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Amille Laurent.

I was physically drained as Camryn and I were hurriedly putting both our clothes on, I was first to finish as I grabbed his pants and belt clipped it on, then went on to buttoning his shirt, it had been so hastily a few buttons were misplaced. I didn't need to look over my own hair I knew it was right but his, it definitely looked like sex hair but we didn't have time for it now as we both chuckled toward each other. "Shall we?" He asks and I nod, he opened the door for me and I slipped past, waited for him to lock up and we walked hand in hand away from the auto shop we had left in a mess, especially his office since I couldn't keep my hands to myself.

"Do we really have to do this?" He grumbles and I nod tugging him forward. "I did not just go seven rounds of sex today only —in the shop for you to back out now, we're going to see your dad and your mom, along with my dad." I pressed on and he sighed. "Fine, atleast you'll be there, and I am thoroughly satisfied even Rha-Es is beat, how do you manage, keeping up with us not just today but this whole entire week of barely anything but you making sure every chance you got, you had me ontop or you were riding, I think I created a monster." He quipped back and I smacked his arm. "Hey, focus, I'm not revealing any secrets but I will be here to satisfy my mate, that's all I can say." I retorted and he snickered then tugged on my hand, pulling me even closer.  "My beautiful mate." He whispered and I smiled, I loved him so much. "My handsome tyrant, I love you." I told him and he smiled widely.

"I'm in love with you." He replied and I was the one to snicker. "Not a competition but ditto." I chuckled as our hands were entwined, we didn't care who approved or who didn't, we didn't care what anyone else had to say about us, we were just us in love. After the whole kidnapping was over, the pack under my mate's rule had become stricter, his rules in my perspective made the pack safer though a few argued some of the laws he had put on the pack, —those who were against them, were quickly shown the door to leave the pack, which silenced them, having hunted down rogues as far as the mountains, which was two days the journey to the Alscender pack meant they were nowhere near Bridgeton and most of them were killed or those worth saving were brought back, like the two I had saved in the bunker.

I had also got in contact with Alpha Lincoln, he had also done his own rogue purge from there into the mountains meaning on both ends we could breathe a little better, and it was visible more so in the city and the pack, the crime rate had gone down significantly and the pack was thriving, finally they could have their kids be what they were, wolves who roamed the land freely. It was refreshing. "What are you thinking about?" Camryn suddenly questions as we were near his dad's office. "Only you and how great at being alpha you're already turning out." I replied with the mind link like always but my response made him chuckle lowly. "Here I am thinking I'm not doing enough." He replied and I squeezed his large hand that engulfed mine in reassurance.

"You're doing enough Camryn, you're doing more than enough, the pack is thriving, and when Carter, his mate and Lincoln get here you'll see that they'll commend you too, it's going to be alright." I reassured him and he smiled nudging my side. "Beautiful and wise, how lucky can a wolf get." He teased making me blush. "Thank you shortstack, your reassurance is all I will ever need." He replied and I nodded in return, I would always be there to guide and support him, in the worst and best of his decisions, because that's what mates do, so do lovers.

After our walk we finally stood at alpha Summer's office, my dad was already here hence his expensive black jeep that took up two parking spots. The other two most likely were Camryn's parents. His heavy sigh made me turn to face him. "Okay?" I asked. "Ready." He replied as we walked in, headed to the third floor, the silence wasn't overwhelming but the muffled cries were somehow alarming so we walked faster to the double doors expecting horror but nothing. "Good, you're finally here." Uncle Kyra cheered as our parents turned to face us. "Finally, we were tired of waiting on you." Camryn's dad hissed, let's just say he was still bitter about his son forcibly removing him from his position as alpha, but before Camryn did, he was making horrible decisions and when his son forcibly took the mantle, they found it easy to support him instead, luckily he didn't disappoint.

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