Chapter 11; The Swollen Eyeball

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Dib sat the back of his van, he was waiting for his dad to pick up the phone. He desperately needed to call him. He had to tell him about the alien!

Finally after an hour, he picked up, "hello? Who's this?"

"Dad! It's me, Dib! Your son?", he told him.

"Huh? What, Dib? What are you doing? Your not old enough for a phone," Professor Membrane replied.

"Dad, I'm twenty three, I think I'm old enough for a phone," Dib retorted.

"Really? Last time I checked you were ten," Membrane said. "Where does the time go?", he muttered.

"Dad, I need to talk to you about something really important," Dib began.

"Did you get some girl pregnant? Dib, if you have I'll call your sister to punish you," Membrane interrupted.

"W-what? No!", Dib exclaimed. "It's about a crashed alien ship in Tennessee!"

"Oh, son," the professor tsked. "I've told you, aliens. Don't. Exist! I've tried time and time again to get you to leave all that alien, Bigfoot, and ghost nonsense behind."

"It's not nonsense!", Dib interjected hotly.

"Why do you keep fighting this son? Your older now, you live in a van and you don't have a job because of this," Membrane told him.

"Not in any van," Dib smirked. "I live in a van, named the Dib-Mobile, down by the river!"

"My point son, you live like gutter trash," Membrane replied.

"I do not!", Dib growled.

"Ugh. Son, I don't have time for this, have a good day," the Professor then hung up.

"Wait, wait, wait!", Dib tried to stop him, he was too late though. "Great, just great," he grumbled.

He then clicked some keys on his computer and called the Swollen Eyeball Network. They had to know, and he was going to tell them.

"Hello? Agent Mothman?", Agent Darkbooty answered. He was shadowed by... eh, something that shadowed him.

"Agent Darkbooty! I need to tell you about a amazing discovery I've made!", Dib smiled widely.

"Go ahead agent," Darkbooty ordered.

Dib pushed up his glasses and began, "down in Tennessee there was a space anomaly, I believe a alien craft has fallen to earth! According to my calculations, it happened a week ago. I can't exactly pinpoint the location within Tennessee but it is near Nashville and Hendersonville."

"Mothman, that was just a downed US military plane," Darkbooty told him.

"No! That's what the government wants you to think!", Dib exclaimed. "I swear, when I get proof I'll show you! I-"

"Mothman, I've got serious work to do," Darkbooty cut him off. "I don't have time for your childish antics. I have to do surveillance on one of our top suspects."

"You mean Yo Gabba Gabba? That's a kids show!", Dib retorted.

"Agent Darkbooty, out," the screen went static.

"Why does no one believe me!?", Dib screamed angrily.

"Because your dumb!", someone yelled from outside.

"Shut up, squirrel!", Dib snapped.

"Fine!", the squirrel grumbled.

Dib then realized what he was talking to. "Oh, my gosh! A talking squirrel! I've got to catch it!", he smiled. He then frowned, "but I have to go and save Gaz from that evil alien. Alien first, squirreled later."

Dib went into the front of his van and began to drive. He needed to get to Tennessee as fast as possible. Who knows when the alien could get Gaz. It could lay eggs in her chest or make her a zombie. No way was big brother letting that happen.

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