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Amille Laurent

I will admit, it was strange seeing Camryn this upclose, almost naked, fangs bared and eyes glowing like embers ready to ignite because he was angry, I knew he could get angry, I've seen him be angry, but this wasn't anger, this was fury. "Finish exactly what you were about to say, and I swear I'll start questioning if you're the woman who raised me." He hissed and I knew I had to intervene before this escalated. "Camr—." I couldn't finish it, even as I tried to type it, say it in sign, I couldn't, because of how he looked at me, that one glare that dared me to intervene and defend his mother.

"Not a word from you duck face, not a single one." He slightly growled. I knew there would be moments like these in our lives, where even I had to back down, he was still an alpha and I couldn't blatantly disrespect that, despite who we were to each other. "He's just a child, he's done nothing wrong to you, or anyone here, why would you hate him so much." Alpha Summer finally spoke up as he looked at his wife, his luna, there was no love in those eyes, just a burning hatred. "Come on shortstack." Camryn more or less commanded and I obliged because the situation was getting more awkward and tense, I didn't want to be around any longer.

I looked to my dad and my cousins who were now returning to their conversations, with more or less awkward coughs echoing in the air, my father nodded toward me with a wink, gesturing I go with Camryn and for some reason, none of our friends or my cousins were following, which meant they were staying away for a reason. "I'm sorry about her." Camryn finally spoke after we entered the house, his room upstairs specifically. "It's okay, I'm used to people not liking me." I replied lightly trying to just soothe the situation, somehow I could tell his wolf was still on edge. "It doesn't have to be like that, she's the luna, she's my mother, she's always taught me to love everyone and treat them how I would want to be treated and if ever I found my love, treat them like they were my everything, but what she said out there—." He sighed, shoulders shrugging as if the weight of his mother's words weighed on him so heavily.

So I did what my dad taught me, I just hugged him, held him until he was okay. Today was unlike any of our usual days, sure I had hugged Camryn before but this particular day it felt different, I felt more of him than I usually did, I could feel him taking in my scent, wolf habits, nuzzle and rumble like a cat making me giggle. "All I'll ever want." He whispered and I chose not to ask, he found his mate today, and what if today, —was the last day we could ever be in each other's arms, have him in all his glorious build in mine. "Are you okay moose?" He asked and I nodded silently.

"How did the hunt go?" I finally asked and that was how our never ending conversation started. "It went better than expected, caught a large stag, will give you its crown when Kendra has the head processed." He replied in my language and I cringed. "That sounds gross." I gagged and he chuckled. "Trust me it is but it is also tradition, you'll honour it." He whispered the last part of his response as he finally finished his shower, I helped him dress up making sure my eyes didn't wander down south, today was not the day, we had spent almost an hour or more up in his room. "Are you ready, and have I told you shortstack, —you look beautiful, just right for me to gobble you up." He teased making me blush whilst his arms enveloped me, I couldn't resist being in arms, as a wet tounge trailed down just above my collarbone, I wanted to scream, get away but then I was clamped down. "Hmmm, tastes like chocolate and sugar alright." He asserted in a low octave and I shuddered.

I successfully untangled myself from Camryn who whined of course. "Let's get down there before you start getting ideas boyscout." I signed and he narrowed his eyes on me. "Oh I'm the one getting ideas, what did you think would happen when you look this fine for me chocoswirl, huh." He argued and my blush wouldn't go away. We argued all the way to the backyard where everyone was now enjoying the party since I'm sure, someone had let my aunt and father select the music and open bottles. "Here they are, to Camryn, our alpha!" One of Camryn's uncles made the toast as everyone cheered chugging down their beers.

"Look at you, absolutely glowing, Camryn effect I see." Max teased as she came to us. "What are you talking about?" I demanded seeming disturbed by her statement. "Oh please you can't pretend with us." Dean chimes in as we all laugh, despite being mute, my friends had gotten a hang of using my language, Max being the motivation to learn sign language, and my cousins downloading a lot of how to books on the language and text to speech apps for me, it was endearing but I appreciated even more. Camryn nodded toward me as he mingled with his relatives and some close pack members who were at the party, I could see the gleam in his eyes, he was happy and that's all I ever wanted for him.

"Cake, cake, cake!" His siblings chanted and everyone joined in, it was almost midnight, everyone was in anticipation as was I, as the clock would strike midnight, his mate would be revealed. "You look nervous, it could only be one thing." Uncle Kyra, my ever perceptive uncle. "What dad?" Tej interjects as he comes over to where we stood. "It's twenty or less minutes till midnight, Camryn will find his one and this cute little bird is worried." He explained and I sighed, was I that easy to read. "Don't worry so much Amille, whatever happens, whatever the outcome, we'll be here for you." Max reassures me as I opt not to reply her but just hug her and everyone joins in.

"You'll be okay kiddo, alright." Uncle Kyra added as he gestured us to the cake that had been brought in, so we shuffled a bit closer with everyone. I found my dad and went to stand by him with Dean who smiled my way. "Oh my drink." Dad blurts out and I just roll my eyes with a chuckle as he gulps down his vodka but before he finishes it, I grab the glass. "Hey!" He protests. "Not for you." He finishes as I give him a lazy look. "We're about to start singing." I pointed out and an oh sound escapes his lips. "Happy birthday —." Everyone began singing, I just clapped along, the best I could do, but my dad's grunt made me stop, he made another grunt, he seemed to be in pain clutching onto his chest.

"Dad are you okay?" I quickly typed on my phone. "I'm fi—ah." He cried out as he stumbled back. I grabbed him and led him away from the signing to a vacant chair a few yards away. "Talk to me." I desperately signed after setting his glass down on the chair I had helped him sit on. "Sweetheart, I don't need you to panic, but—." He paused as he hunched over and heaved everything he had eaten plus blood which alarmed me, a lot, my father could handle his liquor and he was a wolf, he shouldn't vomit blood. "Dad!" I cried out but nothing came, I shook him as he tried to fight it as a coughing fit overcame him, I knew I had to do something, so I stood up and rushed over to my uncle, he was the closest one I could see.

I didn't say anything, just tugged on his shirt helplessly. "Amille, kiddo what's wrong?" He demanded in panic because I knew I had tears in my eyes. So he followed me. "Calvin, Goddess what happened?" He questioned as dad's shirt was covered in sploshes of blood and his mouth. "Quickly let's get him to the infirmary." Uncle Kyra took dad in his arms and ran, I followed behind, panicking with tears streaming down my cheeks but before I crossed the threshold, I remember something, so I ran back to the party, grabbed the glass he had been drinking from, turned back and followed my uncle praying my father was alright, he was my all.

I could feel it, as the clock struck midnight, a part of me felt different, a shift, but I couldn't stop, we couldn't stop as my uncle sped toward the pack infirmary whilst making calls. "Get it ready and have everyone on standby right now!" He hissed into his phone as he drove further toward the infirmary. It's going to be okay dad, it has to be okay.

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Saint Jay.

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