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Ansley and Zen

As part of his punishment Zen was required to go with the first group of servants to the new mansion. The task of helping move everything into the new mansion took all day and by the time that everyone else-except Amanda, Nathaniel, Mira, and Nate-arrived the next day; everything was in their prospective rooms in the mansion. However there were still quite a few rooms that needed organization. Which is what is currently being worked on.


"It is almost midnight and you two have an early morning, so let me know once you two finish working on this room then it is off to bed for you two." The head maid states

"Yes Ma'am" Ansley and Zen replied at the same time.

Ansley and Zen still had a ways to go until they were to be finished with the room they were working on. Though they still managed to finish it before midnight, and they were on their way to see the head maid when they were both pulled into a dark unlit room.

"Ansley Zen you need to follow me." the familiar voice of Nate said urgently, his voice barely a whisper.

"Nate what are you doing here? I thought that you and the rest of your family are supposed to arrive in two days." Zen askes

"Long story short I stowed away with a few servants and left a note for my family that I have come here to explore the new mansion. Which is actually what I have been doing, and I found this map-one of the guards must have left it out. Now know the way to get you two out. So follow me." Nate says quickly, while grabbing Ansley's and Zen's wrist pulling them deeper into the dark room.

"Wait." Ansley whisper yells and they come to a complete stop.

"Okay I have two questions for you Nate. One, how are we supposed to follow you if we can not even see you? Two, where exactly are we following you to? Because we are in a room, not a hallway." Ansley whispers.

"There is a secret passageway that leads just barely outside the Mansion's grounds, and as for your first question there are torches lit in the passageway but until then you can hold my hand and Zen can hold yours, and I will lead you two to the entrance of the passageway." Nate answers.

Nate led them to the part of the room where the entrance of the secret passageway is located and then he opened the passageway and they all stepped inside. And they all started to walk down through the maze of tunnels with Nate guiding the way. All was fine until they were nearing their exit when two guards showed up behind them.

"Hey! What are you three doing here!?" One guard yelled

"Nothing, just exploring, and I told them that they had to come with me." Nate says matter-of-factly, then pausing for a moment before continuing.

"What are you doing here?" Nate askes accusingly, folding his arms over his chest.

"Well we were sent to guard the exit of this tunnel to ensure that no one leaves the property. So we are going to need you three to leave now before we make you three leave." The same guard says.

"Okay fine we'll." Nate states while slowly starting to back up, motioning for Ansley and Zen to follow his lead.

"Hey where do you think you're going!?" The other guard yells, reaching out to grab Nate.

"ANSLEY, ZEN RUN!!" Nate yells while trying to get out of the guards grasp.

After looking back Nate Ansley and Zen start sprinting to the exit.

"I got Junior here you go get the other two kids. I will call for backup." The guard holding Nate says to the other guard.

"It is just two kids I don't need backup" The other guard states to the guard holding Nate-who just mutters something about newbies under his breath.

A chase ensued between the guard and two kids-who were easily leaving the guard in the dust. Ansley and Zen had just passed the exit and are now in the forest outside the mansion walls. They continued running through the forest trying to use the cover of darkness to their advantage. And when they thought that they were a safe distance from the guard who was chasing them; they decided to stop and catch their breath. However that turned out to not be the best idea, because that was when the guard caught up to them. The guard was about to grab Ansley but Zen pushed her out of the way, so the guard ended up grabbing Zen instead.

"ZEN! Ansley yells.

"Run Ansley, I'll be fine, just go." Zen yells back.

Ansley continues running until she ends up finding a place to hide for the night.

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