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Hi, I just wanted to say sorry for not posting for a while. At first when I was writing this chapter I had some writers block and then there was a bunch of stuff going on in my life that caused me to put off writing for a while. I am going to be having surgery later this month an my right hand, but I am going to try to work on it more frequently then I had been. I am currently trying to get at least the next couple of chapters done. I have a couple of shorter chapters coming up were I'm gonna introduce some new characters.


 "Victoria ... Victoria ... Victoria, open your eyes, my love." A familiar voice says softly, while a hand strokes Victoria's cheek.

Victoria's eyes slowly start to open and as her eyes begin to focus she begins to take in her surroundings. To Victoria's shock and confusion, kneeling on the cold ground beside her appears to be Artemis, however given recent events she is not so sure if the man beside her is her beloved husband or his twin-well one of his evil triplets. Victoria backs away from the man claiming to be her husband. For a moment Victoria just stares at the man trying to figure out if he really is who he says he is.

"Victoria. My Love, please say something." The man says with a pleading look in his eyes, his voice laced with concern.

Artemis, wanting to comfort his beloved wife, starts to slowly walk towards Victoria reaching out to her with his hands in an attempt to try to comfort her, but the action only scares Victoria causing her to back up more until her back hits a stone wall. Victoria's reaction causes Artemis to stop in his tracks, raising his hands in an attempt to assure her that he is not a threat to her.

"My love, it is me Artemis, please tell me what is wrong, what has made you so frightened?" Artemis pleads

Victoria stares blankly at the man thinking of what to say. "Artemis, is that really you? If it is really you, tell me something that only you and I would know." Victoria says with much uncertainty.

Artemis ponders for a moment before speaking. "Shortly after we first started dating things were still a bit rough from when you broke up with Harrison after he started getting insanely possessive of you and jealous of everyone you would hang out with. You were needing a break from everything going on with Harrison, so I arranged a surprise trip for just the two of us. I made it so that only a select trusted few would know about our secret trip. The trip was to last for a week under the guise of you visiting family and me receiving some training from my Grandfather. We went to a secluded village located in the floating forest in Forestaria. I chose that place specifically because I knew that no one would recognize us and that we-you would be able to relax without worrying about what crazy stunt my idiot brother Harrison was going to try to pull to get you back." Artemis pauses for a moment as a huge grin spread across his face as if remembering one of the best moments of his life. "On the fifth day of our trip you stayed up late planning an impromptu hike and picnic. You woke me up at the crack of dawn and told me 'we were going on a hike so you better start getting ready.' After taking a few minutes to wake up and to get ready; we started on the hike with you leading the way of course since I had no idea where we were going. Eventually you led us to a beautiful waterfall where we shared the most wonderful picnic and our first kiss. We actually ended up spending most of the day there and by the end of the day we had confessed our love for one another. On our wedding night you asked me when I knew that you are the one that I want to spend my life with and I told you that it was that day in the forest by that waterfall when we had our first kiss and confessed our love for one another was the moment that I knew that you Victoria Ella Moringstar are the only one for me." The moment Artemis finishes taking both him and Victoria have tears running down their face, and Victoria-now knowing with absolute certainty that the man standing in front of her is none other then her beloved husband Artemis-runs to Artemis throwing her arms around his neck almost making them both fall the ground below as Artemis catches Victoria in a giant hug

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