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Camryn Summer.

"Stand down Camryn." My father growled as he had ruined a perfectly good moment for me and Amille, there was something hostile about his manner, his gaze toward Amille that I couldn't help but want to stand in the way of, —he didn't shift in his way to get past me but it seemed he was willing to push through me if he had to, I could just tell. "Don't do this Camryn, —stand down." He ordered again with a growl which made my wolf angrier. "No, —you stand down." I growled back with more ferocity as I held Amille behind me, there was an overwhelming need to protect him that came from my wolf and by instinct I just knew.

"Triss, —the boy is right." Beta Kyra intervened luckily and I was grateful for it because I knew one way or the other I was definitely going to fight my father. "Stay out of this Kyra, —you knew he was here, you knew he was back and you said nothing!" My father hissed back, his anger now driven toward his beta. "He had no obligation to tell you." Calvin, Amille's dad argued causing everyone to look at him then my father, I kept wondering why my father was so angry, why he seemed almost hurt in a way. "I had every right to know, I am the alpha of this pack, this is my land, my pack, he should've told me, and he knows it." My father protested as his eyes shifted back to me and past me to Amille which confused me.

"You're making a scene alpha, —and you're scaring the children, Camryn go, —take everyone inside." Dean's mother, who was one of the pack's midwives stated and I nodded toward her, taking Amille into my arms. "Come on Maxine." Amille signed just before he had to hold on to my neck and I walked into the house with my friends in tow. "That was intense, —can anyone tell me what the hell just happened?" Tej exclaimed and none of us could reply him. "As you can clearly see pint size, none of us know." Maxine replied as we settled in the living room, somehow I couldn't help blame myself over what my father had done, I was the one who had actually told him about Amille and his dad when I went to his office and his reaction did seem off when I did tell him.

A tap on my cheek made me turn to Amille who was still in my arms, right on my lap, I couldn't help nervously chuckle, he fit so well there, I had totally forgotten that he was there, only knowing that I was protectively holding him, —it felt natural, like I was holding a part of myself if I could say it like that. "You can put me down now." He signed and I didn't want to yet I had to, my wolf forced itself to the surface causing a growl to escape my lips unintentionally, it earned everyone's attention and Amille's shocked expression. "I'm sorry, —I'm sorry duck face, I can't control him right now, he's pushing and for some reason still feeling danger." I apologized and Amille nodded, a knowing look on his face that made me relax when he got comfortable in my hold.

"Possessive much alpha." Orlando teased making both Amille and I want to hide away or hit him, which Amille actually did with a couch pillow. "Hey— ouch, sorry!" He claimed with a shriek making all of us laugh. "How about we let them discuss whatever it is they want to discuss and we get food from the kitchen, watch movies in the movie room, I finally got that big flat screen." Amille suggested and I was definitely on board with that. "Now that's a great plan, Amille you go set up, Dean, Orlando go get some blankets, we'll get the food." Maxine immediately stated and I was glad she took the lead giving me and my duck faced curly headed moose some time alone.

We were in the movie room trying to pick out a movie, after my wolf finally released Amille, I wondered why I was so possessive of him, it was true that we had barely known each other but I knew more about Amille than I did about my friends or my ex, it was the same for him, our conversations were easy, everything flowed, I knew how to rile him up or get him to blush, which was my favourite thing, I knew his favourite music and his point of view in politics, he wasn't a republican but he liked some of their views, he hated how transgender men or women were sidelined in some sports and he was jealous of the way wolves could see in the dark because he wanted to be naughty and not seen, it was adorable.

"How about we watch Frozen, or The Incredibles or maybe even Ice age." He suggested and I couldn't help chuckle at how innocent and childlike he seemed, so full of energy that I could feel it and soak in its goodness. "Camryn, stop daydreaming!" He suddenly yelled with his phone whilst stomping his foot. "How about all of them chocoswirl." I suggested and he nodded with a grin on his face. "Come here." I ordered lightly and hugged him, it was addictive just holding him, feeling him in my arms and after what had happened outside, I knew he was trying not to focus on it, I was trying my best not to use my incredibly good hearing to hear whatever it was that had my father ruining an extremely good barbeque like this.

"You feel better?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'm okay, not better, —I'm glad you were there." He replied in sign language and I was so glad to be taking lessons, it made communicating so much easier, and like I had wanted, he would spend less time typing on his phone. "Well you're about to get better best friend." Maxine announced as she walked in with three trays of good and snacks, Tej came in with actual baskets of food, Goddess knows I'd never understand what it was with them two that made them love food so much.

"She's right, now come on, let's get to watching!" Dean supported as he and Orlando handed each pair a blanket, the movie room had recliner seats, which meant each pair had their own double recliner seat they could bicker on, of course Amille naturally or unnaturally was in my arms glued to me by my arm, his head on my chest, it felt just right. So we began watching Frozen and it was the perfect ending to a good day despite that bump that had occurred, I had him in my arms and nothing mattered, I didn't want a reason for it to matter, I was just glad that it was.

As Elsa was flinging ice into her sister's chest, the door opened slightly, I scented out Calvin and Maxine's mom by the door. "How is he?" I heard him whisper, I knew he was counting on my wolf hearing to hear him and respond, reminding me that Calvin was actually a wolf but that didn't matter. "He's okay, —he's dealing but he'll be alright, maybe just confused about everything but alright." I replied in a whisper as Amille was immersed in the movie not even knowing that I was talking to his dad. "Good, —how are the others?" Maxine's mother asked and I reassured her aswell that they were okay, we were okay. "Thank you Camryn, —for everything, I'm glad he has you." Calvin whispered lastly and that tinge of pride swelled in me, atleast I didn't have to worry so much about getting his blessing.

"Thank you mister Laurent." I replied just as the door closed again and I turned back to Amille who was near tears watching the movie, so was Maxine and Orlando. "Short stack, what's wrong?" I immediately asked. "Anna turned into a popsicle." He signed with a sniffle and all I wanted was to groan. Oh boy, my chocolate moose was also emotional about everything, especially disney animations, but hey that's what made him special to me. "She'll be okay won't she?" I asked and he nodded back still sniffling and wiping away his tears, so I held him to my chest as he calmed down. "See she gets all better, because of love."

Howling Love

this chapter made me wanna cry, laugh and just find someone to hug me too.

I hope you're enjoying the book so far.


Saint Jay.

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