Forming A Team

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The King of Dragons Zadin (The Elder One)

"Excuse me, Elder One, we just received an unmarked letter addressed to you. However we couldn't figure out who sent the letter" A servant says while walking towards The Elder One.

"Okay, you can just leave it on my desk and I will take a look at it once I finish up this paper work for the new schools that are going to be built in all the Realms." Zadin states


It is now well into the evening and Zadin is just now finishing up with all his paperwork-a fun little perk that comes with being the King of all dragons. Zadin is just about to leave his office when he remembers the letter that he received this morning, so Zadin decided to bring the letter with him so that he may look at it when eating dinner.

Dear Zadin,

My deepest apologies to contact you on such short notice, and with such urgency. However it has recently come to my attention that my beloved husband Artemis is not who he seems to be. For I have recently found out that Harrison has been parading around as Artemis ever since Ansley and Zen were kidnapped. Worst of all Harrison helped, and he locked Artemis away somewhere, and he made me unknowingly have a kid with him. Then he took her away somewhere; I have no idea where. However I have recently found out that Artemis and I can communicate with each other through our dreams. This has allowed for us to come up with a plan to try and find Ansley and Zen. Though we will need your help to pull this plan off. The plan is to call together a group of unique individuals who together will not only be able to bring back Ansley and Zen but also help Ansley and Zen defeat those who would dare threaten the peace of which Starrilia and her realms have enjoyed for centuries.

Sincerely, Victoria

Zadin momentarily stares at the letter he just read in shock. With about a million thoughts running through his head. " . . . How could I have not noticed that all this time Harrison was masquerading as Artemis . . . Why would Harrison do this to his brother, his sister-in-law, his niece, his nephew. His family. . . What Harrison could possibly gain from this . . . What's the end game . . . "

Zadin quickly pulls himself from the many thoughts swarming around in his mind. Telling himself to pull himself together; cause there are more pressing matters to attend to, and overthinking will not get anything done. So Zadin calls one of the servants into the room telling them to send an urgent message to the council of dragons letting them know that he needs to meet them as soon as possible.


The council of dragons consist of scholars, warriors, and the leaders from each of the eight dragon tribes.

There are the Cosmic dragons, the most powerful of all the dragons. They rule over all the dragons and live in both Starillia and the home of dragons. The Shadow dragons, they are the Cosmic dragons right hand man, they work in the shadows with the help of their shadow magic, and they live only in the home of the dragons. The Storm dragons, they are a force to be reckoned with for they are fierce warriors with their ability to conjure up storms from thin air as well as excellent scholars often found trying to learn the secrets of the universe in their home of Astoria. The Nature dragons have the power to control nature itself, making plants grow or die before one's very eyes, they live in the realm Forestaria. The fire Dragons are the most temperamental of all the dragons, they can breathe fire and they live in the realm that was once known as FireFrost but after the civil war that caused FireFrost to split they now live in Everlast. The Air dragons can control the winds, they live in the realm Skyla. The Ice dragons are the opposite of the Fire dragons, they too lived in the realm that was once known as FireFrost but after the civil war that caused FireFrost to split they now live in Neverlast. Last but not least there are the Water dragons who are very peaceful and easy going, they have water based magic, and live the Shadow dragons they only live in the home of the dragons.

"Esteemed council members I have called this emergency meeting to bring up some information on an ongoing matter that still to this day remains unsolved." Zaden quickly says in a loud voice. Reaching into his bag and pulling out the letter that he received the day before, giving it to the council members so they could read it as well.

The council members were shocked upon reading the letter, but they knew that something had to be done to stop Harrison and Kage, and save the ruling family of Starrillia and her Realms. "We have to do something to not only stop Harrison and Kage. We need to get Artemis and the twins-we need to free the entire royal family." The Leader of the Water dragon clan exclaimed. The Leader of the Water dragon's comment sparked a heavy debate among the counsel.

Then one voice raised above the debate. "I believe there is one thing everyone is forgetting about."

"And what would that be, Oh Wise Fiery Kobolt?" someone asked sarcastically.

"We still have no idea where the twins are. We do not have any idea where Artemis is, until now we did not even know that Artemis was missing nor that Victoria was even in any danger. We also do not know where Kage is nor if he is even working with anyone. We will need to figure these things out before we can even do anything." Kobolt-the Leader of the Fire dragon clan-states matter-of-factly

"Always a pessimist aren't you Kobolt? I don't suppose you have an idea where to start do you? No? Well that is all right because I have one, my idea is that we form a team who will primarily focus on finding the twins, but they will also be looking for clues as to the location of Artemis, and the location of Kage and any of his associates. I would also like to propose that we have at least one member of the counsel." the Leader of the Shadow dragon clan states confidently.

"And just how do you plan for this counsel to go about forming this team Mira? Kobolt asks quizzically before stating "And no I am not a pessimist, I rather consider myself a realist."

"I was thinking that we could consult the fates. They might not have been able to help locate the twins however I do believe that they could help us to find those who will lead us to the twins." Mira answers; after which there is some debate among the council members for a few minutes before Zadin stands from his seat. "Esteemed Council Members I do believe that we have come up with a plausible solution, and I purpose that we move to vote on the matter. All in favor?" All of the councilors raised their hands. "Well it is unanimous; Mira since it is your plan I would like you and Kobolt to work together to bring this team together and bring back Ansley and Zen. And with that I believe that brings our meeting to an end, since at this moment there is nothing else to be done."

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