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Amille Laurent.

"Hey kiddo, I thought you'd be staying to choose an after school activity?" My uncle asked as I stood by the walk way, he had been ten minutes early, I actually thought he'd come later to pick me up. "No I wanted to get home early today, besides it's my first day, I'll pick out an activity during the week." I typed on my phone and the app read it out loud. "Hmm, alright, great, —did you see any one of your cousins?" He asked again and I nodded. "I saw Orlando, he helped me navigate the school after lunch period." I told him and he nodded with a smile.

"Atleast one of the boys didn't forget, so before I drop you off, I thought we could do a little sight seeing, you like books we could pass by the largest book shop I know, then buy a few more games to play later, how does that sound?" He asked nervously, how I knew that was the tone of his voice, it was something I could pick at times. "Yeah, I was going to ask dad to do it with me on the weekend, today is a good a day as any." I replied with a smile which made him smile too. "Great, lets go!" He cheered and I couldn't help laugh at how much the giant was actually a child at heart, it was adorable, like Camryn with his never ending questions, the thought was surprising to say the least, I never really thought of any guy as adorable in a long while, it wasn't a bad surprise.

So we drove into the city with me sitting on the edge of my seat being amazed. "So let's find a spot to park, its a great day." Uncle Kyra called out as he actually found a spot to park right after. "Come on, it's safe so leave your stuff just maybe take your phone and essentials." He suggested and I nodded taking my smaller bag with one of my spare tablets and my actual essentials, then my phone, soon enough his hand was on my shoulder and we were exploring.

"If you want the best ice cream in the city, you come here, Elda's." He spoke up as he opened the door for me to get in with the already several shopping bags I had. "Mint chocolate." I told the gentleman at the counter who winked at me, he wasn't much older than I was, maybe even my age, and seemingly not surprised when I used my phone. "Give us two please." Uncle Kyra inserted as the two cups came and he paid. "This is so good." I told him in between my almost non existent moans. He chuckled as he leaned in and wiped the cream moustache on my upper lip. "I told you it was, your favourite uncle doesn't lie." He boasted. "Aren't you my only uncle?" I retorted and he snickered. "Touché, but I'm still the favourite." He shot back as we finished our ice cream with more laughter.

I had been nervous at the beginning of the day but now, I felt free, felt happy, felt okay. "So wanna hit up that book store I told you about?" He suggested and I nodded right then. "Great, let's go." He announced as we left the ice cream after buying the largest candy they hand. "I couldn't resist." I grinned with a blush and he just chuckled. "Whatever you want kiddo." He plainly said but the emotion behind those words wasn't lost on me, I appreciated his efforts. "The city fun side is the south and east parts, the north is more of a business district, the west is housing and business markets extended, so if you're looking for fun, this side is best." He explained as I froze in my spot looking at a painters supply shop.

I quickly typed on my phone. "Please, please, can we go in?" I begged and he just chuckled gesturing I lead the way. Seeing the many art supplies I wanted made me feel as if I was in heaven. "Only a true artist would have that look in their eyes when they walked into my shop." An older lady addressed me and I blushed. "Hello, I couldn't help notice you have Rare Shades on your display, their paint is amazing." I told her and she giggled. "Only a true artist indeed, I not only have Rare Shades, I have Goldin, Sobre and Multicos." She asserted and I almost fainted. The brands she had listed made the best painting, drawing and sculpture supplies any artist would want, it was actually not easy finding them.

"Go ahead, I'll stay here." Uncle Kyra spoke when I looked at him with starry eyes. I handed him my other bags and flew into the aisles picking out everything I'd ever need from clay, to paints and watercolours, dad would murder me for spending so much but I'd do chores for the rest of the year if it meant I'd have my supplies. After thirty minutes of aisle hopping I finally had my full cart at the counter. "You have bought the most things at once in what seems to be a year, I'm giving you a discount." The lady mentioned and I fist bumped my uncle. "Thank you, thank you!" I told her over and over as she just smiled and waved me off saying it was a pleasure.

"We certainly can't carry all this to the car, I'll go get the car, and you stay here, I'll be back in a munute." He exclaimed and I nodded waiting outside the shop thinking of what to use first, what to make first, maybe a sculpture or a painting. "Hey Amille!" I recognized the voice, it was Camryn on the other side of the road, I waved at him and he crossed the road recklessly, cars honked by him as he passed, I flinched and covered my eyes when he almost got hit. Then he stood in front of me. "Are you crazy?" I asked and he just chuckled. "I wanted to get to you." He sheepishly replied. "You could've waited for the traffic light to turn red." I suggestively argued.

"That would've taken too long, besides I got here didn't I, and passing cars is easier than a rush of bodies during a game." He retorted and I faceplamed. "Those are cars, they could kill you." I protested and he just laughed. "Already did it moose, now I'm here, tell me what you're up to?" He argued back and I decided not to dwell on what he called me but then. "Hey, who you calling moose?" I protested again. "You, chocolate moose, or would you prefer choco duck face." He chortled. "Neither, you reckless neanderthal." I told him as I laughed causing him to laugh to. "Hey don't come for my body, not my fault you're a short stack, might as well be a lunch bar." He jabbed back and I gasped then clamped my mouth shut.

"Look at ya, making a duck face." He teased and I looked away trying not to laugh. It was just the two of us, things seemed so easy, talking to him seemed so easy, the banter, the compliments, it wasn't forced it was nice, as he laughed, Camryn was what you could call a burly fit almost giant, he was nimble for his size but still burly without the pot belly, it was adorable honestly and just like that, I knew what I'd be painting. "So tell me duck face, you here alone?" He asked and I shook my head in refusal. "I'm with my uncle Kyra, he went to get his car so we could pack up my art supplies, I got a really good bargain." I told him and he nodded with a hum.

"So that's what you discovered when you left sports, —art." He mentioned and I nodded it actually surprised me that he had been listening, it was somewhat nice."Yes, but not the whole umbrella, there is art I haven't mastered, but painting and abstract arts I have mastered." I explained as my uncle honked parking by an open spot close to us. "Let me help you short stack, carry this." He stated and I glared at him when he only let me carry the smallest bag. "Don't pout, at least you're carrying something." He added and all I wanted was to strangle him. "Damn you boy scout neanderthal." I hissed but it didn't come off that way so he just chuckled.

"Something wrong kiddo?" Uncle Kyra asks as he comes up to us at the back of the Renault. "No, nothing at all, just Camryn being helpful." I replied and he smirked while my uncle smiled. "Oh Camryn, thank you for keeping sassylicious over there company." He told him and my jaw dropped. "Oh it was a pleasure, he's actually good company." Camryn replied with an even deeper smirk, how I wanted to wipe it off his cocky features. "Great, he's such a great guy huh sweetheart, anyway, time to go, say hello to your dad for me and tell him I'll drop by later when I get my nephew home." He asserted as Camryn nodded. "Bye  Camryn." I begrudgingly typed as I turned with my nose pointing in the air with my eyes closed, to show my superiority, then I knocked right into my uncle's back, the rigid muscles of steel making me groan

Goddess why are you so cruel. I wanted to cry, or bury myself, either worked, so I hurriedly got into the car and hid, I was mortified. "Bye Amille." Camryn called out with devilish smile, I wanted to die.

Howling Love.

I love this chapter, I have no idea why but it makes me feel so good. I had thought their chemistry was going to be hard for me to bring out but then, it wasn't and it's really fun writing about.

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Saint Jay.

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