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Amille Laurent.

"You won't believe what just happened!" I announced with my phone to Max as we were by the bleachers waiting on my cousins and Camryn to finish training. "You seem pretty excited about it for sure, did Carymn finally kiss you?" She asked excitedly and I looked at her flatly. "Get your head out of the gutter Max, I'm actually serious here, and no he didn't kiss me." I signed and she seemed to deflate. I wondered what was up with her and my family expecting Camryn to kiss me or do something along those lines, I personally didn't think we were there yet.

"I was going to tell you about the pack wolves, in all my classes, there is this guy, —Vincent, he bumped into me first period and tried to pretend it wasn't on purpose, everyone saw it, and guess what—." I narrated earning Max's full attention when I paused an anger seemed to be brewing in her eyes. "Yeah, —not guessing, what happened?" She demanded and I looked at her flatly again. "You're no fun, —anyway, that guy Finn and the others all stood up and protected me —sort of, they really looked out of me, it was weird, my dad and I are some what part of the pack but I didn't know they would stand up for me like that." I explained and Max's brewing anger was still apparent also a relief in her features too, I had learned to pick up on emotions with people's non verbal gestures and features, it helped when you couldn't ask them directly about it.

"Wow, they did that, —I'm sure it's because of Camryn, everyone literally sees you two together all the time, most of it arguing like an old couple, it's adorable, and also because the beta of the pack is your uncle, no one in their right senses would want to cross beta Kyra, he's scary, but I think most of all, they protected you just because you're you—not your disability don't even get me wrong but you're just fun, you talk to everyone, you help everyone, you're literally sunshine with curls and most of all, you aren't scared of wolves, you actually like being tossed around inbetween them." She explained and I cringed at the last part but her reasons made incredible sense, I was glad.

"No need to worry Amille, plus most of all whenever you see a wolf even if its an awkward situation, you always offer something sweet, like those boxed cupcakes you ordered for the team because you wanted them to have energy, —you could've literally bought them energy drinks or nothing, they're wolves." She signed the last part with a laugh and I couldn't help smile. "Sugar is better Max, sugar is better." I signed back as she came closer and we hugged whilst giggling. "Sugar is better then, but don't let Vincent get to you, focus on living your best life, okay." She asserted and I nodded with a smile parting from our hug, I was happy to have Max reassure me that I was okay, to have the pack be there for me, most of all, my friends, my cousins and Camryn.

"Hey shortstack, you two okay?" Camryn suddenly asked as he stood just below us, how he was suddenly there surprised me. "Positively." I signed back and that wide smile warmed my heart. "Come on, it's just you and me today, apparently Orlando and Max, even Dean have a thing to do, they're being super secretive." He exclaimed and I couldn't help be amused, he was pouting again. "Don't worry, we can have our own super secretive thing too." I replied him with my phone and he nodded happily with a smugness that made him cute, despite his size. "See you later you two!" Max called out as I held Camryn's hand whilst we walked to the entrance. "Tell her to be careful." I signed telling Camryn. "Maxine be careful!" He called out and looked at me like a puppy waiting for a reward because of an accomplished task. "You did good." I told him patting his cheeks and running my fingers through his hair.

"Come on." He muttered before grabbing my whole body tossing me onto his back. "What is wrong with you!" I typed and let my phone screech loudly. "Everything we both know that, —now hold on or you'll fall." He chided and I nodded placing my head on his shoulder, what surprised me was how he could carry all our stuff plus his heavy lacrosse equipment, I could barely drag it on the floor. "Moose, what do you think about us?" He suddenly questioned as we were by his car, I remained silent as he packed everything into the back even after he secured my belt in the car next to him, I was still in shock, Camryn had ambushed me with that question, of course I had an answer but with everything he didn't know about our fathers, it didn't feel right.

Yet, I wanted to tell him so badly. "Hotdogs at Ford, ice cream at my favourite spot, a few snacks in between then we drive to your spot with all of it because I think we need to have this conversation without interruption." I typed and he nodded without argument, my mind wasn't on a tail spin anymore but I was looking for where to start, how to explain and put everything into a perspective Camryn wouldn't be torn by. As he got out of the car to buy everything, I checked my bag for my extra tablet, it had power, same with my phone, and luckily Camryn hadn't taken out the blanket we used last time we were at our hangout spot near the cliff, it gave you a clear view of the city and the setting sun.

Once he was done buying everything, we were on our way, I wasn't ready to lay all my cards on the table but I wanted it now more than ever, to have direction, we could keep up the flirting, the hand holding, all the antics we pulled but eventually we needed to be on the same page, know which direction we were going in. "We're here chocoswirl." He announced as he unbuckled me and held a hand out for me to get out of the car, as gentle as always. Once we were seated by the blanket I patted the space next to me and as he sat down I leaned on him, his ridiculously large bicep draped over me protectively.

"I've never had someone I truly wanted, I was always reserved, always waiting for the other shoe to drop so that I had a reason not to go forward with telling anyone how I felt about them and being like myself, it made it harder, of course genuine guys were there but I never went forward, I guess in a way I was waiting, for that one, who knew me without being told or guided toward a conclusion, who opted to ask me directly rather than ask other people about how I felt, Camryn, I want you in my life, I want you by my side when I stop dreaming, I want to be like this for however long that we get, even forever." I finally told him, though it was through my tablet I told him.

"I'm not gonna drop the L' word on you just yet despite my wolf and I being in agreement, you make me feel happy Amille, my wolf complete and I doubt anyone else will ever make me feel this way, I want you too, I want to tease you, make you blush, have you argue with me about stupid things, and most of all hold your hand in both our good and bad, so working toward that, would you like to go on an actual date with me when we go on that road trip, I already asked your dad for permission." He stated and I turned to look up at him with stars in my eyes, for so long I had wanted this and hadn't even realized it but here in the right now, it was there and real, so I nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, I would very much like that." I responded and he chuckled holding me closer, a silent I love you passing in between us. "Camryn there is something you have to know, about our dads." It was now or never, I waited for him to respond. "Whatever it is, it can wait, this moment is ours, plus the ice cream might just melt." He declared and I nodded, in as much as I wanted to argue that, he was right, despite the messiness of our lives, this was our moment and all I wanted was to just be in it. "I've got you shortstack, and I'm not letting go." He whispered and I blushed hiding behind chocolate ice cream.

Howling Love.

Precious isn't it, I just love these two.

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