Camryn Summer.
"Amille!" I growled out as the doors to the art studio fell to the floor after I banged them open. "Camryn Summer control yourself!" The art teacher yelled as my frantic eyes couldn't find him, he wasn't there. All the doors on the floor were being banged open by my friends and the lacrosse team, why, —because I couldn't feel my mate, I couldn't find him, the last time I did, I felt as if I was being dunked in wolfsbane then nothing. So I quickly raced off to find him, they all rallied to follow me, his cousins were both beyond frantic but all the ruckus was white noise as I tried to find him, connect, it was a pin prick, he was alive but why our connection was so weak alarmed me.
"He's not here alpha." One of the wolves on the team muttered and I growled feeling useless, yet again I couldn't keep my mate safe, he was the most precious thing to me but I couldn't keep him safe, I barely knew where he was. "Help the caretaker fix the door, replace it whatever, when you're done, find me." I order the wolf who nods stiffly. I turned on my heel headed for the stairs, down to the ground floor where his locker was, Tej and Orlando were there and had created a perimeter for other students not to contaminate the area. "Anything?" I asked Tej and he nodded. "It's extremely faint but it's there, here its his lunch bag, take it's scent and focus." He told me and I let Rha-Es take over, I was going out of my mind at this point and my wolf was more primal, he was the better of us two at this point.
I felt and watched him examine the bag, then caught the scent, it appeared as a thread, then another one, it was familiar, too familiar, another scent appeared, this one made even Rha-Es growl. "Follow." My wolf ordered as we took off toward the main doors of the school, past them, at full sprint we were by the main doors in seconds, then we stopped, Rha-Es sniffed the air again and I was almost in tears with my anger. "It can't be, Maxine." I whispered capturing their attention. "What about Maxine alpha, no one can find her since her last class after lunch." Tej desperately mentioned as my wolf and I switched places and he didn't say anything but rather his strong will was placed in me because a part of what had happened, I knew now and it had my ex at the centre.
"Someone took them." Orlando finally spoke and I nodded. "It's not just someone, it was Vincent." I whispered back and both their eyes hardened, when I had Vincent in my grasp I would rip him apart piece by piece for even daring to touch my mate and Maxine, they were both beautiful souls and deserved nothing of what was being done to them. "Come we hunt, gather the others." I ordered my beta who nodded as I tossed my car keys to Tej. "Take my car, drive straight to your dad, inform him of what happened, he should be able to keep Amille's dad under control as he's told, Amille is his everything and him being kidnapped by my ex is the last thing he needs to be experiencing right now." I explained to Tej who nodded as the team gathered and we made our way into the woods.
I tore off my clothes and used a stretcher cable that I kept close to tie them to my leg, afterwards I shifted and a howl tore out from my jaws, a call, a call to my love, I would howl and he would hear, I would die if I didn't find him, and I would find him so we thundered into the woods at back break speed headed towards Vincent's home, I needed something solid to track him with and learn more about his activities lately, he couldn't have kidnapped my mate by chance, or Maxine, this was long in the planning. So we pressed forward deep into my territory, I was master of the land now, I was its alpha. "Take a team go to Maxine's house, make sure her parents are safe, leave a guard detail and find any information you can to track her." I ordered my beta who nodded, howled a bit and took off in another direction leaving me with five other wolves.
It didn't take time to get to Vincent's house and the moment we got close Rha-es grolwed, the stench of wolfsbane surrounded his house that it burned to breathe but also another scent, a rogue scent, it was too pungent not to miss, that was the thing with rogues, they could be as clean as a whistle but the the scent on their bodies change when they are cast out especially when their wolves become more feral, as for other rogues with clear minds the scent is different not pungent at all. "Everyone stop here, I'll go alone." I called out to the five wolves. "Respectfully alpha, I won't let you go in there alone." Finn one of my mate's acquaintances stated, I could see the guilt in his eyes, the hurt, he missed my mate, they hadn't known him but they were devoted to him, so I nodded as I covered my nose with my hand and walked to the front door.
The burn of wolfsbane was less at the front, I wondered how Vincent had even kept it a secret or the rogue in his house, I raised my foot and kicked the door out of the way, it clattered away in pieces as a wolf stood up in alarm, Finn didn't waste time lunging and tackling him down to the dining room floor, everything seemed to be in shambles, I wondered where Vincent's aunts were in all this mess. "Speak." Finn growled as he applied pressure to the rogue's neck who choked yet laughed. "He knew you would come alpha, he knew the first place you would come is here." The rogue chuckled as I moved from near the door and to him, in one swift motion I raised my foot and set it straight on his leg in full force. "No, ah!" He wailed. "Fuck!" He cried out. "You crushed my leg you neanderthal!" He cried out angrily, hearing him say that, what only my mate called me and knowing he knew where he had taken him, gave me rage.
So in an unnatural speed my hand went through his chest and right for his heart. "You have a few minutes to live, I suggest you conserve those by telling me everything you know and by ignoring the current blood loss you're experiencing because of the leg I ripped off." I told him with what I knew was a terrifying, fang filled grin that even made Finn flinch, so the rogue nodded eyes filled with tears. "Vincent planned for months, he wanted you, he wanted this pack but when he couldn't get that, it made him nuts, we had always been friends since he liked playing on the darkside, it's how my mates and I knew him, he said he would get us to be part of a pack if we helped him." He coughed out blood, my hand still in his chest.
"Where did he take them?" I questioned. "The old Bridgeton barracks, he said no one would look there since there were so many hidden bunkers but he's not in there, he went past them into the secret tunnel, there's a hidden bunker there, no other structures." He explained as the light dimmed in his eyes. "How many of your friends are there?" I demanded. "Eight excluding me, you should know, he plans to kill you if he can't kill your mate, with the poison your mother used on your mate's father, it's no coincidence, we gave it to her." He choked on more blood as his smile faltered, his last words made me bitter and angry, how could they do that to any one.
"Why take him, why take Amille?" Finn questioned. "Don't you get it loyal warrior, to get the alpha, you take the luna, but Vincent also took him for other purposes, after all blue blood is rare." The answer he gave made me feel a deep seated worry come to life, Vincent had indeed been tracking my mate more so than I thought. "Who else knows he's a blue blood?" I demanded. "Just my mates and Vincent." He whispered. "Good." I nodded to Finn and in one swift motion I tore out his heart, nine left. "Alpha." Finn began but my hiss made him silent as we walked out of the house. "Burn it down." I ordered the four other wolves who didn't hesitate to do my bidding.
I walked into the woods again, Finn a distance away from me as the house was up in flames. I breathed in deep as the wind nipped at my skin but did nothing to soothe my anger. "Alpha, uncle Calvin put a tracker in Amille's bracelet a long time ago, he didn't get into why but it pinned him in the old barracks." Tej informed through the link. "I know where they are Tej, we're headed that way, but don't make a move, Vincent is more dangerous than he's ever been." I projected. "Alpha, what do you mean?" Tej's father questioned. "The poison my mother used, she got it from rogues that are with Vincent, and there are eight of them, we need to be careful." I explained as a hum came through in response but nothing else, so I shifted allowing my wolf to take more control, I could feel it burn through my body, sheer will.
"Alpha." Finn whispered as he fell to one knee and Rha-Es let out a howl, it was different than before, this was a call, to my beta, to my warriors, and to my love, I knew he would hear it, I was coming for him.
Now, the final climax to howling love has come, are you guys as excited as me, yay!
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Howling Love.
WerewolfFirst Book in the SunSpear Pack series. Amille Laurent is every bit as precious as everyone sees it, he's sassy, talented and speaks his mind all the time, but there's one thing about Amille that has everyone constantly worrying about him, he's mute...