concrete. Military men Raph began to descend from the ceiling in ropes.

The Irken leaped up and pulled out a blaster, attempting to shoot them. One of them pulled out an alien looking stick and stabbed him with it, causing him to write and scream as electricity moved through him.

"No!", Gaz yelled as she rushed over to her unconscious boyfriend.

The men jerked her away from Zim and hand cuffed. They then picked up the Irken and chained him, carrying him away while they pushed her along.

"Let us go! You sons of bitches! You don't know what your doing!", she fought as best she could against the strong men, but accomplished nothing.

They took them into the main room and she saw Dib was hand cuffed while Gir was leashed, and they both were being held by more of the men. They didn't chain Gir up for some reason, the idiots must think he's an actual dog.

"Membrane?!", Gaz exclaimed as she saw him talking with a man in a suit, Agent Johnson. She refused to call him "dad" after what she found out today.

Prof. Membrane faced her and said, "I'm sorry, I have to do this."

"No your not you son of a bitch!", the violet haired woman hissed.

"Move along now," the men pushed and dragged them to the roof.

On the roof of the tall building we're two helicopters, one for Zim and one for the others. They brought the Irken onto one, where Agent Johnson boarded with a few other men. Then they brought the other three onto the other one, the rest of the men following after.

"No... Zim..." Gaz whispered as they strapped her in her seat. She looked over at the sleeping Irken that laid on a tablet strapped down like some sort of science project. She felt tears slip down her face as they began to fly away. "I'm sorry, I failed you..." she mumbled, looking down at her feet.

This was it. It was over. Everything good in her life was just taken away and was about to die... or was it? Can... can I save you, Zim?, she thought sadly. She then felt determination flow through her, I will save you, Zim. By God I'll beat the shit out of anyone that gets in my way.

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