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Ansley and Zen

"Ansley, Ansley wake up!" Zen yells while shaking his sister, trying to wake her up. Seeing that she is not waking up he stops for a moment to think about how to get her to wake up; then he gets an idea. "Wake up or I am going to jump onto you!" Zen threatens he waits for a few seconds and sees that Ansley is still not waking up. So he stands up ready to pounce onto his sister. "Alright you asked for it; don't say that I didn't warn you. Zen then jumps onto his sister which has the desired effect of waking Ansley up. Ansley decides to punch Zen's shoulder-which wasn't very hard since she is five. "Hey what was that for?" Zen asks "That was for jumping on me and waking me up!" Ansley exclaims "I told you that I was going to jump onto you if you didn't wake up. You brought that on yourself." Zen yells trying to defend himself, turning to face away from his sister crossing his arms over his chest. The two sit in silence for a few minutes before Ansley takes a look around and realizes that they are alone in a moving vehicle. "Hey Zen" Ansley says calmly. "What?!" Zen snaps still facing away from his sister. "Where are we going?" Ansley asked curiously. Zen turns back to face his sister, with a look on his face that said that he just remembered something. "Oh I don't know. I was actually going to ask you that same thing once I got you to wake up" Zen states calmly. "Zen I was asleep, how would I know where we are going?" Ansley asks while giving her brother a, are you serious type of look.

Ansley and Zen remained in the moving vehicle for what felt like days-though in reality it has only been a couple of hours since Ansley and Zen were taken from their home and woke up in this vehicle traveling who knows where.. They tried to open the door; however, the door was locked and their five year old strength was no match for the lock. So they remained in a windowless locked room in some type of vehicle that has been driving for who knows how long.

It is now the next day and the vehicle has stopped moving and the sound of doors opening and closing can be heard along with the sound of someone messing with keys. This means that they have finally arrived at their destination. "Zen I think we are finally here." Ansley whispers. "Finally now we can get out of this stupid car, we've been in here for days." Zen says dramatically, and Ansley slaps Zen on the back of his head. "Ow" Zen yells while rubbing the back of his head. "Mommy and Daddy said that you are not supposed to say stupid because it is a bad word!" Ansley states matter-of-factly. Zen was about to say something back when the door was suddenly thrown open. Now they were able to step foot out of the vehicle and take a look at their surroundings. They were at a place where there was a huge mansion that they noticed was surrounded by a bunch of trees, and in the trees they could see what looked like a weird electric blue river. They were greeted by two people who were dressed in identical long black robes.

"Welcome to your new home, children. I suggest you get comfortable here, because you will be staying here for a very long time." The lady states taking her hood off revealing her identity. "Nana Nala!!!"Ansley and Zen shouted, running towards their beloved nanny. The man steps forward getting in front of Amanda and shoves the children back, making them fall to the ground. "Now listen here, brats this is my wife and her name is Amanda not Nala, and she is not your 'Nana Nala' anymore. You have been sent to live with us, and while you are here you will address my wife as Madame and you will address me as Sir. You will also be expected to do whatever it is that we tell you to do, and we will fill you in on the rest of the rules of the house after you are shown around. Is that understood?" Nathaniel states harshly. Too scared to be able to conjure up any words Ansley and Zen just nod their heads still trying to process what is happening. "Good now that that is settled; come with us children we are going to show you around your new home. Amanda and Nathaniel gave a tour of the grounds before entering the house to give them a tour of the mansion.

"Okay now for the rules of the house:

You must do whatever we tell you to do.

You must never leave the grounds that this house is on.

You must never ever go into the forest on these grounds.

You must never lie.

You are never to use magic unless you are given permission by one of us.

If you ever decide to break any of these rules you face severe consequences.

So now that you know the rules of the house, are there any questions before you two meet our kids?" Nathaniel askes with a scowl on his face. "Ummm . . . Where are Mommy and Daddy? Why do we have to do whatever you tell us? Also why were we brought here? And where even are we? And when can we go home?" Ansley blurts out all her questions at once. "Well we are on the Forbidden planet Obsidious. Your parents sent you two brats here to live with us and to work for us, and they will have their own problems to attend to so they will not be joining us ever. You will be staying here for as long as my family lives here, and if for whatever reason my family has to move you two brats will be coming with us." Nathaniel pauses and looks down at Ansley and Zen before continuing. "So now that all your questions have been answered Amanda will go get our two kids so that you all may meet one another." Nathaniel states while Amanda leaves to go get their kids.

After a few minutes Amanda returns with two kids following behind her. "This is Mira, she is nine years old," Amanda says, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. Mira was about average height for age; she has her father's beautiful golden blond hair, and she had her mother's icy blue eyes that hold the same ice cold stair. "And this is Nathaniel Jr. he is six years old." Nathaniel says placing a hand on his son's shoulders. Nathaniel Jr. is tall for his age-much like his father when he was six- he has his mother's dark brown-almost black-hair, and his father's bright green eyes. However unlike the rest of his family-whose eyes are cold and filled with hatred Nathaniel Jr.'s eyes are bright and curious.

By the time that they were done with introductions it was time for dinner, so they all made their way to the dining hall. They all took their seats at the long dining table and they all waited to be served dinner. Then after dinner Nathaniel and Amanda along with their kids showed Ansley and Zen where they would be sleeping. "As we said earlier the bedrooms that are not currently being used by one of us, or the bedrooms that are in the servants quarters are reserved for any guest who comes to our mansion for one of our many parties. So normally we would have any servants sleeping in the servant quarters. However there is a shortage of rooms in the servants quarter, so you will instead be staying in-" Amanda started. "We are not servants, we are the crown Prince and Princess of all the Realms, so I don't see what the problem would be." Ansley states boldly, Nathaniel then slaps Ansley across the face causing her to fall to the ground, and leaving a stinging red mark on Ansley's left cheek and tears streaming down her face. "You little brat! I do not care what station of life you were born into. Do not interrupt my wife while she is talking to you, you will listen when someone is talking to you. You have already been told that you do what you are told, and I will tell you right now that there will be consequences if you break any rules." Nathaniel yells, anger written all over his face. "Now my darling wife, may you please continue on with what you were saying." Nathaniel says calmly, while smiling at his wife. "Thank you my darling husband. Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" Amanda pauses to glare at Ansley "Normally we would have any servants sleeping in the servant quarters. However there is a shortage of rooms in the servants quarter, so you will instead be staying in Mira's and Nathaniel Jr.'s old walk-in closets-they recently had their rooms renovated to give them a second much larger closet." Amanda says matter-of-factly

Nathaniel and Amanda then started heading to Mira's and Nathaniel Jr.'s rooms-their rooms are right next to each other. Once they got to the rooms Nathaniel and Nathaniel Jr. took Zen to his new room while Amanda and Mira took Ansley to her new room.

Happy Star Wars day everyone. May the fourth be with you

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