Amille Laurent.
"So did you miss me, —or I'm the one who missed you duck face." He mumbled walking closer to where I was in my room, my room was significantly large, almost the size of my dad's main bedroom but somehow just having Camryn come up behind me made it smaller, or was it that I just felt more of him acutely near me, it was a sensation I hadn't gotten used to yet. "I don't know, maybe it's just you." I quipped and he chortled. "Oh it's like that now, —I just thought maybe you would wanna help me out with another car, we could actually pass by the tattoo parlour and you help me pick out a new design, oh well I'll just get another sparkplug." He was goading me in, knowing I'd react and of course I did, I lacked that sort of control lately it was ridiculous, even for me.
"Of course you'd wanna get another sparkplug, your brain needs the extra spark." I signed and he snickered coming even closer then nudged me with his body causing me to stumble forward, as I turned around to look at him with my shocked expression he acted as if he hadn't done anything, whistling on as if the colour scheme of my room had secrets to tell. "Okay you big man child, you have my attention, what do you want?" I finally questioned not focusing on the flowers he gave me that I had put in a vase. "I already asked short stack but the flowers seemed more interesting." He shot back and I was sure to milk his reaction. "Is that why you're pouting like a puppy?" I teased and he scowled.
"I don't pout, I brood." He argued in sign and I scoffed. "Oh please, —we both know you can't brood, it'll take too much effort and your face muscles couldn't take that much strain." I retorted and his jaw dropped. "How dare you?" He hissed feigning insult. "Just come here." I asserted opening my arms for him, I was significantly shorter than Camryn so he had to bend to actually hug me, yet still my arms couldn't fully wrap around him, curse my shortness. "This feels nice." He rumbled causing me to roll my eyes as we hugged. "You won't brood any more and actually tell me?" I stated and he nodded as we separated.
"I wanted to go on a drive with you, forget the whole tattoo thing, just go for a ride, away from the city, show you my favourite spot in the semi country side." He finally said it and I was intrigued, despite knowing Camryn for this short while I could tell when he wasn't telling me everything so I took his hand and guided him to the large couch in my room by the window. "Tell me everything." I typed and he sighed. "My dad is the alpha of the pack, and he's expecting me to step up, do more, be more involved more than I already am in the pack, he thinks I'm not ready yet to become alpha and lead, which is true, —but the pressure he's putting me under, and all the arguments he's having with my mother, it's gotten to a point where I can't stand being around either of them or the pack, I just need to be away." He explained and I understood, I didn't know how, but I just did.
Camryn was overwhelmed and he was trying to run or rather create space for himself to deal with everything, but my dad had taught me that it wasn't the way to deal with things, it was only part of it, so I hugged him again and he chuckled. "You know, —you might aswell just not let go, I'll get addicted to these hugs." He muttered and the grin on my face along with the blush were unmistakable. "Better get used to it then, —Camryn, I know you must be under a lot of pressure and it's understandable that you want to get some space from everything, I agree with you there but I think after you've gotten space, you need to talk to your dad and your mom, find a solution or rather make them understand you, if you're not ready, no one is forcing you, the pack is fine, it basically self runs, what's important is that you're fine and one day someday, —when you're ready, —you'll be alpha, for now you can be an engine junkie neanderthal." I exclaimed through my phone and he nodded with a chuckle, a smile plastered on his face.
"You really think this big oaf can be alpha?" He asked and I nodded reciprocating his smile. "We just need to add a few more sparkplugs and you'll be good to go." I replied and he nudged me on the shoulder. "Hey, —what did I say!" I protested as he nudged me again harder. "You know what you said moose, you're undermining my intelligence." He argued and I scoffed typing on my phone. "You're a typical jock, you just need a hard head, not brains." I asserted as he finally lunged for me but I ducked and dashed out of my room laughing. "I'm going to get you short stack!" He growled taking chase, and all I could do was try out run an almost 6'5 wolf with my short legs.
I passed my dad and the other parents who were busy chatting still laughing. "Amille no running!" My dad yelled but I couldn't stop until I got to Orlando. "Hide me!" I signed and I'm sure he got what I meant as he grabbed me and hid me behind his frame. My heart waae pounding as I could feel Camryn slightly growl as he came over to us. "Give me duck face." He slightly growled as Orlando went rigid. "Uh, cousin, —really absolutely love you but —you're on your own!" Orlando just veered to the right and left me wide open as Camryn's large lumbering form lunged for me and he successfully grabbed me. "Gotcha!" He cheered as I began laughing all over again.
"Don't lick me!" I could barely sign or type it before his tongue was on my cheek and he triumphantly twirled me around as we both laughed, in our own world, I could hear the party guests laughing to our antics as well. "You guys are way too adorable." Aunt Bonnie exclaimed as she came over to us then took a selfie just the three of us. "I didn't know you knew Camryn this well." Uncle Kyra stated as he also came over. "We've gotten to know each other, —right short stack." He answered whilst nudging me. "What, I don't know you." I responded through my phone and all of them had their jaws dropped. "Don't make me do it again." Camryn warned and it was my turn to gasp.
"Hey no, —fine, yes I know him uncle Kyra." I immediately explained as the 6'8 wolf broke out in a laugh. "Argh, just adorable, alright boys have fun." Aunt Bonnie added before she and her mate left us. "Thanks for the pep talk, I needed it and I promise I'll follow through." Camryn asserted and I nodded happily. "Glad to hear it boyscout, now how about we go get some food before Tej and Max eat it all." I suggested and he nodded with a smile, his hand held out for me and I gladly took it.
"So you guys, when does the lacrosse season start, I know rugby is soon?" Maxine asks and Dean hums whilst Orlando just smirks. "Well go on tell her mister captain." Camryn asserts as Orlando groans. "Thing is, it's already started, and we have a game this week which is totally freaking me out because this time in the qualifiers we were paired with our worst rival school." Orlando replied and I looked at him quizzically. "Why didn't you tell us, we would've come to cheer you on." I signed whilst Camryn translated for me. "Yeah, —we weren't going to get our asses handed to us with you watching." Orlando argues but I scoff.
"Nonsense, —we are coming to cheer you on, whether you like it or not, I'll even bring my dad and uncle Kyra, I'm sure Dean's mom would come too, if she's not busy." I mentioned and Orlando just nodded seemingly out of words because of my proclamation. "Okay short stack, point made, —now sit, eat your meat." Camryn exclaimed and I blushed realizing I'd actually risen out of my chair to protest, as I sat down I couldn't help look where my dad was a few minutes ago talking with Maxine's mom but he wasn't there anymore. "You alright chocoswirl?" Camryn asks but before I answer he growled, his head snapping to the backyard sliding door.
"Uh, what's your dad doing here?" Orlando asked Camryn as Camryn's dad, alpha Summer marched over to us with my dad in tow. I immediately turned to go to my dad but Camryn held me steady next to him. I tried to ask, find a way to say it but that was the downside of tense situations, an overprotective wolf and another wolf marching toward you looking as if he had been robbed. What was going on.
Every time I write, every time I think of this book I just melt away, everything just makes sense, I hope you're enjoying it so far.
Saint Jay.

Howling Love.
WerewolfFirst Book in the SunSpear Pack series. Amille Laurent is every bit as precious as everyone sees it, he's sassy, talented and speaks his mind all the time, but there's one thing about Amille that has everyone constantly worrying about him, he's mute...