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Camryn Summer.

"I'll call you everyday, even after this when I'm in the car, but you do know with how strong our connection is, we might not even need any of these to call or text." I told my mate as he pouted standing by the large porch of his home, he was wrapped in a blanket and tugging on half my waist begging me not to go. "I still don't want you to go." He whispered, his speech coming in through the mind link, something about his voice was mesmerizing, it brought a sense of peace inside me that I couldn't explain fully, maybe it was the luna in him, I didn't know but I was glad I could hear it now, and if even he didn't have his voice, I would've still loved him.

"So you want me to stay, it's fine, I'll check on my siblings after school and on my parents if they're finally getting along." I stated and something seemed to shift in my mate's eyes. "Oh, I think its best you go home and check on them, how could I be so—." I stopped him right then because I knew he was going to say it. "You are not and will never be selfish, it's only that I need to go home and check, if not I would be here with you, making even more love to you, I love you shortstack, and don't ever think you're selfish, ye hear me?" I stated my demand and he nodded with a sheepish smile. "Good, now give your man some sugar." I accosted as he chuckled and leaned up to kiss me and I didn't have the heart to let go but I had to. "I love you Camryn." He spoke into my mind and I smiled, each time he told me that, I just smiled, who would've thought, I would have a love like this.

So after some more coaxing and idle chat, I finally got into my car and drove toward home, I was actually planning on giving it to my mate when I finally get permission from his dad to let him drive, I was almost there, just not yet, I couldn't help feel uneasy when I neared home, the flashing blue and red lights of the police enforcers and the distraught cries of my siblings got to me before I was even out of the car, so I sped up and screeched to a stop when I got close. "Mom!" I called out as she was being dragged out of the house. "You have the right to remain silent, you have the—." One of the enforcers was stating her rights as she pushed and pulled away from them.

"You can't do this, I am the luna of this pack, do you hear me!" She called out angrily. "Camryn, help me!" She yelled as I got close but three enforcers stopped me in my tracks. "Your father the alpha made this a special case, we normally don't interfere with pack affairs but he gave us permission to arrest whoever was responsible for Calvin Laurent's poisoning, and she is." As one of them relayed their information all I could hear were Carter's words in my head. Everything will come to light on it's own, but I needed you well prepared for it.

Had I prepared for this, truly grasped the fact that my mother could be capable of wanting to murder someone, —I could imagine myself in her position, another wolf threatening my marriage, my mating, yes the extremes I would have gone to but not murder, there was always a better way. "Camryn, don't listen to them, Camryn, your father did this, so he could be with his bitch, Camryn!" She screamed and all I could was freeze in place, watching and hearing a side of my mother I could've never imagined, I was also conflicted, I had the privilege of living with Calvin for something close to two weeks, he was the warm, kind dad, with a motherly nature even my own mother couldn't contend with, he was funny, and always had the best advice, he was just like my duckface only older, I could understand how my father was still attached to him, he didn't compete with anyone, he didn't have to, he was in his own league.

Yet, this was my mother, she had been misguided and here she was now being publicly humiliated, I was sure by the end of the night, the pack would know my mother had tried to kill her husband's ex. "Has mister, —has Calvin laid any charges against my mother?" I questioned the last enforcer who wasn't in a quad car. "No he hasn't, but the arrest order was given, she should just give a statement and if mister Laurent or the alpha doesn't come forward to persue the case we can't hold her, young alpha, the kind of poison she used, you saw it first hand, getting your hands on that stuff is not easy, however she got it we need to know if there is more and find a way to stop it before another case like this happens again." He explained and I nodded gratefully toward him.

I decided to check on my siblings first, make sure they were okay, I called in someone to watch them before I took off toward the station where my mother was being held. I'm sure my siblings were traumatized by what happened but I was also sure they would be okay, they were wolf pups as they got older, they would experience more gore that would outweight any of this.  Parking wasn't hard to find, what was, —were the enforcers who had brought my mother in. "Excuse me—." I tried to speak to the receptionist but she was actually juggling more people already and I actually felt sorry for her, instead I tried to scent out the wolves, and thank the Goddess, I found them.

"Alpha, what brings you here?" The wolf questioned as I approached her. "My mother was brought in a short while ago, where are they holding her?" I demanded and she gestured me to follow her, so I did, we rounded a few corners then took a flight of stairs into what I was sure was the second floor of the precinct. I could sense my mother the moment I was close enough along with the wolf that I spoken to before I got here. "Mrs Summer, we just need your source for the toxin that's all, it's already been proven that you're the culprit who poisoned mister Laurent at your son's birthday party, a few key eyewitnesses testified to seeing you give that glass to mister Laurent, along with your fingerprints being on the glass themselves." The wolf explained and I finally was deflated, there was no denying it.

"My source was a rogue wolf, he comes to the city every month or so, it was by chance we met but he helped me, he truly wanted to help me." My mother replied and I pulled back my hearing from the interrogation room, I didn't want to hear anymore. "After they interrogate her, then what?" I asked the she wolf next to me. "Your father just ordered us to let her go, we just needed her source, the rest of her judgement is being carried out by the elders." She replied and I nodded waiting on the door to the interrogation room to open. My mother was first to walk out and her surprise to see me wasn't lost on me. "Camryn, —I can explain." She started but I turned on my heel to leave.

"I'll give you a ride home." I growled out trying to keep my wolf in check. The whole agonizing drive home was spent in silence between my mother and I, I couldn't believe she would resort to murder, outward I knew I had no right to judge her actions but on the inside I was livid and I feared I would say the wrong, hurtful thing if I spoke, it was better if I didn't, she was my mother, I owed that sliver of respect. I parked by the sidewalk and got out, opened the door for her and we both walked toward the house, but before we could go past the threshold the door swung open and we came face to face with my father. "Dad, —dad where are you going?" I asked as he gave a venomous glare toward my mother and passed us.

"He's leaving me, I can feel it." She began to cry and all I could do was watch as she broke down, I held my mother for the better part of her emotional breakdown, but despite that, I couldn't honestly handle being around her, what if Amille had taken that glass instead of his father, what would've happened. So I left her in the lounge slightly better and raced upstairs, grabbed a bag and stuffed it with all my essentials and more clothes. Then came down the stairs to face my mother. "Camryn, —Camryn please don't go." She begged but I didn't stop, I couldn't be around her right now. "I'm sorry mom, I just can't, I'll check in on you soon." I told her in a tight hug then we separated and I made my way outside to my car then my mates house, it was the only place that I knew I could find peace.

When I got close and drove up the driveway, the garage  door opened and I saw my mate waiting for me by the adjoined door that led into the house. He had been waiting for me, I parked next to one of his dad's cars and got out, he didn't say anything or ask me anything, just hugged me. "I'm here, everything is going to be fine." He comforted and I knew he was right, with him, everything was going to be okay.



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